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Everything posted by Nightbat

  1. Your needed answer was given, and no need to have another target about the ethics of fansubs I guess ah, Max was already there
  2. ........ I'm in control,..not the Valks
  3. Remember I was pulling out of the collecting because of the Moped I bought...? well, after that came the 1S -Preordered, then the 1J (+ FP's!) -Preordered Now I'm waiting for that armored 1/60 1J to preorder,...and,..and,... Edit: "Hi, my name is Jacky" ***Crowd***: "Hi Jacky!" "......and I'm a Valkaholic" ***Crowd applaudes***
  4. I'm a Fanboy's Tease anyways, I think after the flamefests we had when G-man announced other Yamato releases I'm guessing they want to keep the mood in the forum light and open there were enough members pissing and moaning about who/what/when/where/why to the point everybody got mad Not only that but I guess Yamato wasn't to happy about one of their releases being known by the public before official word was given "Take it as I see it when I see it" has it's charm too
  5. Any volunteers for a LynchMob??? We need a rope, a pole, some straw, gasoline and a lighter (Nuke the site from orbit,..it's the only way to be sure!)
  6. etc. ???? oh man you are SO toast when others see you missed M7 Edit: ->
  7. The Cat's Eye detection suite should be far more powerful than a Valk - that's why it was sent out. Remember, there is no Elint in the series, so there wasn't anything else that could handle the mission profile. They weren't attacking anybody, they were just out for a look. The Macross lost their radar, they needed the powerful radar of the Catseye AWACS is a form of reconnisance, only compared to a normal recon it has no strike capability dumb thing they did was not give it an escort
  8. AWACS is your eye in the sky remember that the SDF-1's radar was damaged by the attack it needed a forward radar recon to find out where the enemy was it was never intended for the CatsEye to encounter a threat visually
  9. Although your statement is correct I believe Bake Art is reffering to the infamous "Gerwalk-Brake" (aka the Hotshot's pt. Deux Carrierlanding effect) before changing to battroid in this case forward motion is decreased dramatically, this also applies in space, since the legthrusters still provide breakingpower, vacuum or not
  10. If it doesn't matter,... how come you know so much about it and could you tell me at what time she lands? easier to look for it that way:P
  11. well, on earth you can always go "One Louder" than in space true inertia and motion still have effect in space, but there is less strain since the earth's gravity doesn't come into play
  12. hmm, well the ending of S1 couldn't be used for S2 ofcourse, which kind of left them cornered, coming up with something unexpected was their best try, I guess Heh,.."Genome" well I don't know if the summer special is included with the retail dvd's (just resurrected a Mahoro-thread about my opinions, better than to start a new one) my best guess is: No
  13. Ahem... Was it not the French that helped the Americans earn their independance in 1776 ? Too bad, this would have made a kick ass surrender to the British joke book ! History is full of strange little twist isn't it ? heheheheh and America means what to me again??? oh and "British" who????
  14. Hikaru blasting his first zentradi battlepod (Ep 01) cool thing about it was that he didn't quite finish it off (the look on his face when the soldier stepped out)
  15. The last Ep. might suck, but there are still 13 very good ones to watch Had i know about the ending beforehand I'd still would've watched it (sure would've been a lot less disappointed) And I recommend it and that movie idea sounds great, but there stil are no translations and my japanese is "rusty" <_< so I've no idea what the Manga is about
  16. See what happens when you brainwash people with the message of saving the enviroment So there you go: Blame it on the Discovery Channel! ...but we don't,...cause saving the enviroment is a good thing this Kid should be given a medal for his efforts, honorary member of Greenpeace This is exactly how we can save the ozonelayer, endangered animals, etc,...
  17. Yeah, but there was always hope she'd get a pair of new batteries at the end (saint-enemy-more advanced technology-peace-etc. you get the idea)
  18. Talking about me digging up old graves ****warning: may contain Spoilers Press your browsers "back" button NOW! **** Just finished watching Mahoro S2 was a great show for 13 Eps. but sorry, Ep. 14 thrashed it all after my eyes caught the progress bar on WMP I couldn't believe it was almost at the end not only a miserable, but dragging episode, dark, dim, cynical! nothing was resolved between Vesper, Saint and the Keepers, except why Slash killed Suguru's Grandfather Suguru was beyond recognition, there was nothing left of his original character expecting him to be the "sad" person he sometimes showed in previous eps Hey Mahoro was returned to him, but the situation it was almost like getting a replacement barbie "there you go a shiny new Mahoro (version 2.0)" crap,..if it was that easy, why wasn't Mahoro brought back 20 years earlier? sure as hell wouldn't have made him a copy of me but because of this he was just a cold apathic guy if he was killed then and there it would probably have been a better ending Sheesh, couldn't care less about him is it me or does Gainax have a thing for depressing endings anyway: Mahoro S1 was great! S2 is great as well, as long as you end it at ep 13 (Won't give you a happy ending, but at least a better one)
  19. Maybe not the wrong topic to post but
  20. Nightbat

    Kakizaki decals

    heh, even Kakizaki's popularity can be measured here everyone talked about Elints, Ostriches, Strikes, low-vis camouflage customs Hikaru, Roy, Max, Millia, even the bridgebunnies are discussed but the only thing you ever hear about kakizaki is the Question: "Why hasn't any company released his paintscheme" ...and that's it
  21. Quick, quick!!! Where's my "1001 French surrender Jokes"-book???
  22. the Ben Hurr of Anime Seeing M-Zero, FLCL, cg still looks like crap to me
  23. Keep in mind though that there were enough fresh ideas possible at that time coming up with new stuff is getting harder and harder, even for animéters But they're not quite done yet
  24. Nightbat

    Kakizaki decals

    In all honesty I'd rather seen a 1/48 Kakizaki than a Low-Vis but that's just me
  25. Downloading! at least that way someone isn't making money off of someone else's hard work, and the fan still has to make some kind of effort to acquire it
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