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Everything posted by Nightbat

  1. It would be cool to know what hands he used on it
  2. this is a bit weird: You guys are comparing a Ferrari to a Ford??? But when I'm fan of say, U2,... and I don't wish to pay €20 for their CD Does this mean I have to buy "Various Artists - Compilation" for €15? This would mean: Since I can't afford the ferrari, I'm buying a ford? No it means I'm a U2 fan and can't afford their CD so I DON'T buy it Ferrari isn't getting my money, period. doesn't matter how much quality they use and options they install (Deluxe booklet, Enhanced CD features) It's still too expensive and all the while Ford isn't getting my money either since I'm CERTAINLY not a fan of them You can't compare music/artists, it's pure fanbased I never bought a CD from artist A because it was cheaper than artist B I have waited for artist B's cd to drop in price to buy it Take illegal downloading and copying out of the equation and the solution stays the same: People aren't buying CD's because they can't afford them
  3. I believe we had this discussion before but I forgot: what was the difference between the Ver 1. - Ver 2. Hardsuits? (and what the hell is that hiddeous artwork doing in the background Adam Warren Raped my childhood)
  4. Hmm, maybe not "mini"guns but i'd like to see some footage from the A-10 releasing some boogers from it's nose, and the naval Goalkeeper Those things are vulcan cannons!
  5. 'Cause you 'mericans and brits are weird
  6. heh, didn't M7 have a bigger liscense-problem than SDF Macross? Something with rights to the songs making it unable to sell to anyone
  7. Problem solved, Both are 1:5.5, HLJ screwed up the scale So Virgin white, bent over, skimpy and big-boobed it is
  8. man you could put a 56k warning here farthest I got was 11245 meters and 500+ meters high the forcefield is used by the "Block bonus" girl, you see her block sometimes change in a "VS some other chick" when you hit a character just right you get either a bouncing boost (you won't lose height or speed) or you're launched straight ahead at great speed for a few seconds
  9. Found some conformation on another site that it's indeed the mighty tighty whitey they had it on preorder there too,... for €100+ Edit: Hell, HLJ might as well get my paycheck
  10. Ooooohhhh decisions, decisions
  11. The Nissan 240 is a damned good drifter, once it comes into it's powerband it's hell to keep under control, set everything concerning rear-wheel grip to 0 and you're raking in points The RWD cars are imo superior to the AWD's and FWD's, the AWD's are great for Drags but have bad cornering, the FWD's have the bad habit of going into a drift when taking corners at too high speed (which RWD's would handle and AWD's could scrape the barrier) My Favorite is the MX5 Miata, it's a bad dragger (used the Suzuki Mitsubishi* 3000GT for that) but perfect on circuits and good on drifts I for one didn't care about the "story" and found the End-boss easier to beat (on the 1st try) than the 2 races before that *Edit: My Mistake Mike
  12. Thanks JBO Though why this release would be 1/6 instead of 1/5.5 (but who would see the difference) beats me unless Max F. screwed up their scale on the first Kasumi
  13. Well, some of you may have seen the 1/5.5 DOA Kasumi that was released by Max Factory: Kasumi #1 This thing sold like hotcakes, so it was gone before I could make a decision Now it's being reissued in may but looking through HLJ's DOA inventory, I suddenly saw this one added: Kasumi #2 Allbeit in 1/6 scale and a "C2 Ver." added to it,... but what is the difference??? I checked Max Factory's website to find 2 release-dated Kasumi's seemingly both in the same pose (I can click pics,... but my japanese is somewhat nonexistant) anybody able to explain these 2 releases?
  14. Hmm,... I'd much rather prefer a Manga version of that Guges
  15. Huh Nobody bothered to take out my "get the Newbie" image???? Well,...
  16. Actualy G-man, it is Just look at what has been released over the past 20+ years VF-1's up the wazoo Enemy mechs were non existant, 3 or 4 SDF-1's, 1 destroid conversion kit, some trading figures (and most were VF1's), Hell, we're lucky to have a Q-rau M+ -very little, MII -Nada, M7 -a few valks, M0 -1 brainfart Hurray for the few expensive garagekits of the mecha from any of the series for 20up years, the only thing never forgotten were the valks and those were always able to sell and we're gonne be seeing them for another 20 years maybe not in abundance, or maybe peak like we've seen since 2001 but hopes for a "complete" scala of mechs is more a dream than reality
  17. Good news! Thanks Rob
  18. Look! It's GI Joe bionicles!!!!
  19. The same thing we do every night 1 VF-1 2NV,... Try and take over The World!!! collect macross items
  20. Man thos were bad! Candy-cane camo? what were they gonna do? jump in a pudding to set an ambush or something? "G.I. Joe the international Toxic-Warfare hero" <-like they had been swimming in it!
  21. OT: Any news on Bugbblegum Crisis figures??????
  22. Welcome to "WTHWIW" (What the HELL was I watching?) Yes, it's a sad day when one of the manliest of men (That's: me!) watches a series about: Dolls!!!! Rozen Maiden http://www.tbs.co.jp/rozen-maiden/ The story in short Kid Sakura Jun has had a nasty experience at school, and for this reason won't leave his room. Being taken care of by his Loving (-though Dumb) sister, while killing time with ordering junk from the internet -then sending it back before the trial-period ends One day he reads an advertisement about putting an envelope in his drawer he does so, and the moment he turns around, bangs his foot against a wooden box he opens it, and finds an 18th century dressed Doll *ed. note: wonder what that would fetch on Ebay Amazed by the detail (and trying to look up her dress) he finds a key and winds her (Yes you pervs: it turns her on!) The doll comes to life and just moments after her awakening a pierrot crashes through the window attacking Jun To save his ass Jun sells his soul to the doll and is caught in a "master/servant" relation *ed. note: though he didn't spill any water on her, she must be a gremlin, cause before you know it the whole house is running rampant with 4 of these little basteges What did I like about this? -Not the Suguru (Mahoromatic) fear/Shinji (NGE) Angst -The lack of fanservice (Unless you get aroused by 2' dolls in 18th century underwear ) -Not the Clockwork Ditz Sister (only a 2.5 on the -SAKS- "Steel Angel Kurumi Scale") -Not the Bad Guy/Girl/Doll which voice and chuckle sometimes reminds me of Pinky of "Pinky and the Brain" Though she's hot enough to get aroused ...uhmm,.. I mean.... -Not the "battle of the Bricks" where porcelain dolls duke it out -Not the opening title which seems to be cut off at the wrong point But it's pretty laid back without being boring (could've been a little longer, but no more than 3 eps) Shinku (the main man Doll) is an entertaining character, snobby though endearing she's what carries this anime Jun, who may have some "anime-trauma" isn't a spineless wimp (more a grumpy old man when the dolls run rampant) and the other dolls and Jun's sister Nori provide good support Verdict: Good Series Manlier than Macross 7 Hoping for a followup (better not a 2nd season, but a few OVA's would be nice) For more info and reviews:AnimeNfo Now excuse me while I go pump some iron, get drunk, fart in public, grow a beard, whistle at chicks and put on my lipstick So did any of you girls watch it, and what do you think?
  23. Actually, from what I read about the Tokyo School for the Japanese Language is that if you want to work there you need a Cultural Visa Seems a tourist visa won't get you a working permit
  24. (to translate: "Makes no sense") I wasn't giving an answer
  25. He, I had a similar idea, problem is: I'm only good for nothing So what "value" could I bring to the Japanese workforce? (doubtfull those Japanese are interested in a Dutch class )
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