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Everything posted by Nightbat

  1. Nightbat


    Though I could've put it in the other thread about the Q-rau thought it would be noticed sooner this way http://www.hlj.com/scripts/hljpage.cgi?YMT00030
  2. you're talking about a race that was never exposed to some -to our culture- very basic things it was like showing a neanderthaler a match, it'd scare the crap out of them, but being somewhat human wish to learn from it and carrying you on hands to acquire that "power" but it's just a match so Minmay could have been any Brittney wannabe with a good voice (a recording would've been enough untill the Zentradi got curious) there are a LOT of people with a good voice, only a few who will never have and Now explain to me please how the Protodevlin are defeated again? is it their own emotions that make them weak? or is there some unexplainable radiation eminating from only a few select characters which destroys them?
  3. hmm, so far I have all 1/48's but they're not my favorite toy the 1/55, neither I guess my 1/60 Vf-1S Strike is my favorite, dunno why
  4. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1,..... Thunderbirds are GONE!!!!!
  5. That's probably the biggest factor most Pro-SDF/Anti-7 see It's "Too spaced out" to be believeable Macross wasn't about "Magic" it was about science it sometimes seems like M7 is a fantasy (I can picture Basara attacking his enemy with sword, shield and singing out loud) and in 7 the magic was laid on thick! (this is something I hope they avoid in M0) In SDF-tv it was just a normal singer, it could have been anyone (it could have been a pron-movie as Duke pointed out) in 7 you had to be special, not talented but special with powers beyond belief maybe that's a little overrated statement, but it sure looks that way
  6. "Act three: -Hero/underdog character enters room with authority and attitude - Cut to scene: entrance"
  7. Damn! I've seen better!
  8. My comment was directed more towards DR, who to my opinion seems to have been waiting for a chance to get back at Max for some reason and hopes to have found an ally and actually if you found yourself offended, the correct course of action was to PM Max or maybe another mod, not use the boards for your dialog and immediatly not after 3 months Your thead was closed after you brought it up in Mechamaniac's Christmas thread, so actually it's your own damned fault Max probably never even read your reply to his statement untill that so actually you may have been the one to bring up a 3-month old post So you think Max is an ass? then you probably haven't met me in real life same can be said for Duke Togo, Agent One, Vinnie, Destroids Rage and Me As I stated "can be said" - it's all in your personal POV, if you happen to take offence of some of the postings, Yeah, you're right Just because Max is a Mod it's a problem? Heh, I'd probably act the same way, maybe even more "Zero Tolerance - and here's a kick in the butt to remember it" then it would probably be my name up here in Neon Edit: Roy beat me to it
  9. Aw man,.... I'm gonna be so broke
  10. Since when is MW a democracy? Impeachement of a mod? w/hell I vote "Nay" anyway "Mods: it's a dirty job but someone's got to do it" Picking a fight with a mod is useless, they have carte blanche from the admins and it says nowhere in the jobdescription to be curtious I remember this signature well "...and yes we are out to get you" edit in: Seems like you were the first to post your thoughts publicly by pointing out "Look what Bad Max did in my thread here" trying to make him look like a jerk Just because Max is less sympathetic on his comments in threads doesn't make him a bad Mod I guess you just keep ignoring him like you suggested in your post
  11. NO who got Roys "LITTLE BLACK BOOK"??????? vol.1 & vol.2 Thats the real keepsake, maybe he was burried with it... They couldn't pry it out of his cold dead hands (those hands make a very nice display in my home btw )
  12. what's this one supposed to be?
  13. Please quote the reference you got this information from. (Sorry, in a rush but am interested to know where you got the news from.) You don't need a reference for that the vf1 Hikaru, Max and Cannonfodder are not FP-capable, therefore slim chance the armor will fit those VE VT and 1D have a different canopy and chest Rumour has it there are some CF's that are fp-capable, but.....
  14. Nice use of same sarcasm: How do you know what Kawamori thinks, for all we know he might actually hate M7, but isn't allowed (pride, big west or otherwise) to acknowledge that publicly - But M7 has all the elements, only in different quantities and those clash with the tastes of some macross fans as for why the anti-M7 fans keep it up: they silently hope that their bashing will prevent an Macross 7 Pt. II
  15. Actually it's also a European Pagan holliday, celebrating the turnpoint where daylight increases again and me as part of the ancient german race am entitled to it
  16. Hey, if it's cold outside you could also use the 50/50 Hot Coco/Valium Trick edit:(or substitute the valium with laxative)
  17. I think most series, whether anime or other focus on the characters more than the mecha the operate (Trek, Bab 5, Patlabor, heh even Dominion Tank Police) Though some things are truth If you cannot identify yourself with (one of) the main character(s) - "Basara's an idiot" may be a not-so-intelligent but honest excuse -chances are you won't like it same goes for the fact if you watch anime because of "superior animation" getting spoiled with advancements isn't a problem, it is when the follow-up show has lesser animation quality than it's ten year older prequal and there is no excuse to have to watch 15-25 eps before it finally starts to get interesting (or 3 seasons,...ST Voyeurger anyone?) this mostly happens with long running series, while short keep a steady pace, longer subsequently drop to episodes that are close to sleep-inducing boredom as for people's memory lasting no longer than 5 days.... this may provide an explination of all those gundam spinoffs Edit: this has nothing to do with the fact if I like M7 or not I'll have to watch it first
  18. Well, Hikaru did crash Roy's "Get well soon" present in the hospital, he needed another thing to remember him by the choice was Claudia or the Helmet.....
  19. You are more right than you think. I'm more right in thinking that I'm right than you think I think I'm right
  20. Nope, drafting was cancelled just before I had to get my medical only thing I find interesting about the military is the cool hardware and, though I'm not a Pacifist, I'd rather not be taught how to kill another person. Not only that, but a job I'm not allowed to think for myself untill I reached a certain rank is no job for me
  21. True, no head laserguns and no Micromissles in the boosters or armunits too bad the compendium doesn't mention any hardpoints to attach weaponry on the wings, but give it a gunpod and it can shoot, it has the tracking and targetting systems for it
  22. Nice guys finish last
  23. Y'know Most trek seasons suck till the last 10 episodes,... and trek usually gets bashed alot around here
  24. Although the Ostrich seems a trainer in DYRL, Hikaru still uses it's weapon systems (Missle targetting, it even has a trigger on it's stick) to find out to his surprise it wasn't armed So the VT1's are probably capable of being used in combat
  25. Gotta love the guy, if I were him, I'd pack my stuff and get out as fast as I can Happy Hollidays Shawn and Graham oh,.....and the Mods too,...I guess
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