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Everything posted by Nightbat

  1. They owe me 5%!!!!
  2. Oh I won't bother with reordering just thought it was funny BS, technically I ordered before jan. 29th Yet I still don't get it, because I was "Too early" So I get shafted 5% Maybe they should rename it "The not-so-Early Sir Not-appearing-in-this-film Bird Discount" That's what you get for helping HLJ's ordering department when you preorder early,... or at least not so early,... or early enough to just make the Preorder deadline oh BTW, I have it SAL shipped, so I'm never the first in MW to obtain a release
  3. Some of you may have seen the "Early Bird discount" on Hobby Link Japan and the fact that the 1/48 1J Millia preorder gets a 5% discount Now I've ordered my Millia just before this stunt and decided to contact HLJ about it guess what: "The earliest bird gets the shaft" I have to cancel and re-order it to get the discount Nice,... but what if this is a High demand item? HLJ has a "First come, First serve" service, so if I do that I get placed further up the Queue and may even miss out (I realise this won't be the problem with the Millia, but still,...) Pretty funny situation oh well I'll let them keep that 5%
  4. I have the entire series #1 -except the chase figure- in normal, and clear hair version so technically I have no doubles,...sorry
  5. HLJ lists Series #1 with "Februari Restock" behind their availability-status
  6. Shin, read THIS thread and this time also all the words between and around "VF-0S" <_<
  7. Duke, you can use the "Report this post" button of the thread for quick notification to the mods
  8. No I don't own a shop, I just want that Minmay, Misa and Roy figure (I didn't get the chase figure at the first release, though I ordered a complete box of 10 pcs, but all I wanted from that were the Minmay and Hikaru, got them in both versions, the rest is just bonus)
  9. Gee, couldn't these things be discussed Here and Here already??? <_<
  10. Next stop? are you kidding? haven't you been sniping HLJ's site yet? I already preordered 10 before the weekend
  11. allthough I hate these "plan future models" posts I'm gonna try and understand why yamato chose 1/100: ...don't buy them, my guess is that there will be 1/60 versions like the VF-1 got it's 1/48 making a VF-0 1/60 -> 1/48 would be making a huge Valk even bigger, it's not feasable (how big would a 1/60 VF-0 be? probably alot larger than a 1/60 VF-1)
  12. Now there's a man with good eyes and (similar) taste You're not alone Duke, you and 90% of the male world (and most of MW I see) want something that doesn't leave bruises if you happen to hug it, or -on top of that- break if you squeeze too hard Anyway the beauty of hollywood is that Cuddly Connely has forever been immortalized on the silver screen She maybe as slim as a stiff now, Butt....,.....?!!? I mean BUT -we can keep seeing that mammory ,...ehhrrrr MEMory
  13. Pam andersen???? No way man, If I wanted plastic I'd go out to find one of those "real life dolls"
  14. Which we would've had by now, only most of them were banned already ...well,... that and A1's Doorknobs (J/K peeps) (when we reached 1000, I checked the # of posts and only 1/3 of them were active)
  15. Hey I didn't know they casted Reba West for Asuka/Kate rose
  16. Hey, I might be a man so I'm sexually aroused 100% of the time... ...but I still have something called taste Unless I was drunk ofcourse
  17. Nightbat

    Heads up!

    Millia CM's figures No discussion needed here, there are already threads on the subjects
  18. We could all log in drunk, that would create some interesting topics
  19. Nightbat

    Im New Here

    Hallo mede Nederlander! Welkom op MW Pak een biertje, en geniet van het uitzicht Geld heb je al niet meer wdat ik zie je aan collectie dus het heeft geen zin om je daar voor te waarschuwen Translation: Hello fellow-Dutchman! Welcome to MW Grab a beer and enjoy the view I see by your collection you're already out of money so it's no use to warn you about it
  20. whining- The official sport of MacrossWorld
  21. Just place an old aquarium upside down (and I'm not talking about one of those teenie "1 goldfish" kind of bowls)
  22. I don't know what Nightbat meant, but to me, the CGI is so glaring against the cell animation behind that instead of blending in, the differences become larger and more visible. So instead of being able to sit back and try to enjoy the show, all I see are the CGI against the cell background. And on that thread of thought, I have issues with the way the action is filmed by the director. The camera used is shaking too badly to really have a clear picture of what's going on. It's like the director is trying to artificially increase the tension in an otherwise somewhat bland scene. Not quite. Those of us who prefer the cell animation are remembering Evangelion and Macross Plus as two stellar works that didn't need to cheat with CGI to get fantastic action scenes that held the viewers on the edges of their seats. First off, the tone of your post is a little condecending and insulting. Not exactly the best way to go about having a serious conversation and debate. Secondly, the "magic factor" happens to be the levitating of stones and causing spontanious growth and blossoming of flowers just by singing a song. And there's the precognition Sara displayed in OVA 1, though that could be explained as the APHOS transmitting knowledge directly into her brain. Yes, that's something that CGI is good at, massive amounts of details on the models. But if those models don't move as believably as the cell animation, then it's worth very little to go that route. And the CG models don't show the mechanics of the mecha any better than cell animtion would. The only reason we see the things we now see are because the writers and directors decided to show it to us, regardless of the medium used. If the opening fight sequence in OVA 1 were cell-animated instead of CGI, do you think they wouldn't have shown us the swing-bars for the legs, or the pilot's seat rotating and the extra screens sliding into place? I certainly don't think so. Yes, the CGI is very pretty to look at, but it doesn't suspend my disbelief as easily as the cell animation in Eva and Mac+ did, which I find dissapointing considering the relative age of those titles compared to Macross Zero. That about sums it up Reboot/Beastwars/FF spirits within... I have little problems with those since it's entirely CG Titan AE, Metropolis, Alladin, Mac 0... sorry Using CG in cell animation is like using cell animation in live action -at least to my eyes- "Don't!" I have no problem with the actions used in the dogfights, it's the visibility of the textures used for CG-objects it's so "off" from the surroundings it's placed upon, it takes away my attention like a scratch on a monitor we had a "Magic" discussion in the M7 thread already, So I'll leave it at what Cory said
  23. I agree. Whining about a .02 cent piece of velcro not being there is really lame. I've never seen a fanbase complain so much when the fanbase has it so good right now. Maybe, maybe not, but it's sure as hell possible to tell someone in a civil manner I actually was surprised those $ 0.02 ct pieces are missing from the boxes I may not care too much about it, but still...
  24. I for one 'hate' the CG used in zero the valks look like utter crap, only slightly better than what was used in Beast Wars (I love what was done for Reboot and even FF SW is pretty good) Edit - ....and this takes alot away from the dogfights I don't know if anyone ever saw the animation intro used in the Mortal Combat movie?... I don't consider M0 much better (or I have superior eyesight and distinguish CG very easily,...but with a left-eye dominance problem I guess not) As for the story: Well, as with most Prequals, it screws up the rest of the series The "Magic-factor" is taken a step further (levitation of stones by singing?? <_< ) to be honest,.. I think it's as much Macross as Southern Cross and Mospea (sp?) It's quite good though, don't get me wrong I just don't see it as "Macross" or try to convince myself that it's "a worthy Prequal" it's just a good anime
  25. they will be colored in the mold, not painted Worked great with the 1/60's, so why not on the 1/48? (if you mean the FP's: they are 2 -actually more- parts) those colored canopies look great btw, they could/should've done that to the 1/60's
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