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Everything posted by Nightbat

  1. *hears "ooh"s and "Aaahs" "Well, junior finally found out what Pr0n is" *Smiles,... feels proud, and like any good dad -goes to catch his son with the evidence "........Ma....cross????????" *cries
  2. they were a limited edition so therefore they are no longer on sale. Try looking for them on Ebay, I hear they are selling for $700 bucks, last I heard This wasn't the answer KingNor was looking for Wasn't a "Full Run" somewhere along the lines of 12000-15000 pieces? then a LTD run might be around 40%-50% of that 4500-8000 pieces
  3. -Elton John wrote 1 good song about Marilyn Monroe -I always said George Michael was gay, long before he was caught with his pants down. Nobody believed me -The Pet shop boys were from a time before I knew what a Heaumeau was
  4. Well, there are many bands I forgot I own the Thin Lizzy Life/Live album and enjoy it very much JsARCLIGHT: Though I can't find the source anymore but I read a Gary Moore interview where he spoke about Phil, claiming he actually tried to keep him busy, because since Lizzy broke up, Phil fell into a hole, he wasn't happy with the fact his band fell apart and this manifested in more drug-use
  5. The funny thing is: he's right with the rest of that comment in that thread (though the Macross continuity part is debatable, but that's a difference in opinion )
  6. 80's Hardrock/Rock - Maiden, Vandenberg, Helloween, Queen, Van Halen, Kiss, Manowar, Spinal Tap Some early 80's Synth-pop like Alphaville, Depeche Mode, OMD General stuff: Genesis/Phil Collins, The Darkness, Pet Shop Boys, Kim Wilde Some newer stuff like - Funeral for a friend, Rammstein, Within Temptation Add due to the many Animes I've seen - a number of OST's with some Jpop artists Ayumi Hamasaki, Saeko Chiba, Kotoko Not to mention I try and collect classic Game themes, like Metal Gear 1, Megaman 1, Double Dragon II, Castlevania, Legend of Zelda (It would have been easier to post my Winamp playlist though)
  7. If you were playing by our tactics you sure would have a more informed argument and wouldn't consider a discussion closed "Coz u Say So!" Not care to back up? I back up my opinions with proof, facts, observation and logical thinking. I may not be an authority on Macross SDF, but at least I bothered to look at more than one aspect of the show You don't need official statements for that, just you own eyes, ears and an objective mind any argument you make is reduced to "merely an opinion" with simple examples. because you have no proof to back it up, yet you just yap that your views are absolute and unquestionable like some self-proclaimed prophet I'm not claiming you're wrong, I'm proving you wrong Not because I don't want you to be right, but that's just the result of the argument Don't misunderstand me Keith, few MW-ers are as well informed about the story and writing-philosophy of M7 as you, but this isn't M7 You don't have to be an expert to see M-SDF/DYRL? and M7 are very different shows And if you're not here to discuss a show,.. what the hell are you here for?
