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Everything posted by Nightbat

  1. Yeah, kinda happens when something becomes an ideological vehicle to promote an agenda On the bright side: thanks to GB2016, Battlefield Earth was just proven to be merely a bad Sci Fi movie, rather than the 'Subliminal Scientology propaganda movie" it was claimed to be by its detractors Nobody argued about the gender of the characters, Leslie Jones' ethnicity or Kate McKinnon's sexual orientation, any actual arguing was about Feig's handling of the project and its criticism, if that means we discussed his ideological affiliation, perhaps he should have been a professional and left it out of his work GB2016 should have been a comedy, not a statement about female empowerment, the original GB didn't hire an airhead sexy receptionist, and they didn't toast Gozer's tits (It was actually even more groundbreaking than GB2016 by making the primary bad guy female, and Winston's character not a stereotype) Now, if we want to have a discussion forum, we're gonna have to accept discourse, even if that discourse ventures into things not normally addressed with the subject matter Since it got laid on pretty thick on the matter of GB2016, it got discussed, no use in ignoring the elephant in the room
  2. danth, on 13 Aug 2016 - 02:06, said: Disagreeing with feminism does not equal being against women's rights or being a misogynist "Misogynist" is the feminist go-to buzzword to shut down conversation and to elevate themselves above criticism You used it long before I reacted in kind You are the one who immediately started throwing the accusation of misogyny around, and now using lewis' law to bolster your position (for those who do not know Lewis' Law: "Comments on any article about feminism justify feminism." -It becomes an hilariously flawed statement once you start replacing "Feminism" with things like, Nazism, the KKK, ISIS, etc. ) Negotiator, on 13 Aug 2016 - 02:15, said: I've read up on the history of the oppression of women, have you read up on the history of disposability of men? Just because all Kings were men (which history shows was not the case) doesn't mean all men are kings I'm not gonna make this an essay either, but I have to elaborate Here's something to put in perspective: When in 1918 it came to female suffrage in Britain, the 100% male lawmakers voted 7-1 in favour, ...where were all those 'misogynists' like feminists would make you believe? Of course, what is not said is that only 60% of the British male population had the right to vote before the end of WW1 Over five million, among which 2.7 million conscripted men were fighting and dying in the trenches of france ...Many of whom did not have the right to vote ..just like the suffragettes of the White feather campaign, who shamed men into joining the army and advocated conscription of men (even those below the voting age of 21) No suffragette died fighting for her rights, unlike the male strikers of the old days that merely demanded better working conditions Even today, we do not take things like male rape or (domestic) violence against men seriously, because we are more concerned for the wellbeing of women which is why female genital mutilation is banned, yet male circumcision goes on, you'll find much more support and safety nets for women, which is why 80% of homeless are men and there are only a few domestic violence shelters that accept men and feminism has painted a one sided picture for decades, that men are the sole perpetrators and women the sole victims, and this made it's way into society and law check out things like gender profiling, dominant aggressor and duluth model doctrines, That the "Glass ceiling" apparently should be broken without effort and that female gender, Not Merit, is the condition for earning a high position go check out the deconstruction of the "wage gap" and find the real reasons behind the result Learn that "rape culture" is something happening to men in prison, where we ignore it happening and even make fun of it, while out here in the 'free' society, you (and me) consider is one of the most heinous crimes imaginable You try and put into light men's suffering and you'll see people like Danth making it a mockery with 'funny' gifs While he's just another boy feminist crying "Wolf!" "Rape!" that thinks "Equality" is something only women are entitled to because all men are kings
  3. That's funny..... http://www.realsexism.com/ You can now go back to your echochamber and whiteknight for your professional victims club, I'm sure the poor defenseless damsels there can use you While the rest of us go enjoy the GOOD and ORIGINAL movies with women in it
  4. The whole cock up was trying to replace heroes You DON'T replace them... you make/get new ones And this is where Mr. Feig went full retard
  5. He's SO close to getting what the backlash was about Yet remains deluded by ideology to blame sexism
  6. In the end, the movie will be forgotten and all that will be remembered is the controversy it caused
  7. "Imagine this was the amount of crap in the original Ghostbusters,..." Now THAT'S comedy!
