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Everything posted by Nightbat

  1. Conservative? Same here
  2. Hahahahaha.... then you don't wanna hear my choices The Blues Brothers The Last Boyscout This is Spinal Tap Low intelligence value - Highly entertaining Edit: too bad about that Nickname thread, it was keeping clean and not OT(<-to it's subject that is B) )
  3. They look a hell of a lot better than Hasegawa's version and if I was able to mount my valks "canon" onto them I'd buy a box of these babies If I ever decide to build a diorama I'll definitly buy a few but like this it has no "use" for me, sorry
  4. G1 Galvatron? you mean G2 Transformers? didn't like those futuristic pieces of c*** either Ultra magnus was ok, the big shuttle whatshisnameagain was cool, the rest blew chunks Bigtime!!! Transformer toys died after Optimus Prime died in the movie!
  5. I've been checking all these "New Design Transformers" for a while now the Aniv. Prime is the only one that's better than the original as for the rest... I would state my opinions about them here, but my choice of words would ban me for life
  6. This could be a possibility but who would want to display all his valks upside down: (apologies to Rdenham for using his pic without permission) Edit: Although they indeed would be of great value to build a diorama as stated by TheFrenchOne
  7. Guess when you're dying you want to do that among the people you care about ( <_< ? ) Roy was a real man (and real men do stupid things )
  8. As jsARCLIGHT and Abombz!! already stated: something like patlabor or gundam I for one....don't like it
  9. Too bad a real rendition of the DYRL launcharm is mechanically impossible (i.e. the backpack wouldn't be able to carry the weight and break) these look very nice, but not quite right
  10. Was he beaten in SDF-tv? or did he hold the defense and returned after the threat disappeared he severely got his butt kicked in DYRL
  11. That add is just, well,.... it reminds me of a scene in Cannonball Run, where the Sheik pulls into a drive-in "....and 2 Milk"
  12. Just 1 month after switching to the new board we have 1000+ members Congratulations to Shawn and Co. (of those 1002 only 697 have posted and can be considered "active" btw)
  13. Null Vote I like em all an I still need to get the VT and VE
  14. True, the trick is ofcourse not staying in one place during combat Having a static view from mirrors won't help, keeping that mirror moving and you spot tailing threats a lot sooner rembering where potential targets are after you passed them will help anticipate the next offensive/defensive step
  15. keep this size, make 'em a little tougher safety first if you ask me when it comes to shipping
  16. it IS victory!
  17. Damn, what a choice,... I've got 6 FP sets, 4 valks need 'em now, one needs it later ....1 left But I'm betting Yamato has a trick up their sleave decisions, decisions....
  18. hmmmzzzz... I have 7 guitars with flightcases and a 19" effectsrack in a room that's 2x3m (-and a computer -and my 1/60 collection there - and my bed,... space is a luxury, thank god I don't own a full stack )
  19. Now that's what I'd support Polls always end up (and allow) further discussing the options given might as well start the discussion without the poll 9 out of 10 times there's more info found in the replies of a poll than the end result of the numbers
  20. My guess is that the pic we saw was just a fairytale what strikes me as odd was the fact that it was just the 1J parts Yamato might as well have used it to explain the parts used for the FP-Valks (Remember the Strike 1S came out after the 1J! ) and as Kamui explained- it'll probably cost you a new Valk, and only those brave enough will start dissassembling their FP-less valks
  21. 1: Opinions vary 2: Probably not 3: Opinions vary Edit: welcome to MW by the way You'll notice that most here do not like anything that Toynami/Harmony Gold release
  22. I'd think Yamato will go the route of Roy 1S -> Roy Strike they just wait till sales are idle then release Hikaru/Max/CF with Packs
  23. these are the landing lights these also fold out on the 1/48 just a little detail Yamato added
  24. if you get it, whatever you do: Don't do a Marathon!!! it'll screw you up good (unless you're a Psycho )
  25. already knew that 't was just an example
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