  8. "Potshots"??? You're just making it TOO easy Keith you're turning into a parody, all you have is a conviction with nothing to back it up Your argument is empty, the facts given about the material that don't work with/show flaws in your beliefs are simply dismissed, then like you own it, consider the discussion closed To you the earth is flat, even after we show it to you from the moon
  9. Oh, I'd call it an "interesting argument" with Keith But I've seen him place better ones when it came to M7 Never expect him to corner himself so quickly, so easily But back on topic: I guess it wasn't just a song that saved the human race it was effort and openmindedness (heh,.. the Irony in that statement) coming from all sides
  10. C'mon Keith, You're just too thickheaded to realise not all of us take Macross as a Bible and even some of those who do experienced it in a way you won't accept I gave you proof that Spears' music isn't what you claim it to be ( And believe me: I don't like Spears any more than you do!) but because she's not written in the Macross Bible you consider it nonexistant, You can blame people for having bad taste or not being able to recognize quality, but millions of people feel happy/sappy/whatever with that crud she brings out How can that be? When YOU claim she puts no emotion in her work? The emotion put in singing is not the core of Macross, only of M7 Macross SDF and DYRL? were about much more than a song
  11. Hell, I'll argue You are simply stating an personal opinion The quality of Spears' songs is debatable, the popularity it has isn't. her songs seem to have a reaction to people, that's why they buy it You claim some "legendary" artists put all their hearts content into a song... ...but what if they say that just to sell records? While you're thinking of the emotion they put into those songs, they're counting their $$$ and laughing their a$$es off that Emo-morons are making them rich You *think* they are sincere, and again, that's where you give value to a certain artist Jimmi Hendrix, the Rolling Stones, even a certain period of the beatles- they wrote songs not with their true emotions but with the use of drugs ->artificially created emotions (You can take down a tree with an axe or a chainsaw which requiers more effort?) The emotion of a song is placed by the listener hence why Spears is so popular It's artificial, fake and hyped, yet a great number of people love her songs how can that be when -according to you- there is no emotion in her songs? If you have no feelings for a girl, she can say "I love you" 'till her face turns blue her words will be powerless, no matter how much emotion, honesty , whatever she places into it Look at it this way: Some people love their car/bike/computer/house/etc. these are soulless, emotionless things They put nothing in what they do, they are tools to use, not to experience yet people themselves give them value
  12. This is where you're very wrong, at least Brittney Speared thinks she puts emotion in her songs, and her fans think so as well Your comment is purely personal, and proven wrong by a large majority You also don't have the authority or the knowledge to tell the world which artist puts more (or any) emotion into their songs here's something to think about: These guys' music means jack-diddley to me So even though they put their emotions up the wazoo in those songs It is irrelevant to me Any girl can say "I love you" and they may all mean it, but you're the one who decides which one has value to you
  13. Yeah, another Dominion show!!!! (if it'll be as good as the old ones, we'll see)
  14. Keith, do you listen to music? Then so: don't you realize it's your OWN emotions that put value to a certain song? an artist can put as much of his hearts content into a song but every listener will feel something different hearing it, with the possibility that NONE feel the same as the artist who wrote it But again (and again, and again, and...) Pure emotional shock What won the war was the Zentradi's emotional reaction to the song But IIRC the kiss was at the end of the song
  15. Denmark? Legoland billund? Germany? Berlin? Belgium? Antwerpen? Netherlands? Don't! Stay clear!
  16. Visions of escaflowne never saw the series but could enjoy it on it's own though not funny, a good watch nonetheless
  17. 2 pieces is a collection,.. the sky is the limit clear pics, buckets to catch the saliva and last but not least: anything goes get ready for a barrage of jealousy!
  18. Who??? Never heard of the guy... ....Sonny Crockett? Yeah, sure, he's up at the top just below "The man": Clint Eastwood!
  19. Not only that, but that was one hell of a cool ep. The ones with Phil Collins as Smal Fry thief were fun!
  20. Nightbat

    Anybody know...

    thank god I bought 6 when the preorder at HLJ came up for €65 (inc shipping) and still one MISB (just in case they do decide to release a cannon foodder)
  21. Ah, so that absolutely must mean the other 50+% can't afford a computer? Now, it prolly won't come as a shock to you that most Americans have some form of cable TV service...These same folks also tend to bitch and moan alot about "57+ channels and nothing on"...sad really, they also complain about paying upwards of $50 a month for something they find little value in...I suppose it never occurs to them that they can live without such TV service. I haven't had cable TV in nearly a decade, I don't even want it...And the money I save from that alone allows me to have other luxuries like music CDs that I couldn't afford otherwise. I willingly gave up one luxury to have another...No reason why anyone else can't either. Just because you want a computer, doesn't mean the rest of your countrymen want one too. No but my comment "even Poor people would want some luxury