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Everything posted by Nightbat

  1. On another note Hikaru was scoffed at since his attempt to save the bridge was "unneccesary" Maybe Misa knew something we don't that it may take more than a few direct flies to crack that windshield My gues would be indeed that that Big piece of glass isn't up to your usual "Mil-Spec" but a helluvalot more
  2. Well he's a bit rougher and with the deeper voice he comes across like a control freak. Still a big jerk on either side of the pond. in short: Yes! though he appears a bit more threatening as alcoholic in Macross
  3. F'get it,.... I broke my VF1D's canopy when it was released,... (that was october last year?) I'm still waiting for HLJ to hook me up to some spare parts I did recieve an engrish e-mail about some parts not available seems like they meant "All" Oh well,. the moment the 1D goes on sale I'll buy a new one
  4. Got it, Love it! more jungle gives you more depth in gameplay got it saturday, been playing for 16 hours online already Choppers are easier to fly if you loose a strategic base you're in trouble don't like the jeeps though, at least in DC you had MG's and rocketlaunchers
  5. Dumb question you say? Just wanna get the details of pilot training as I am planning to develop a MUD for Macross. I haven't found any so I'd like to start one. I need all info I could get including pilot training so that I can add them to the game. In all honesty I don't think that ever was discussed on an official level and nobody here knows I guess you can do what you want with it if you want inspiration: the comment about WWII pilots just before and during the Battle of Brittain would be the best scenario (High Selection Standards being lowerd the more the battle continues)
  6. Know a Squad leader Steal a Valkyrie Bang a high ranking officer
  7. Blackjek check out HLJ, they have them back in stock! (well just before I posted this anyway ) CM Figures series #1
  8. I told you so, I told y.... wait, nobody posted "Yamato's going out of business" yet
  9. Well, if some of you remember, I hoped for it to be made now I can only pray it won't suck I don't think it will need to have 30% of the worlds population to run around in panic to be considered succesfull But I hope it doesn't have a mood or atmosphere the likes of Titanic (man that sank!), or Pearl Harbor (It totally blew!)
  10. I told you guys so, I told you so,... didn't I tell you so? huh?
  11. Yeah, and did you forget to mention we have you among other things heheh welcome to MW BB77, the place where so much knowledge is available we could plot world domination and where everybody's so crazy we should all be in the nuthouse Keep that Economy going with consuming Buff. I know I am
  12. I'm the odd man out I think it's boring and other than graphics has no improvement over MOHAA which I still consider alot of fun to play This is the Multiplayer scene though, as for Single, I do consider the missions much more professional and have a ver (for as far as I am allowed to claim) real feel to it But for me to keep playing a game it needs fun MP, which MOHAA wins hands down (although I recently got a little more in BF Desert Combat) Played the FarCry demo,...now that's moving forward in gameplay
  13. Sept. 2002, just before the release of the 1st 1/48
  14. Are you refering to my abs, or my biceps? Nah, must be your Ego
  15. Ta-daaaaa!!! (Oh and btw, wanna see what will happen if I walk into a gay bar and start yelling discriminating profanities? least that will happen is: I get arrested All nice to say "words don't hurt if you won't let them" tell that to minorities and ask yourself why it's against the law)
  16. Nightbat


    and then there's the matter of: "In what Mode?" due to Anime-Magic it's impossible to get the proportions of a valk right in all 3 modes some have a better Gerwalk than others have a battroid than others have a fighter ...or something like that
  17. the only thing that doesn't make this fit in the other thread is this line: take it out and you could've posted it there seamlessly since that thread isn't specific No I'm not a Mod, so sorry to make you think this might be against forum rules [sarcasm]now excuse me while I make seperate threads for 1/144, 1/72, 1/60, 1/55, 1/48, 1/24 and 1/12 advanced valkyries by Yamato[/sarcasm]
  18. And again Shin.... there is no need to post another topic about it you can simply discuss this HERE
  19. Well, for being shoddy in the QC department I'm surprised so many survive my 1/60 Roy Strike and Millia took a 1.5 meter dive -Roy in battroid, Millia in Gerwalk- they both popped some parts (screwplugs and millia's backpack) but no damage whatsoever Guess their not as weak afterall:)
  20. If this were true the 1/48 Max would've never become reality I bet the 1/60 Max version sold worse than the TRU/Regular Cannon Fodder(for what the rumours say about that)
  21. Paranoid fairytales once spread, very hard to kill especially since there are already more 1/48's than originally were planned by yamato Unless someone can give us official word that Yamato will actually stop producing new valks don't get your panties in a twist (ofcourse sometime in the future Yamato WILL drop the line and we'll have all these Doomsday prophets saying "I told you so, I told you so!" - we all know nothing lasts forever!)
  22. Elevated testosteron... Spring must be in the air
  23. Red Comet, you are Evil, Captain Global in drag is Evil ... But AgentONE and Doorknobs.... now That's Evil! It so Evil!, it makes Satan look like a Girly Man! (Disclaimer: all Doorknobs and Girly-statements are property of AgentOne Courtesy of "Sexy Hurting Inc." brought to you by perfection "Evil" under Licence of RC for Satan's Flash Productions
  24. Actually, an age-poll here a while ago proved that most Macross fans are 26-31 so there's something to be said about that argument and don't forget 18-25 year olds have a higher income than those younger were they the TF-Armada generation chances are the toys would be cheaper just look at what agegroup the alternators are aimed at and their price
  25. *rewinds a bit 8 bucks?!?!?!? ... that's it,.... I'm downloading!!! (an A-movie here is €10-12,50) Yeah the blue-collar guys are really feeling the strain of piracy... so stop paying ridiculous amounts to bad actors!!!!!
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