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Everything posted by Nightbat

  1. anyone still remember "Little Valk"?
  2. If the F-14's targeting systems are able to lock on to max. 6 targets handling 4 missiles shouldn't be that hard and lets not forget missiles can also take out jets coming head on, they close a lot faster than Zeros
  3. "MWer of the year"? edits: "Mod of the Month" "Lying Macross Purist of the week" "This day's douchebag" I see potential here
  4. If you look at large flocks of birds/bats/locusts they also have a very fluid/liquid motion if it were a kind of confetti (In the above pic you also see the Zentradi cruiser dropping it) it must be tons of it, then again, lightingeffects must have advanced to by the time of 2012 don't think it's ballast, unless the Anti-grav systems have been online all the time during buildup (I wonder btw why transport wasn't arranged to the moon instead of bringing that big hulk down near Macross city)
  5. Did you ever watch "Love Boat"? picture it as 2012's version of confetti - Bigger, better, faster, more Edit - Or maybe Agent One knows
  6. thanks for keeping this thread civil <_<
  7. A few years back I got back into anime and went to the RDF-forum While in a chat there, I started to realize that only "The Macross Saga" appealed to me and since that was an edit of Macross, I decided to stick with the original stuff and ended here.... "Either you stick with the bible, or create your own religion. Don't add stories and deny the original, it wasn't your work in the first place"
  8. Choice of a lesser evil, but I'd rather see the new Appleseed movie than the GITS movie those are some drugged out expressions on those screenshots
  9. The biggest mistake on retiring the Tomcat: No idiot was dumb enough to take on an F-14 expect alot more dogfights with the new fleetdefenders the good news is: we can all buy one in a few years time, start saving peeps!
  10. actually,... that's exactly the reason MW hasn't hit 500.000 members yet
  11. Blaine23 beat me to it there is a TESTFORUM for these functions btw you can experiment with posts and uploads there
  12. Nightbat


    Many of us wouldn't be able to fit a 1/48 Q-rau on our shelves. I still don't know where you guys are planning on putting your 1/60 destroid Monsters when they come. heh, the monster will already be a problem (who am I kidding any yamato since the 1/48 VF-1S isn't able to fit) a 1/48 Q-rau? first of all it would be more expensive then the 1/60 monster second is I have to put up my family in the shed
  13. Simple question, tough answer there is a lineart pic floating around the board which shows 2 pistons connecting the underside of the chest to the intakes and assumably move the legs towards their connectionpoint at the nose after which they disconnect where the legs connect to is unknown, Yamato's answers is as good as any there maybe is a link somewhere on the main page of MW about creating perfect transformation (models section?) I believe it was a contest back in the day, where they had the lineart and some of the proposed solutions posted Edit: here's the link: http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/contes...nsform_2001.htm
  14. the Bandai 1/55 Valkyries named after their proportions
  15. Dangard Ace is only here for the Pr0n (who's your Avatar btw?) Max to feed his Masochism Agent One for the doorknobs I just have no life!
  16. In that case, I guess we should be glad that the rest of the toys aren't made in Japan. I guess if they were a 1/48 would cost about $500? BS look at Korean guitars vs Japanese Yes Japan (normally) has higher quality, but not neccesarily higher price (I'm talking same liscense/brand here not Samick Korea vs Fender Japan)
  17. Nightbat


    True, I'll pass the Max Q-rau for the Cannon fodder one maybe if there's a clearance on HLJ for the Max I'll buy it
  18. actually, the VF-1A wasn't wasted in DYRL, that one was safe in the flight deck,while he was out wrecking the VT-1 (together with Roy taking his 1S apart) survived the Meltrandi attack on the SDF and was passed on to another Redshirt-to-be But I can't believe you all forgot his....: Magic Bicycle !!!
  19. any helmet from Arai is overpriced even €80,- helmets pass standard safetylaws and after €400,- it's just luxury and paintjob you're paying for anything past €600,- is just crazy the Yamato helmet may be limited, but there are no safety tests needed nor does it have any luxury Only cost has been the design and the liscense So unless it has a Kevlar shell, anti fog/scratch visor, onboard Dolbi Pro-logic I see no reason for it to cost past €1000,-
  20. Nightbat


    and to think I started this thread just as a "heads up" and directed discussion to This thread!
  21. I paid €352,- for my motorcycle helmet (ofcourse my helmet is a mass-produced shell with quantities up there in the 10k's, qualified to US and EC safety standards) €1200,- for that Yamato helmet? ....Sorry, No! that doesn't mean the Yamato helmet isn't something I don't want to have It's something I just can't justify to afford
  22. been there before, check this thread: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...=ST&f=26&t=3751
  23. Bought it last friday getting it transformed was easy, getting it back in robot form was a PITA on one side it's quite sturdy (legs/tail, torso), on the other quite flimsy head/head, jaw, dragon's hips, the little peg to connect the feet) this is definitly a display piece
  24. Nightbat

    News Drought

    Yes you are: Nobody's gettin' paid to give you the news yet you act like you're entitled to it? You must be one of those spoiled-to-the-bone rich kids right? "Mommy, I want my Macros toy-news NOW!!!
  25. Little OT: I once saw a test of one of those "Bullit resistant" vests they shot a window dummy First thing that came to mind was "without concrete, it's gonna dig that bullit AND vest 7 cm deep between your ribs" it saves the trouble finding and taking the bullit out, but that's it got to see some results on kevlar plates used on armored cars, they threw everything at it, including grenades and taping explosives to it only a few layers were damaged,... nice stuff!
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