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Everything posted by Nightbat

  1. As long as we don't start calling each other names in our sig I see no harm in this thread at all that "Rip van winkel" statement is true, but explain to me what it's worth in a discussion forum that's based on a 20+ yr old cartoon? (In M7's case 10 yrs) we might just end all discussion now in that case "use of reaction..." Locked, we talked about that 8 months ago" "DYRL? the Protoculture's cit....." Locked, Repost - already asked on 23th of august 1999 "What do you think about Macr...." Closed! No topics may be opened with suggestive titles that make the members theorise without use of facts and stating their opinions/thoughts/emotions
  2. Its not the broad-stroke story that is lame, its the show... I guess the story could have come off good if there were no fruity-buttplug sissy monsters or Elton John wannabe assmaster Basara singing like a pride parade assless chap model. THOSE things are what make M7 fit for me to piss on. 10 years and still worth while *sits back UPDATE: I've just gotten M7 through unethical means and within an uncertain amount of time I will have seen it
  3. To have a real "complete" 1/60 collection I would need TRU Cannon Fodder VF-1S Focker w/o FP's since I already have the Mass Produced CF and FP Focker I consider my collection "complete" (excluding the upcoming releases ofcourse) I have ordered the GPB without the 1J since I already have the FP 1J as long as my finances keep up I'll be buying the 1/48's and 1/60's without Destroids and enemy mecha , the 1/48 line still isn't the best Though we'll see if we ever get a complete Macross mecha line in 1/60 or that it stops after the Monster(s) & Q-rau
  4. I am, and always be average
  5. Ah, but at least that is one is a collector's quest solely for availability there simply aren't any more manufactured not because there are LV releases with a "more pleasant shade of grey" or an extra line on the chest someone going into so much detail to find a difference and making it a big thing this is someone we call an "Ant-f***er" in the Netherlands
  6. Are you working for Agent ONE? ...or even worse: Red Comet!!! btw peeps....
  7. Well. I live in the Netherlands so anything "Domestic" is still more expensive than importing it from Japan that also means that importing from the US -though cheaper as buying it from a domestic source- is more expensive than straight out of Japan Edit: It'll probably won't have the cool features of the resin though (dismanteling the cowl of the bike to show the engine/seatpipes)
  8. Delft, The Netherlands latitude 51.9858 51° 59' 8" longitude 4.3648 4° 21' 53 hope these are correct (should place me west of Germany North-Sea coast, between Amsterdam and Rotterdam)
  9. Was browsing the upcoming releases at HLJ when I came across this: http://www.hlj.com/scripts/hljpage.cgi?KBYPP-12 [strongbad]Holy Crap![/strongbad] Yes it's the PVC version I know it's not for the diehard modelers, but for someone like me who has 2 left hands when it comes to painting/assembling something like this, it's too risky especially when the resin kit costs $180+ And I really wanted this kit bad! I already got the Comic party1/7 Takase Mizuki Swimsuit Ver. 1 PVC Completed and actually found it pretty nice for something mass-produced So now it's available for half the price I'm getting it! any Mahoromatic fans also getting this? btw 1/12 scale makes it around +/- 13-14 cm's for the figure am I correct?
  10. we're now eagerly waiting for keith and Agent One to give their unsalted opinions which is probably the only thing that makes debate still worth it after 10 years
  11. Nightbat

    Part 2

    I believe we're talking about the CM's figures Series #2 here? And yes... I'm getting 10 pcs, that's an entire box
  12. That's the reason I picked Anime as Tattoos My sis borught ocasional skinart and tattoo magazines home and they display very much the same things tigers, carp, eagles, samurai, tribals, old skool, flowers, ad nausium ...untill I came across 1 tattoo of Gin Rei (after reading about 50 of those mags) ...... so the next monhs I searched the net for possible designs (This was at the time when all archives were available to the public) Index of Mughi, Ache's Anime Archive, Bigfire's Archive, etc when I found the tattoo pictured a few posts up, needed some work though her hips were WAY to big so I spent a month on Photoshop/paintshop the result is a tattoo that no one has, and one I'm damned proud of (hurt like HELL though don't let anyone tell you otherwise!) Still looking for a good VF-1S to put on my upper leg (Need the space for a large one)
  13. I remember something when the 1/60 Max came out, I'm not sure it was Grahams comment, but it summed up the Max pretty detailed to quote:
  14. It could also be that a VF can reach space but has no fuel left to continue so since macross was just above atmosphere, chances are they still could dock but as was stated by others before: Macross may have been high in altitude but might have not been out of the atmosphere yet if you look in real life at how high the Lockheed blackbird flew, it was always night, yet it was still in the atmosphere
  15. [seriously]Good to hear you're not a fan of peeing green, occasional frequent rage and applying for early age heartconditions[/seriously] Now stop being such a Girly-Man and slap on some Tats!!!!
  16. You like it!!!? I thought so... Here's something to think about, I am not wearing any pants in that picture either. Well, to be clear, I wasn't calling you a homo, it was whomever couldn't get enough of you from your avatar It isn't possible to get enough of Agent ONE! That's not what the doorknobs say Do those end up just like A1: "Lumpy" Damn A1, I was expecting veins popping out of everywhere, the absence of a neck (seems like your head is missing though!) more lines toning your body than a plate of spaghetti ....where's the God we all worship? looks like you've been slacking off
  17. Something along those lines you don't give an expensive weapon to a rookie chances are he'll never get the chance to use it
  18. Huh? Why? after almost 7 years: still looks red to me
  19. I'll wait for the 1/60 nontransformable monster thank you... sorry, the VB-6 just doesn't do it for me
  20. One name comes to mind: Battlestar Galactica it looks magnificent operates very much like an aircraft carrier, very real life concept actualy seen combat and wasn't invincable
  21. Let me tell you this: Perfect circles are a PITA to tattoo and very rarely come out good they slap on the lines,... a piece of paper is flat now when they transfer it onto [insert bodypart here] most circles will get distorted not because of the initial transfer but because of the curves on your limbs and/or torso (see attachement - first one is a perfect circle, the rest overstated examples of what happens on curved surfaces) never put red and white together, both inks have the tendency to "flow" and do not give sharp edges in your flesh, lines made with these colors will always be a bit blurry, now imagine what happens if both come in contact: they'll smear and give you pink borders where they both meet edit: Macross logo borrowed from www.MacrossMilcom.net edit again: Where's the "Maybe" option in your poll?
  22. Check Graham's Signature that should give you enough explination
  23. Man,... Envious towards S_I_T_H_L_O_R_D?????
  24. That bunny must die!!! Nobody harasses a (cat)man on the can!!!!
  25. True, this car is pretty "civillian" standards but still it beats that star wars piece of ju.... ehhrm "car Think what you could do with a convertible the top could be the black(/red/blue) heatshield attach a couple of whachamacallits (those "sensors/ Animefiend->lazers" where the swingbars of the Yamato 1/48 attach) couple of skull 'n Crosbones on the spoiler sideskirts in GU-11 colors and markings some maskes to cover the rear lights to look like the VF's thrusters (any photoshoppers here? )
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