  8. Moviebob is an Anita Sarkeesian fan So that's not surprising for him to support this movie And I'm surprised (/apalled) of Comicgirl19's mentioning of "The wagegap"
  9. Hm, his comment about Dan Aykroyd putting some writing in... I've seen Blues Brothers 2000, I'm not so sure Aykroyd would have been an asset to the story
  10. I think the worst part of the failure of this movie is that the "Pro's" went out to demonize any detractors as misogynists They didn't promote it on merit (which it hadn't, just another reboot riding on the tails of it's classic original), but on gender, which by definition is sexist Another major flaw is that to prove female empowerment in entertainment, they should stop injecting women in established classics make more original stories, because currently, the only thing they are perpetuating is that women can't make it on their own without help To add: I'm more inclined to believe we take 'offenses' against women more serious Why else is there a Violence Against Women Act while men are Twice more the victim of violence?
  11. Nope, insults are not evidence of misogyny Unless you can show all those people hate their mothers as well Again, you fail to understand insults, and apparently, aren't well experienced in the internet If this movie got made with guys and received the same internet trolling and denigrating comments,.. we wouldn't be seeing this demonization of its opponents by the moral crusaders You sure wouldn't be clamoring "Misandry! Misandry!" You are the proof, just because people don't like a reboot of a certain movie, and/or because it's agenda-driven, you accuse them of being womenhaters This happened to everyone being critical of GB (regardless if they used insults to signify their contempt) People have no desire being branded misogynist and become social (or professional, if being a moviecritic is their living) outcasts, and will amend their opinion Perhaps you are unaware that we are living in a world where 2 guys at a convention jokingly among themselves with an innuendo about a 'dongle' get overheard by a woman and gets them fired We had a guy putting a probe on a bloody comet who's life was made living hell because he wore a shirt during the broadcast defined as "sexist" (added irony that the shirt was given to him by a female friend) While the hosts of "The View" laughed out loud on national television about a man gotten his genitals amputated by his vindictive wife without any repercussions whatsoever Tell me, did you drink enough feminist kool aid to think you can claim women are above criticism?
  12. Critics will be very careful with their, well,.. criticism None of them want to commit career suicide, just look at what will happen when you wear the wrong shirt on TV these days
  13. The wonderful thing, if this were a hit, and all the fans will be clamouring "I told you so" and rubbing it in my face... ..It'll only be more confirmation of my low opinion about modern day society
  14. Always fondly remembered this game and it's soundtrack
  15. Please no, they'll probably create some abomination by mating it with Captain Planet "Mask, saving the world from the polluting corporation called Venom" I'm sure we'd all be rooting for the bad guys, because they will be using superbikes. speedboats, jets and old musclecars, while Mask is stuck with bicycles, priusses, sailingboats and hanggliders
  16. ...and here I was wondering about classic Game OSTs, bloody shame it didn't use actual DIO melodies
  17. -Funniest according to who? They sure don't come across as funny to me (and apparently a lot of other people) , or am I violating some kind of law now? -isn't out yet: "I KNOW this movie will be bad!" ...said a million times before with every remake we've come across, but because now it has women in the lead roles,... it's a problem? -You seem to lack the basic understanding behind insults, you are also strangely under the assumption that if somebody insults 1 woman (or 4 in this case), it must mean they hate all women -You also make it appear as if male actors are never insulted, it happens just as much, only nobody is shouting "Misandry" Why was nobody calling me a sexist for giving crude criticism on Miami Vice or Starsky and Hutch? When I was flinging insults at the trailer of those 2 movies... not a word! The 'National Organisation of Men' didn't start a campaign about sexism for calling Colin Farrell a "Talentless Pr*ck", or Ben Stiller and Owen Wilson "2 stupid w*nkers that couldn't carry a movie if it was the DVD in their bag" Really Danth,.. what do you think will happen if we remake Aliens and cast a man as Ripley, you think everyone is gonna see it like the 2nd coming of Christ, or will it be a Sh*tstorm the likes of which the internet has never seen?
  18. Translation: "I decided for everyone that this movie is the best ever and if you still disagree: you hate women!" I would like to post the Untergang spoof of the new Ghostbusters, but even though it's right on the money, it contains too much profanity
  19. Time to get a set to match my leathers
  20. A Fits her expression more
  21. Yeah, well, the Roy color scheme doesn't work for my bike either, and I didn't want to be pigeonholed on buying a future bike based on the colors of my current suit
  22. Well, here we are, 2 monhts later and it's done
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