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Everything posted by Nightbat

  1. See MM, it's not that bad... you could have gotten your bike stolen
  2. have you seen me sleep? that goes beyond out cold I have no other explination than "random acts of comedy"
  3. Man not only is this guy honest, he's also a genius the likes of Plato, Archimedes and Confusius man, that line is Gold!
  4. Give me Subs or give me death I was raised on subs, they practically taught me english not only that, but I like to see and hear "how it was meant to be" (can't stand the German stance of dubbing everything, including interviews -though I do admire the work they put into it) ofcourse when considering the choice of a lesser evil I'll always prefer an english dub over my own language (man, talk about Voice -over-Actors that suck)
  5. **Images MM as Mr Bean holding his Self-made Xmas firecracker "BooM!!!"**
  6. what's with those huge waterdrops hanging from their heads at times Guess they're Anime's version of Loony Tunes Out Cold!!-birds
  7. Oh, good, thought the Mrs caught you doin'the "Agent One-way" on the doorknob and subjecting you to Chinese watertorture ("Ecchi is Bad!") They know who you are, where you're going, what you do when you do it check all the buttons on shirts, trousers, jackets, coats, check your wallet - for any strange things that might resemble cameras, microphones GPR trackers, whatever
  8. So the Q-rau is scheduled for a late 2004 release? (if so: Great! gives time to save up!)
  9. Nothing and I mean Nothing!!!'s gonna stop Santa from delivering packages this year Merry X-mas Knight26!
  10. Don't forget this one: Al Bundy's Christmas Eve 't Was the night before Christmas, And all through the house, No food was a-stirrin', Not even a mouse. Stockings were hung round Dad's neck like a tie, Along with a note that said, "Presents or die." Children were plotting All night in their beds, While the wife's constant whining Was splitting his head. But daddy had money This year in the bank, Then they closed up early, And now dad's in a tank. All of a sudden, Santa appeared, A sneer on his face, Booze in his beard. "Santa," I said, As he laughed merrily, "You do so much for others, Do something for me." "Bundy," he said, "You only sell shoes, Your son is a sneak thief, Your daughter's a floose." "Ho ho," Santa said, "Should I mention your wife? Her hair's like an A-bomb, Her nails like a knife." He climbs up the chimney, That fat piece of dung, He mooned me two times, He stuck out his tongue. I heard him exclaim, As he broke wind with glee, "You're married with children, You'll never be free."
  11. There you have it... "The Agent One Way"
  12. Nightbat

    MPC SDF-1?

    AFAIK. no and no. to add: we don't even know if it will ever be more than a maybe
  13. Paranoia isn't a bad thing,... unless you're right C'mon MM sit back, enjoy the ride, it'll probable be something you're LYAO in the end (BUT, go all out on the 12th day to find out who it is, don't let it end up an unsolved mystery)
  14. Ordered mine from HLJ (it's in the post office now) 150 valk, 37 shipping and 37 customs =224 Euro's Not cheap, but so far HLJ hasn't let me down yet
  15. Nightbat

    MPC SDF-1?

    Anyone call??? all in all, if they make a SDF-1 it better be impressive like the 1/60 monster or the Q-rau, can't have it dwarfed by those 2 in that case we're probably talking more along the lines of the Matchbox Version (1/3000?) or even bigger
  16. I think it'll probably be the GPB armor the "upgrade"-parts are an almost complete valk, for that I think the price is too low Edit: not only that, but when did Yamato announce green light on the upgrade kits? we know of the GPB but all I ever saw were the changed parts for the FP-equipped 1j, and that was almost a year ago àààànd not only that, why would yamato make a "Kit" out of these parts when we're talking about needing them for 'pre-built' toys? Nope,..my money is on GPB armor
  17. the more features the more that can be damaged is what I always say just wait 'till their on-board auxillary mini Xmastree shorts out
  18. Guess the exact info of the fastpacks hasen't been added yet it's a kit but I very much doubt you'll need glue and paint to finish it off (so far I haven't seen anything glued on a yamato, except nosecones and flaps by the collectors)
  19. I'm sure Yamato released the 1j with and without to test the waters if bundled valk/fp would sell guess they'll have their answer by now and indeed I'm sure we won't see M&M bundled together with the FP's By that i meant:2 valks + 2 Fp-sets nor will we see them before the end of year if they do an inbetween release best bet is it'll be a CF
  20. It's certainly different from the rest of those top 40 deadbeats guess it's the choice of a lesser evil here either they good but all sound alike therefore suck or they suck but at least sound innovative
  21. Checking the HLJ-page on macross I noticed the 1/48 1j FP being backordered, while the Non-FP 1j has a low quantity available ofcourse I have no idea at what scales the other retailers here are selling their 1j's, maybe they can give some more insight Now it could be that Yamato produced a bigger amount of Non-FP's, but if sales of the FP 1j are sufficient I guess Yamato would easily give a Max and Millia green light
  22. Correction: Tatu has NO say in whatever turns up in their schedule they basically signed a contract "No Life - No Creative Input - Just Sing and Shut Up!!!" just to be famous Blame those 2 for being dumb, They probably end up like T'pau and TLC (at first) without a dime in their pocket the music/lesbian-scenes/videos/marketing is solely Managers and agents and they will recieve alot of cashflow as for this anime news.... somebody either get me a bucket or that puke-emoticon!
  23. http://www.kurushima.com/area3/new/460.htm Not a very flattering figure of Sara, but nice nonetheless (though I'm not a "Model"-guy)
  24. It's never a tip to keep any remains in your car
  25. Why do I get the feeling they'll try to force-feed me a bunch of CG-crap with this one
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