Rule #1
Kids can AND will destroy anything
Now you know that, next time you see 1 of your toys destroyed, you won't immediatly go into a psychotic rage
Rule #2
If you have models on your wall, make sure the shelves or cabinets are screwed to the wall good enough to support YOUR weight (better yet test it using a pregnant female)
Rule #3
Daycare Center!!!
99% of the time one of your toys is destroyed it happens when you're not at home
(and mommy doesn't mind it's "nice and quiet")
the less your potential heartattack is around, the more chance your toys have -surviving
little Satan's first 4 years (and the more chance little whirlwind has of reaching adulthood)
Rule #4
Locks are useless if you leave your keys in places your Destructive research expert
"would never be able to find them" keep them to your heart AT ALL TIMES!
Rule #5
Trust no-one, not your wife, your parents, your in-laws, the babysitter (don't even think she can be a little trustworthy!!!), the neighbours
(Closest person you can trust is the bum that sees you -a broken, lonely, but proud man-
walking with this old shoppingcart after rule #7, he knows.... he knows...)
Rule #6
There is no #6
Rule #7 when that little one sees it's first light in it's beautiful eyes (like his mother's)
Smile,.... then hurry home, grab your collection and run, RUN LIKE Hell!!!!