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Everything posted by Nightbat

  1. i screwed up somewhere a good reaso nto be albe to edit
  2. for the newbie thread!
  3. Just a last comment the excuse of denying upcoming talent their chance is BS unless you're "Fad of the week" recordcompanies (and tv) won't give you the light of day
  4. Nightbat

    God Help Me

    Nobody needs to pay added shipping cost since the sender is "missing"
  5. Get my cee-deee recordàr Mâh I'ma gonna make MTV get sewed over allowing me to òbtain complete mah-usic-vidi-ohs
  6. I believe i saw a remark somewhere between these replies which I like to comment on that: music is a luxury -Like hell it is it's a drug, in every way, positive or negative, I consider it just as much a part of emotional/chemical balances in your head as smell and sight can influence your mood and like the medical industry: they're cashing in Bigtime!!!!
  7. Fileswapping here in Europe? Nàh.... btw an old saying: You can see how much something is overpriced by how much it is stolen (BTW Valk swapping??? Can I choose the option not to share my library? in that case Bring it on!!! )
  8. Mercedes is making less profit on a car that a Major label is making on a CD and a mercedes rides a whole lot better than Britney Spears can sing "more bang for your buck" is the the idea here
  9. You know, when it comes to the "Music Industry" are we stealing from them? ....Or are they just plain ripping us off???
  10. Any word on how they handle sharing of Music Video's I mean...they are to promote the artist, and most MV's are never released on DVD some artists (a band I like: Helloween) we never see their videos since they are not in the market (hell, there is'n any good Heavy Metal on dutch TV) Edit: Maiden? I'm gonna see them Live in November!!!
  11. I won't call the 1/60 and 1/55 inferior to the 1/48 I still would like(/hope) to complete the 1/60 line no matter if the 1/48's are considered "Better"
  12. Yes she is, it's just cold nevertheless: YUMMIE!!!
  13. Heheheh, yeah, thanks for the spoilers warning I remember a certain Ignacio Ocama (or something) ruining Mahoromatic for me (well,...not quite ruined, I still want to get that series)
  14. many of our members are suffering from "Pain in the wallet" Syndrome Highly contagious and impossible to irradicate it'll probably be a problem for another year with 1/60 Q-rau and Monster coming out ... and maybe some more Destroids, the missing M+, M7, valks, the M0-line, trading-figures, 1:1 Minmay, flightsuits, lunchboxes, Limited DVD-boxsets, Videogames, toiletpaper, Airsoft GU-11 Gunpod, Petit Cola vendingmachines, yada, yada oh boy,...I need to recieve my monthly financial injection thinking about it
  15. Don't let that thread scare you I have some of the "Infamous" QC-problems on my Valks, yet I still love 'em all
  16. Sure looks alot better, the first pictured craft would only be believeable if it was a HUGE ship (lots of plating) -and after shifting my focus from the texture to the complete image I realized it was just a tiny fighter the second gives you a more "one-piece-construction" idea much more realistic
  17. 'dunno,.... Guess it's a bit different from having a full size Harness in your house, or the Grizzlybear you shot last season Now,...What's keeping that 1:1 Minmay!?!?!
  18. Chuey please tell us you got the Girl in the blue 'something' 's phonenumber if not for us, at least for yourself who was against cosplay again???
  19. I suggest you try that theory out on a chimp with a lab-set
  20. Sheer force in numbers just look at the SW1 Killrate humans:Zentradi without looking at "Culture" the Humans wiped out a pretty big number of ships with the Grand Cannon if that was their only Ace up their sleeve, there would have been no misstake that the remaining zentradi forces (at least 60%) would have oblitirated everything Edit: an we know that those "remaining forces" were just part of one fleet while the zentradi have 1000(00?)'s
  21. easy answer: a new series wouldn't work without new valks tho the Hory Froating head still misses some 'real' VF's in his lineup from 1-22 in 2012-2050 best guess and easiest solution would be to evolve further Yes indeed, make it a "we are finding/found the Protoculture" show but it might be hard not to turn something like that into a Battlestar Galactica Clone and then it would be too easy to use the sure-hit Missing Megaroad 01 story
  22. The "copying" isn't used, it easily answers itself with this question: "If zentradi are copies, why arent they all Millia?" If the zentradi could, they'd copy a veteran ace (not because of combat experience, but because of biological supremacy - i.e. faster reactions, higher stamina physical strenght, etc... ) Luck is one thing, but surviving 100's of battles (which some Zents have fought) means you're good! Not only that, increasing flaws were already mentioned but what if the same flaw of an original gets mass-produced? your entire army would have the same weak spot if only one threat discovers this, your army is toast (hmmm,.... Culture was the enormous weakness in the Zentradi when facing the humans -though someone as quamjin did adapt and could ignore it- that undermines my entire "Flaw"-theory then again, the zents "Basic programming" disallowed all exposure to culture so maybe it was their "teaching" that was flawed)
  23. Yeah, we finally get to know what happened to Megaroad-01 Kidding Folks!!!
  24. [me] adds SaiKano to his "Things to do or see" just below "Dominate the world", "Win the lottery", "Go to the toilet" and "Watch girls in short skirts"[/me] Damn you and your reviews A7
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