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Everything posted by Nightbat

  1. those'd make awesome chesspieces
  2. *looks around I told you what would happen if we had only 1 (Yes, 1! One, Une, Uno, Ein, Eén) run loose Welcome E. Candy if you wish to start a modest collection, may I suggest the 1/60 Monster? followed by a 1/60 Q-rau, and only after that buy ALL 1/48's (FastPack Equipped ofcourse) in triplets, that way you can have them in all three modes Oh then you need Displaycases, a rotating display, climatecontrol, burglar alert, weaponarsenal, etc, etc, etc, etc,.... You get the point
  3. Nightbat

    New here!

    Damn, I thought we had them all rounded up in one thread *get me the rope Yes, you know what will happen if we let just one get away? *....stungun They all get away, and then we'll have treads full of empty wallets *Rubber Gloves! Or questions concerning humanity, world peace...and what will be the next impossible release from Yamato *this ain't working....pass the shotgun And endless rants over "what part of the lineart is 0.00047 mm shorter on the toy" *Grenades!!!! Not to mention: "Purple with yellow dots Low-Viz - Should Yamato make one? Yes/No" Polls *Run Away, Run Away!!! Welcom KYQ to Macross World, the Best Source for Macross info in the west
  4. .....I'll be damned well guess my memory is as good as people say it is well I'm off to bed Thanks F-01
  5. In DYRL there is question of flying in pairs although we don't see Kakizaki around Roy, it's clear that Max and Hikaru were teamed up later on there were 3, but that could easily be explained by "shortage of pilots" (or else why would Hikaru be a "One man squadron" in the end, he could easily be reassigned to another wing) This however doesn't explain SDF-TV
  6. Ok here goes, I was about 8-10 yrs old when I saw it so bear with me: Sci-fi futuristic setting Earth is on it's last resources an invitro baby (the hero) is raised in a controlled enviroment to become a warrior when grown up given orders to find some kind of Bird where story has it: if you kill it and drink it's blood you become immortal (hey, english dub at least) and I believe becoming a deserter somewhere along the way picking up some strange friends along the way from the start given an girl-like android who among things can change into a small plane/jet to raise and teach him boy grows up keeps the droid with him (bangs her later on ) in the meantime being trained by a sadistic character that uses small aliens as target practice which he later finds melted by this bird Hero meets his invitro brother and a chick he fancies which later on betray him the large spaceships used look like sharks being blue and having a dorsalfin Droid gets roasted by bird defending the hero's spaceship bird and Hero have a discussion, bird revives droid in the end the bird restores earth changes the hero in an infant and changing the droid (which was the bird) into his "mother" all pretty vague I know, but it's been at least 16 years ago since I saw that movie we're talking mid 80's here, so it might even be older any guesses??? only thing I think I know was that it had the title "Space FireBird" or something
  7. Too bad Fokker itself went belly up It's planes were highly praised by pilots (too small of a country for something as big as aviation industry)
  8. Same as "Nimwegen" which should be "Nijmegen" blame the Germans for that but don't worry, us Dutch get even by sending German tourists the wrong way LOL
  9. "Max was assigned his own Squadron" HAHAHAHAHA... only one man under him,..and it was kakizaki fer crying out loud what a way to get promoted huh?
  10. Hard work paying off Hey Congrats Knight, grab a scotch, sit down, smile and enjoy the euphoria of "getting things done"
  11. It'll probably be forever since everyone "over here" gets wet hearing the letters C-G-I most animators think this is the future well, if it is, the future's gonna look like crap Stigma or not, there has got to be enough animators out here in the "west" who want to get the job done right I gotta say, if there had been more animated movies like "Fire and Ice" I'd surely would've been a bigger fan of western animation but for some reason things never evolved further beyond Haim Saban and Suki Levy (Heavy metal made an attempt, got close, but got taken down with the "undergrounders")
  12. heh "2 generations later" ...they are still using the 1995 16-bit Creative Soundchip only thing different is the PCI cip and Dolby signal proccessor
  13. there has yet to come anything better out of "western" animation which is sad considering it's age
  14. Use the excuse "Destructive Research" helps if you want to buy multiples
  15. RT in it's full glory
  16. i know i don't! Hey, narcism is okay to have I am the most handsome guy I ever seen () but that's only because I have to look at this ugly head every morning in the mirror It helps that I'm half asleep at that time btw
  17. While in TV it was Bodolza who was responsible for the destruction of earth In DYRL its safe to assume Britai acted alone, since Bodolza was nowhere to be seen until they were taken prisoner as for when Earth was destroyed in DYRL Either Hikaru was lying to minmay about not knowing what happened and Misa was off duty sleeping so deep it resembled a coma and the footage of the game is truth But this doesn't seem the case in DYRL they both were quite surprised they were on earth (and what was left of it) Then again...they never knew how the bombardment ended since they folded out of there
  18. Think back to TV's "boobytrap" My guess is it happened in DYRL as well, only this time the Zentradi weren't interested in the human reaction weaponry nor did they know males and females lived and worked together (yet) there was a threat on that planet that was taken out, simple as that and where there's one threat there might be more, so just to make sure they bombed the crap out of the entire sphere (think about TV,..if they did this at the beginning, they didn't have the grand cannon pop as a surprise in their face) Edit: we know DYRL doesn't follow the storyline of the TV series, only the characters and "some" events remain the same
  19. I wasn't... maybe a bit early since the 1J was announced before it and released at a later date but there was no doubt in my mind we would see a Hikaru 1S (especially after Graham started the guessing game)
  20. uhmmmzzz... I hope it didn't give her any ideas
  21. strange... an Opel (vauxhall) Corsa basic version was f 15.000,- Dutch guilders before the Euro was introduced it's now € 10.000,- euro's so that would mean € 1,- = f 1,50 guess inflation is a little higher than the max. 3% (yes we dutch use a "." instead of a "," and vice versa)
  22. 20€ for an "A" movie... thank god the last time I went it was a free ticket to see Bad Boys II
  23. For a simple answer, check out this site: You gotta have the blue hair!!!
  24. Nightbat

    1:48 VF-1J

    I've got more FastPacks than Valks But I ordered the 1J with FP's I should have been a (Mad) Scientist, giving all my reasonings a foundation with facts and theories ........it's like this: When i want a Milkshake I always buy the big one the small one is never enough, the medium one might be enough, but if it's not I still have a craving for a milkshake Now if I buy the big one, I'm sure I have enough and if it's too much, there will be no harm done
  25. You're kidding, right??? T stands for Boobies A is for Bottom You figure out the rest
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