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Everything posted by Nightbat

  1. I'm betting that if they - and I - keep this up I'll go broke Place your bets
  2. I don't ask for anything And I only recieve gifts from the one that loves me most: ME!
  3. Nightbat

    1:60 GBP-1 !?

    Hey G-man Get Yamato Chief-execs on the red-phone if they're gonna release another 1J why won't they repaint it in the Armored DYRL Version? (the one you see for 3 seconds) edit: the one in Toonz' Pic
  4. Nightbat

    1:60 GBP-1 !?

    GPB Armor? *opens wallet, checks his CC, looks at paycheck* Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!
  5. damn,.. and here I was thinking this was a "who's most responsible for the continueous lame What if...? polls"-Poll
  6. Well call me a simple mind, but I'd guess developping conventional engines for an existing airframe (i.e. VF1) is easier than developping a new airframe around an existing engine or someone could tell me the VF1 is too heavy for conventional engines to leave the ground
  7. hmmm,..compared to the people I know that drink coffee... ...I use the biggest mug B)
  8. Y'y'y'you m-m-mean you don't h-have it yet? where's that shock-emoticon when you need it? ahh...here:
  9. aren't we all strangely, i f I were to be able to draw, although the female body might be better to look at for me, the traits of the male body would be an equal challenge to do (technically speaking ofcourse,..I think men are ugly creatures that should never have been allowed to roam this planet )
  10. Gentlemen... leave the topic as it is, not a M/RT bashfest it's for those with interest in Robotech
  11. Nay! We are but Men!
  12. somewhat OT question about a rumour: What's the story behind the Dominion/New Dominion TankPolice anime's? (why is one the "New" version?)
  13. It's the "Illudium Q-36 Explosive Space Modulator" that's why the Zentradi are after them, they need it to destroy the earth (It's blocking their view of Venus)
  14. Oh man, that top alone could buy you a Monster! Spalted Maple? (been a while since I surfed custom guitar options)
  15. Would be way cooler if it wasn't a "standard" title (Like a guy on a US aircraftcarrier who braked too hard and burned up his brakes recieved the nickname "Scorchy")
  16. That and the "what defines life?" undertone every story of him has For the rest I really appreciate the action-packed style of drawing the use of characters from his other stories as a (sometimes serious) joke If someone mentions "Manga" the first thing that pops in my head is "Shirow"
  17. Well.... although I was most vocal about getting me a Monster but right now even the 1J+FP is hanging up in the air reason: (Jacky "The Yellow Dart" van der Mijde")
  18. Hey wouldn't it be more fun if we were given or earned our Member titles? I Nominate Abombz!! as....: "The Jugulator" Edit: Misspelled Abombz!! name...sorry
  19. Tape??? I'd stick with grease Tape is nice for memorychips, but for CPU's I'd rather take no chances
  20. "Re-Issue"??? The Hikaru 1A isn't even a year old, this is just another production run guess demand exceeds supply Nice to know they'll incorporate all improvements but I already got them all, won't be buying them again (unless one breaks! )
  21. Once heard a nice stoy of a guy who got sucked into the intake of an F-16... He lived (got stuck before the fan), but when they pulled him out the only thing he still had on his body were his shoes goes to show what just air can do
  22. hey don't look at me I bought them at HLJ, which was carrying them in stock longer than the other E-tailers I also had to wait a month before I got them (including 1/60 VE and VT)
  23. Take the 1/48 as an example: you need 3 of each type to pose in the 3 different modes you need another 3 of each type to pose in the 3 different modes with fastpack then you need 1 of each to keep MISB and 1 MISB fastpack set Edit: I try to keep it at 1 from each type
  24. I'm with Agent One on this one all the "Fitting-it-into-the-timeline" stuff pulled didn't make things clearer for fans and created only more nitpicking babble without any point (no offence to the topic-starter btw - this is just my opinion)
  25. Just recieved my 6 sets "And on the 8th day, Yamato - by the order of the Holy Froating head - created the Fastpacks" Beautiful Baby!!!! First one to be outfitted with them is my 1S, no stickers yet Man,...it looks like it can kick a** there are some nitpicks but I'll browse/post them in the "What's wrong..." topic
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