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Everything posted by Nightbat

  1. I believe I have AreaSeven to thank for it (or some BT synopsis site ) has a Mahoromatic/hanaukyo Maids scenery with the artwork between FLCL and X/1999 (<-especially the gore 'n stuff) maybe some Wicked city too (no, no real nudity, everythig's done with taste!) not really action packed but backed by a very good story This is mostly a character driven series where everyone has a secret though sometimes a bit predictable and the main character looks like an inbetween of Shinji from EVA and Suguru from Mahoromatic there's mystery, but not in a threatening way certainly not boring (saw all 12 eps in one night,... if it's boring I wouldn't' have been able to stay awake) all in all a very good show any other opinions?
  2. try the P2P's
  3. I only have the Klite pack, DivX 4.02 codec installed and 5.0 Pro bundle, WMP 8.0, ffdshow and BSplayer installed I used to have the Tsunami pack installed so there could still be remnants of that on my HD Gspot Codec identifier says it's an Xvid Codec: Xvid Mpeg-4 Codec Ffdshow Mpeg-4 Video Decoder 3ivx D4 Video D ecoder video SRC type: 4cc: XVID Works perfect on my Divx and Windows Media Player
  4. Reeled it in with 95-115K, I'm keeping it open for as long as possible with DivX player 2.5.1 there is no choppy video whatsoever maybe try to find the Kazaa lite codec pack (I don't know anymore, I probably downloaded every codec ever though of so if it won't play with one player, it'll work with the 4 others I have installed)
  5. He'll always be "Superman" to me "...Now this is the world we live in,..."
  6. That means that they do listen to the American consumer too? Do you have any idea how much money Yamato makes on you US B*stages You ARE friggin' Yamato's Market :P
  7. Nightbat

    CM figure opinion

    Well for some figures it looks better, with others,.... what really bugs me is the hairstrains on the figure are painted, so there's always a color difference
  8. Hey thanks, got a few of them following various links in there to bad there's no tool to rip certain parts out of those NFS files (and I have to listen to xxx number of Sound effects
  9. Any of you guys know sites that have MP3's of 8 and 16 bit Nintendo games online? I'm looking for some classic BGM's from games like zelda 1 and 2, + 16bit Double Dragon 2 ending theme, Megaman 1, Castlevania 1 and 2, super streetfighter, etc,... p2p's give mostly new stuff, so they're not much use (Yeah, I'm taking a trip down memory lane)
  10. Oh, my fault! I thought this thread was called "Why this VS-topic will be closed"
  11. I have the VHS of "Clash of the biorrrrrrr...." (yeah, that one ) no thanks to HG plus a number of fansubs (No thanks to BW) and a company sabotaging a fandom sure won't get anything from me it's easier to get Macross® products than RT products here in europe always has been that way so where does the "international" stand for in HG's License?
  12. Ladies,...Gentlemen Place your preorders! http://www.hlj.com/scripts/hljpage.cgi?YMT00035
  13. Hell yeah! I was pondering nabbing these on DVD but I was told the transfers are no better than VHS quality. You guys are spoiled, I love my VHS Dvd's (at least those won't get any worse!)
  14. Never mail thru Chronopost! At my job we send our parcels thru them I've seen the van arrive, and saw the parcels already in there I've seen it go into the van Never mail thru Chronopost! I'd rather have it dropped from a B52 at 10,000' without a paracute just as a reminder: Never mail thru Chronopost!
  15. BTW: anyone have the "Standard Issue VF Barfbag" title???
  16. No way they used Jets I once saw a Lockheed starfighter built by a dutch airman and the thing was HUGE! at least 2m long, using the smallest jetengine available and he crashed it on an airshow! this is definitely prop powered, probably using a prop between the intakes (or those japanese outdone themselves again and used 2 very mini-props) and I have reason to believe that it's buit out of foam instead of wood (which would explain the flying enterprise) but cool anyhow!
  17. Be carefull of your ulcer those custom member titles were given as a joke a few months back why take it as a personal offence??? "Mommy, the mods are mean, I want a member title Tooooooo!!!! and if I dont get one I consider this whole place stupid!" Respect should be earned, not demanded! MW even has in it's Rules that it sometimes gives it's veterans/regulars some more leeway than the average joe/n00b become a respected member, stick around and maybe someday you -yes you- too can have your own personal member title Now what's keeping mine DAMMIT! Lighten up why does everything done on this board be taken to extremes? how many times wasn't there a problem untill someone made it a problem? relax, grab a beer, there are bigger problems in the world!
  18. [Dexter]"La chupacabra"[/just dü it]
  19. Bridge Bunny?!?!?! wtf???? what did I do to deserve that? aside from the long hair, I'm the last remaining real man on this planet!!! bridge bunny?
  20. Ask the retailer I believe HLJ is all out of 1st editions and if I'm correct the 2nd one has no velcro on the lid
  21. A1 just got another reason to ban the edit button "it makes ppl report!"
  22. That isn't the WF kit is it? (the one with the too long neck) cause the WF Minmay seems to have a better face Damn,.... Misa hardly ever gets any love from sculptors
  23. how about these 2: Area 88 Area 88 (btw check the addresses: img_7887.html and img_7888.html] )
  24. Hmmm,... maybe time to brush up my Japanese and send Yamato and BW an Email: "rook what I found hele, something about Copylight Inflingement-san!"
  25. and the good news: they're cancelled (well, series 2 anyway)
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