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Everything posted by Nightbat

  1. Just a VF-1D Since my Yamato has a busted canopy
  2. At my place, I'm usually the last to see what kind and color the panties of a new figure are
  3. can't believe you guys never went for something like this:
  4. No, wrong assumption If you think I would accept a reboot of Aliens, but now with a man cast in Ripley's role, my stance would be the same Don't fix what ain't broken the only difference in that example would be the progressives being the ones changing their stance That I should hate this movie for it's replacing a woman with a man
  5. Yes, I'm one of those conservatives who's opinion rests for a good part on not liking old classics being ..... 'rebooted' (the trailer only helps proving my judgment being correct, your opinion may vary) Regardless of who they put in the cast. bar the original characters, I would have dismissed it as another creatively bankrupt Hollywood turning a classic into cash cow anyway (and I would have taken it as a creative bankrupt Hollywood "last chance for a big paycheck" for the old cast) Now, I don't mind receiving some flak for that, I AM getting stubborn at my 'old age' But I draw the line of civility when somebody decides for me that a movie is good/I hate a movie "because it has women in it" If I slowly got tired of reboots long ago, I got tired a lot faster from the recent wave of 'progressives'
  6. I Stand by my opinion that it's a movie nobody wanted to see without the original characters and the SJW-backed BS only made it worse
  7. With 7 or 8 Sabers in my collection ..I'll pass on this one (Though admittedly, she does look nice)
  8. I still fondly remember playing the original Metal Gear on the MSX together with F1 spirit and The Treasure of Usas
  9. 7-10°C So if I get this correctly ...my beer needs to make room for my figures
  10. Even though I already have the Yamato 1/3000 I guess it's time to start saving up
  11. The TV Macross being about 1200m and the figure I found for the Prometheus 512m and Daedalus 488m, I would say they aren't that badly proportioned looking at the toy
  12. It's easy to get lost in the mix, did a search but came up empty, figured it better to risk posting old news than members missing out
  13. Dunno if it's old news already http://www.nekomagic.com/?p=56957 as a kit, I'm out
  14. Seems I'm not too late for this party yet Gotta say that at 20cm (including base?) it's a bit small, but looking at static/non transformable figures of the same size going for Y9000+, it's price is actually not that bad Luckily I already have the 1/3000 Yamato, and I don't think we'll be seeing a TV version anywhere soon
  15. Yea, I'm pretty much out of the loop on the whole rights debate (And I think it's no use to get started on it ) Australia isn't an option, Netherlands here
  16. Quick question guys I currently own the "Anime Cartoon International" Boxset of the original SDF Macross (Yeah the one with the abysmal subbing) Is there currently any better set available, or is it down to hunting on Ebay for the Animeigo (or similar) set?
  17. My figure collecting died down to about 1 a year since 2010, last purchase was the Wave Saber figures in illuminated jewel case (admittedly I missed out on the GS Kiss Shot Acerola because the release was postponed and came in my vacation and because I failed to send payment HLJ decided to block my account after 18 years of deals) If anything, if there has been any withdrawl, it is mitigated by the lesser stress on the wallet
  18. Alright. Got the design for confirmation, went to work on it.. Found it containing a bit too much grey, so upped the amount of black. There was a small mistake in communication concerning the chest, I never discussed it Shouldn't be in the black/yellow as in the artwork supplied But also when I looked at it, the position of the bars felt wrong, and it was: In Battroid, the bars are the collar, not the chest (Just take a look at that previous artwork I posted, it looks as if the entire front fuselage 'drooped' downward) But anyway Without further ado:
  19. Hmm, the Roy TV flightsuit wouldn't have been half bad Anyways, the endresult will be much more subdued and limited, since mostly: a suit designed from scratch costs a fortune and that any emblem or logo is an upcharge So after €200 for just the skull on the back and the chest striping, I figured I'd contemplate anything else when I see the final design before conformation (the UN spacy Roundel on the sleeve still is something I might add) Went for measurements last Saturday, had the choice of 3 designs, went with this one, which will feature in best imagery the Yamato VF-1J stealth color scheme (black/charcoal/gunmetal grey) I may ask to omit the vertical stripes, depending on how the chest striping works out
  20. One game that is decades old now and I'm still playing: Transport tycoon deluxe
  21. Heh Oh well since it was nothing more than a prototype for ideas I didn't put more effort in it it now serves its function to swap colors to see if I can get a low-vis/stealth vibe
  22. Yeah I saw those destroids and found them way too overpriced I thought Yamato simply became Arcadia Nothing more than a name change But they went belly up? Hm, didn't know that
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