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Everything posted by Nightbat

  1. instead of "Quote" became quite obvious when my reply didn't end up at the end of the thread My apologies, seems my hand-eye coordination SUCKS!
  2. Actually, that was one of Cybertron's moons Cybertron lived to see another golden age (headmasters) Not really a "space"battle, but honorable mention: ID4 - The initial response of the humans once the aliens have been seen as a threat
  3. Which reminds me: did you guys recieve my bri.....Payment?
  4. M7 is nowhere near cool enough to contain hentai tentacle sex
  5. Ah those visionaries yeah that series had potential,...bute were there ever any toys made for it BTW: Mask was VERY cool (and expensive) but neither obscure or underrated Starcom fits the bill most, not only the series, but the toys were great fun
  6. Gee Vostok, pay attention man I already preordered, went to the toilet, got groceries, watched tv, became pregnant...uhhh No!, took a nap and you're not even on the phone with VE yet? keep focused here, it is Millia we're talking about
  7. eh? it means they won't need to start licking you
  8. Jog my memory please, sounds familiar
  9. Another fan saved! Yep And remembering A1's statement in a previous M7 discussion that means his work is done he can now live happily ever after with his doorknobs and die peacefully
  10. "...Nuke the site from orbit, it's the only way to be sure!"
  11. "Mayday, Mayday, I seem to be caught in some kind of web" "Einhorn is a man!!!!!" ...wait, that's not right...
  12. And you're the guys who are the authority on this board? *shivers*
  13. Don't worry, I won't But the doctor already warned me about lifting heavy things, so...
  14. Beau-ti-ful (where's Vostok when you need him)
  15. I thought CM's was it's own company? why are their trading figures displayed on the Yamato site?
  16. I believe when you order the default option is "SAL" it's not possible to select none
  17. These are the times when I miss old Skully (SkullOne)
  18. Actually Ostriches are very violent and to protect their nest would attack even a lion, they are no pushovers, though if there's nothing in need of defense an ostrich will simply run away, less risky, and saves energy (copared to duking it out with a lion) what survivalstrategy is effective poking your head in a hole and pretend you're not there ..... ...... ...... uhhm,... you see my point right? right???
  19. Correction added on a side note: I think one MW member might be happy to know this on another note: or at least after I'm dead ....or impotent
  20. I shudder at the thought how the discussions would be if MII was considered canon
  21. Well, Ali has a point Yamato has been releasing 2-3 things a month The Dyrl line is almost over, 3 or 4 left for the 1/48's to catch up to the 1/60's Destroids? enemy mecha? maybe that's another 7 items x 2 maybe an SDF-1 still 6 months in the year I do see it end (DYRL/SDF-TV) early next year but that probably won't be the last macross release though
  22. actually that's one of the problems right now "parents" are reading Mr Spock's Childcare, listening to childpsychologists instead of relying on their own ability to learn with children there is no "by the book", children grow and change Listening to "standards" disables parents from improvising, disables them from "learning their children" Not only that, it also finds itself that the parents aren't raising their children but research is
  23. Crap, since this is all about hypothetics: I bloody want to see what happened to the Megaroad 1 dammit! It's a mystery waiting to be cashed,..erhhhhrrrr solved!!! so, there, I said it! and whoever disagrees can shampoo my....
  24. those coin sounds are harmonics, so yes: they are done with the guitar Now I know where I went wrong instead of trying to play Iron Maiden's Somewhere in time - I should've been doing Megaman, Super Mario Bros, Metal Gear, Legend of Zelda
  25. Hmm,.. A1, do you know you just summerized episode 1?
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