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Everything posted by Nightbat

  1. C'mon guys, I know Megs doesn't lend himself well for an G1 MP edition but if it isn't good ol' Megs the gun what's the use of releasing him at all?
  2. Now there's a better idea if I'm gonna be put up with 100,000 other morons in a selfcontained arcology it might as well be in space got a problem with a part of the structure? simple, just nuke the site from or..... I mean evacuate and jettison the bastard into space (or the atmosphere) just like Lego easy to assemble and dissassemble
  3. heheh, cool My oldfashioned "On the Computer" pic uploaded
  4. I saw another show about a 1 km high building-project (or concept) it actually explained that indeed Japan's bedrock is very deep below the surface but if we're able to drill holes "x" meters deep this is just a temporary problem I don't know, maybe it's because i think Towering Inferno is a great movie but just because we can doesn't mean we should
  5. Man I thought it died never to be remembered again - and that's a Good thing! I love Henson's designs but for the rest dinosaurs was a piss poor show where jokes got old very fast (then again, I'm not a Simpsons fan either, educational comedies blow!)
  6. individual
  7. But it will be funnier when A1 starts yelling out "DOORKNOB DOORKNOB!" Huh? What? The joke is getting old? Aw... No Way Man!!!
  8. Ho-hummm.... Nice Too bad I'm not a Gundam fan
  9. I promised myself I'd complete both lines and am still able to keep up financially So both M&M are on preorder
  10. For all you strongbad fans: I tried "Kyle Smith" but instead of "The Yellow Dart" I got "Infrared Bumblebee"
  11. Say it ain't so Sho-joe Please don't let it be a Captain Planet "Save the inviroment" Show where machines -which use up enormous amounts of the earth's recources being produced and maintained- go out, burn fuel, leave toxic waste and save the planet from bad guys that only want to be able to sell furniture cheaper
  12. Campbell: "Your code name for this mission will be Grenade Stallion" "Those are some big Grenades on that stallion"
  13. Smaller than a table cloth? it could also be a hankerchief
  14. The same thing we do every time MW is down Phatslappy "Try and take over The World!!!!
  15. One I find very good is Gai's death in Nadesico No blaze of glory, no last witty comment There he is, minding his own business, then *pop*,...it's over for no real reason he gets a bullit, now there was something to stop and think
  16. don't forget the pr0n
  17. We already had a chickchat in the feedback forum I know it's almost spring, but let's keep those hormones off the forum
  18. Yes you've guessed it right, and for only €413.09 you an look like your favorite retard ...uhhhhh, Heroin:
  19. Nightbat


    what is this BS? this guy wants to know where to apply the stickers, not where he can buy another one edit: Idiot I am,... didn't see Draykov's post his links are just as/even more usefull
  20. Anyone can say what he wants, but Duke is right Rainbow Brite WAS an anime/cartoon it was more "on topic" than airsoft, cars or even airplanes so if that thread got locked, why shouldn't the airsoft thread?????? I see aircraft-threads stay open because aviation is a big part in Macross WWF.... help me out here folks, isn't it like a fantasy series? Ah-nuld Braunschweiger- by clever use of politics is still within the rules of MW I've asked the mods to close a thread or 2 at times,... does that make me an A-hole? Probably for the ones who considered that thread valid and valued Duke's just getting the flak for posting it for everyone to see that he's the culprit Who says he was the only one who wanted it locked?
  21. at (most) times I find the polls pretty useless most is hypothetical "if so and so would be made, would you buy it" Sure everyone! ...if money allowed it! and the value of it is better found in the discussion under it than in the results Most of the time I either Null-vote or not at all and add a comment too bad most polls only take one aspect of a previous post (Graham's VF-0 thread as example) while you may just as well keep it in the original post Now a "how many models" or "your favorite Macross chapter" kind of poll gives at least realistic info, but those get old pretty quick
  22. Well, they gave me the alternative to cancel and reorder so it isn't like i was screwed out of the discount
  23. Bingo! oh anyway I don't care wheather I get that discount, maybe next time.. just thought it was pretty funny being one of the earliest preorders and then not getting it
  24. Rule #1 Kids can AND will destroy anything Now you know that, next time you see 1 of your toys destroyed, you won't immediatly go into a psychotic rage Rule #2 If you have models on your wall, make sure the shelves or cabinets are screwed to the wall good enough to support YOUR weight (better yet test it using a pregnant female) Rule #3 Daycare Center!!! 99% of the time one of your toys is destroyed it happens when you're not at home (and mommy doesn't mind it's "nice and quiet") the less your potential heartattack is around, the more chance your toys have -surviving little Satan's first 4 years (and the more chance little whirlwind has of reaching adulthood) Rule #4 Locks are useless if you leave your keys in places your Destructive research expert "would never be able to find them" keep them to your heart AT ALL TIMES! Rule #5 Trust no-one, not your wife, your parents, your in-laws, the babysitter (don't even think she can be a little trustworthy!!!), the neighbours (Closest person you can trust is the bum that sees you -a broken, lonely, but proud man- walking with this old shoppingcart after rule #7, he knows.... he knows...) Rule #6 There is no #6 Rule #7 when that little one sees it's first light in it's beautiful eyes (like his mother's) Smile,.... then hurry home, grab your collection and run, RUN LIKE Hell!!!!
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