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Everything posted by Nightbat

  1. this kind of looses the use of the term "Preorder" but anyways, don't blame me, I ordered 6 from HLJ
  2. Nice to know somebody is having fun <_< Maybe nice to take the debate over to PM It's hardly on topic (it surely doesn't belong in the Toys-thread anymore)
  3. Must be that thing they call a "hobby"
  4. Hmmm,... I believe I saw this pic float around the boards a few months ago definatly a Knock-off they sure used cheap plasics
  5. If rumours are true and Yamato has it's biggest no. of customers in Japan and the VF-1A sold out we can expect that Macross isn't that bad a seller My guess is the japanese don't care for the chunky monkeys anymore Maybe Bandai missed the train just because competition is leagues ahead
  6. damn...another toyline wasted <_< either release all 1/60's in 1/72 or vice versa, this is irritating
  7. Yeah G-man It's like an AreaSeven anime-review without Areaseven the Coke without the Cola the mexicans without their sombreros my paycheck without taxes (I'd wish! ) a Macross collection without a GPB-Armor the Sado-masochist without...... uhmmmz,.. nevermind, you get the point *No budgees were harmed in the making of this post
  8. Stupid question is the Elint supposed to have hands? I thought the sensorarrays replaced them
  9. I would say in a place where space is limited (aircraft carrier) having small planes would allow you to carry more
  10. 6 Fastpack will be my most expensive purchase to come €272,- if the VE-1 and VT-1 would be included it would add up to €426,- don't know if the Q-rau or Monster will top that but I do hope to acquire them both *my other hobby 'guitars' one purchase topped $2500 guess the guys here with cars as a hobby would top that edit: Oh one Item the first 1/48 (exchange rate wasn't as good as now)
  11. Got the whole set of Steel Angel Kurumi it was a blast!!!! having myself chuckle when watching Project A-ko this one really had me laughing out loud (getting some funny looks from familymembers, me being behind the PC with Earphones in) Nice about the story is that it gets more serious as it advances without losing any of the humor I'd say this series has enough for a fanboy but the T&A aren't overly abundant that it takes away from the series (although Project A-ko has less) Because of my PC I was confronted with the English Dub a few times ..Oh man, talk about Nails on a blackboard (think Kurumi's Japanese voice is irritating? then DON'T switch to English) Alot of fun and worth watching again (even though I saw it 3 months ago) I recommend it to anyone who wants a good laugh, action and eyecandy Side note: I have the Encore DVD, it doesn't really "Add" to the previous DVDs but they are sidestories and fun to watch anyway, although I do believe I saw a change in artwork - Favorite steel angel? That's a toss-up between Kurumi and Saki But in the end I find Saki to be my steel angel of choice
  12. Problem: My 1/48 can't hold it's gunpod, it's always hanging loose in it's hand Solution: The problem is the triggerfinger, if you place it in the triggerhole it will push the gunpod forward thereby folding the rest of the fingers outward and losing grip *proceed at own risk* heat up the triggerfinger and bend it till it's 90 degrees ( _| instead of _/ ) this way it pushes the gunpod backwards in the palm of the hand and the rest of the fingers will hold their grip *saw this problem in the "Improvements-Thread", thought I post my solution here
  13. *Schwooooooossssshhh* That wasn't the Toilet flushing... it's the sound of my Creditcard account together with the FP my reserve has just been flushed away But they'll be mine [maniac font]hahahahaha[/maniac font]
  14. Yeah the 1D went like hot pancakes Maybe the Elint won't go that fast, but I'm guessing the Ostrich will
  15. My Yammy VF-1D Getting my Canopy off I was wiggeling it, increased power then it came loose, unfortunatly I have quite some squeezing power the poor canopy had no chance in hell,...I mashed it between my fingers
  16. I think good poseability and good detail aren't a gimmick opening cockpits/hatches, same a walking Monster, working searchlights or working radars, now those are gimmicks (edit: But I could care less for those)
  17. My 2001, Jackson USA Select, Snakeskin Randy Rhoads Oh wait -Macross- ? Strangely Although The Yamato's blow everything out of the water it's still that one lone Bandai 1/55 VF-1S Super,.... I fell in love with that toy before I ever saw (ahem)..Ro...(cough)..Robote...(choke)...tech Autobot Transformer Jetfire After seeing that show I felt Jetfire was a Corny Ripoff* (*Ironic, isn't it) Heheh, yet strangely my Bandai NEVER gets any attention
  18. Good point for this thread Now the Flipside: Minmay Still a Micron Trapped onboard of a spaceship with 50' Giants and she's the only female So... How did she and Britai become "Friends" huh?
  19. $3000,- ....and it doesn't even transform? what a ripoff *what the hell is keeping that 1:1 Inflatable Minmay?!?!?!?!
  20. Please let it be a detail they won't forget Those moviemaker might have ideas to make acid-blooded mice or fleas with an attitude Then again, maybe a cameo of The Holy Grail's "Rabbit of Caerbannog" would save such a movie B) *Run Away!!! Run Away!!!* In space, No one can hear you count to 5 ...3 Sir!
  21. I'd like to add a similar request for received message E-mails I check MW once (or 100's of times) a day The MSG-center will inform me the moment I log on, I don't need to be reminded on my E-mail account (maybe deleting my E-mailadress from my Controlcenter would stop it, but I'd like to keep the possibility open for members to e-mail me)
  22. Standard procedure, happened to me too asked the same thing got a "the Mods are Gods" type of answer, I guess they're right No need to feel stupid, just don't take it personal
  23. Monster! Btw: I love the Basic design of the spartan sort of a "first Generation" defense Android
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