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Everything posted by Nightbat

  1. Nothing, but it seems you don't get the point to repeat: In other words: that excuse could be used to open any OT discussion I just used some "over the top" examples to point that out
  2. OOOOOOOOOOhhhhh ...Well in that case I can open OT topics like -Open "The Official Strongbad News and Discussion Thread" -what I had for lunch today -how long I've been sunbathing, and what factor I used -discuss how many seconds and rotations it would take to pick a nose clean -Celebrate my Nth time drunk and how much blood there was in my vomit( ) Just remember: If you don't like 'em don't read them or reply to them (get the point?)
  3. I'm gonna look like myself, only drunk!
  4. Nightbat


    Welcome Newbies *Looks around* Do we have 'em all in the same room? Yes?!?! .....Good!
  5. can't find that "I'm with stupid" emoticon anywhere problem is that those speculation threads are still everywhere what if/what not/what when it isn't just the announced releases, but the "look into the future and...."
  6. Oh w(/h)ell...why not this is me, looking probably 3-4 years older than I am the 2 ladies at the top are my best friends, they never leave my side
  7. The difference is the glazing as in: Reba West taking it off your teeth Mari Iijima leaving it in place all in all: the opening song in RT is a little better since you don't here PavaLottiwanabe-San Screaming his alto (afterwards Soprano) behind off Máh-kúúú-ròsss,...Mááááh-kuròòòòòsss
  8. Smegma? that word is used in my country more than I care to admit B) (Though most don't know what it means!) Name a Sci-Fi Cliché Why? I have the DVD of SpaceBalls right here!
  9. Nightbat

    1:60 GBP-1 !?

    We did, but we can't press the "Pre-order" button yet
  10. had to see Akira 3 times to understand (most of) it (hey 1st time was on the BBC with english subtitles , while I barely got english at school) in a time before internet, and Holland anime-less I treasured it maybe it's overrated by the diehard fans of it, I do not consider it the "end all be...blah", luckily never read the manga (believe me that helps, killed the "awesome" in the GitS anime) and I still enjoy it to this day
  11. Lessee,...for my B-day it was a moped, a ticket to Maiden 5th nov, and got the new album from my sis for X-mas I'd settle for nothing fancy: world domination or something like that Or (believe it or not) a good bar-brawl where I can get rid of some hefty frustrations Nah, gimme a good Scotch and I'll be happy,...wait I already have 3 bottles of good Scotch... ...nevermind then
  12. *Standard Victorious Hero reply when saved by calvary from overwhelming odds* "Red Comet,... what took you so long?"
  13. Nightbat

    Yamato Destroids

    The last ofcourse as long as my budget can stand it I'll order the living *something* out of HLJ and after the spanking there will be... And yes, I'm willing to face the peril!
  14. Though I'm "anti-gun" (too many idiots in this world to have a right to carry weapons, sorry!) I can't deny a certain fascination for firearms (same as the infamous "Mushroomcloud" yeah it's sick, it kills thousands,...but the power,... The POWER!!!.....ahem...) I wouldn't mind having a wall full of 'em (was hoping to see more pics in this thread) anyways, the gun I found most fascinating was Don Johnson's pistol used in "Miami Vice" (I know it's discontinued) but that was just for looks but wouldn't we all want the revolver used by Bob Hoskins in "Who framed Roger Rabbit"?
  15. If the city was placed in horizontal position relative to the Cruiser-mode changing into Force-mode any acceleration (now vertically for the city)could be dampened by increasing the power of the artificial gravitieplates BTW although not seen in TV, in DYRL I believe you see cars driving over the ceiling
  16. I'm quite surprised there ara so many Maiden fans here on the board since this is their last "Big" Tour maybe we should devote a thread to them (J/K )
  17. Would you believe I find it "Too clean" ? what I remember from BSG those Vipers were pretty dirty like the've been flying around Uranus a few times too many Then again: it could just be the pic that doesn't show the weathering
  18. I'll be damned... that's what I was thinking when I first got a clear story of RT: "The Macross Saga"
  19. I know that image It's from the movie "Snow Dogs" (I got 2 huskies, so I have it here at home) Welcome to MW Nana
  20. Ever tried Fates Warning's - "Pleasant shade of grey"? Nope, any good? How would you describe them ("Iron Maiden meets prog rock", etc.)? "Progressive" No really, I once saw the video (remember those things) of "Pleasant shade....." Live ever see 6 people in a room remain absolutely quiet for 10 minutes, looking at a blank tvscreen? (not on any form of drugs I might add) that album might as well be called "Trance" for the metalfans it's a bit like Mike Oldfields "Tubular bells" on steroids
  21. Full Throttle? Now that was an RPG full of laughs, great game, need to get me a copy to keep on my "All time Classics"-Shelf
  22. Ever tried Fates Warning's - "Pleasant shade of grey"?
  23. Hippocrit - and proud of it! let's just say: If it's on eMpTyV, chances are - I don't like it if it's one thing that turns me off certain "new" songs, it's the repetition of airplay they get, over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and... (you get the idea) Seems like bloody "brainwashing": just play the goddamn song 'till people consider it a "Habit" some bands I like: Helloween Iron Maiden Dire Straights Thin Lizzy Vandenberg Genesis OMD Ultravox Gazebo (though I'm in doubt if it isn't a solo-artist) some Solo artists: Phil Collins Kim Wilde Joe jackson Ayumi hamasaki (even though some things sound way too "Euro-Dance" and I don't understand 1 word of what she's singing ) New music, almost nothing some Tatu (/Taty) some Evanescense some Linkin Park Some Within Temptation Some Pink (that's a weird one, even for my tastes) Todays Rap, Metal, pop, I think it blows chunks only thing that I think "improved" (Biiiiig word here) is "Dance" music
  24. All these Vampire movies are beginning to suck!
  25. Oh man, too many choices of images on my HD to attach to this post Anyways... easy on the guy spamming the boards with your first post isn't the smartest move but we all make mistakes B) Edit: Man I shouldn't have clicked that link, the colorscheme is nice but for the rest it looks like an anorexic ........... ........ ..........
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