in their life" is still true $50 of TV still gives more variety than 2 cd's even if 80% is crap Not to mention that it gives entertainment to the entire family, while your lucky if 2 people in a family like the same music If I were to choose between cable TV or 2 cd's I'd also choose TV and I hardly even watch TV I'm even thinking about dumping the TV-connection, but I'm not the only person in this house,... Yeah, rapeist often give that "woman asked for it" reason for thier crimes...because it happens, does it make it right? But are you trying to say that filesharing is just as bad as rape? Of course not. Now, is that something you agree with? No need asking questions you already know the answer to I didn't dodge this question But I'm willing to answer: Just because something is not right, doesn't mean it doesn't happen! But you took an example of human psychology out of context Debts are promoted by society, we're being shown beautiful expensive things in such a way they make us think it's essential in our lives (Computers, cars, cell-phones, houses, etc) entire armies of market researchers are out to find our weaknesses, commercials are made with a psychological message (it's not for yourself to have fresh breath/smell good, it is to be able to get girls, you don't care what gum it is you chew, only which one gets you the girl) that's where money is the limit,... untill the leeches come in with commercials about some dude buying a big a** TV he couldn't afford "but thanks to ......" Ofcourse looking at your example about rape you have a point someone is shown something beautiful and MUST have it But there's a difference in speeding,.. and driving on the pavement killing pedestrians Both are against the law, but only one leaves victims behind I agreed with you that theft = theft But rape != Filesharing (for those who know C/C++ ...I don't BTW) You also dodged my statement that people aren't buying cd's because of the price and labels are only using the filesharing as excuse for lower sales But you don't need to answer that since this thread is about filesharing So,.... for every 5 cd's you buy, you can download 50 for free and they will still make a profit? Thanks for the info Ironicly, the best punishment for a rapist is to be raped himself so if we feel "robbed" (which would be a better choice of words)....? Just because I can't afford a car doesn't mean I can just steal one but I f I buy a 20K car that delivers none of it's promises, no way I will get compensated, or my money back, so call me a criminal but I'd screw that manufacturer/dealer at any chance I get Everybody wants to be Robin Hood
  22. Of course not! I'm far, far, FAR from rich...but, I could afford all those things with the proper planning, patience, and will power to stick to a budget...There is NO reason ANYONE else can't do the same. No not EVERYONE can! there are 8 million privatly sold computers in my country there are 16 million inhabitants I happen to own 4 computers, which means that not even 50% of the population has a computer Just because I have a 4 course meal on the table doesn't mean there aren't people that can't afford a cracker Open you eyes, not everyone is in the same position as you! maybe some have more patience, better money skills and better planning than you but since they don't have a dime they simply cannot begin to do that Well, live with it! People are sheep, proven by 1000's of psychologists and psychiatrists over the past 100 years We have something called World War 2 to prove that: Poor people being held a steak infront of their eyes and because of that did some of the most horrible crimes humanity has ever seen Not only that, but if you look what's been discussed: Popmusic is another GREAT example being MUSIC FOR THE MASSES How could it possibly be that SO MANY people like the same music? The irony in that statement is that rape does happen with that reason difference is that it isn't promoted as something that you should do But are you trying to say that filesharing is just as bad as rape?
  23. It would be cool to know what hands he used on it it looks like he is useing the Gundam Master Grade 1/100 Doms or Rick Dom hands Yeah I saw you post that earlier, should have put "specific hands" but if gundam and 1/100 scale is a pretty accurate guess we have something to check out
  24. But they can afford $120+ Nike shoes and designer clothes, $50 video games, cell phones, SUV car payments, cable, satellite and TIVO TV packages, even Yamato toys...If they don't want a CD... fine...but if they can afford any of that stuff...they sure as hell can afford a CD they want. Its called money management, setting priorities, goals...a skill that seems to be vanishing as evidenced by the growth rate of personnel debt... Simply put, if you haven't the willpower, money management skills, foresight to save enough money to buy a CD you really want. Then you have far bigger problems to deal with then whineing about CD prices. So, you think everyone can buy all that stuff you mentioned? You think everyone is a rich kid, like us on MW? Your comment is short-sighted to say the least On another note: The growth of personal debt is increasing because producers are holding a steak in front of the consumers faces Tickle their desires the right way and long enough and people would almost swear they need it to survive and would go through great troubles to obtain it and even poor people would want some comfort and luxury in their life That's where the banks are eagerly circling around like vultures telling those that can't have it can have it by just signing up for a cheap loan End note: In the end of the discussion I cannot say your wrong Copyright laws are pretty much the same all over the world and quite easy to understand But the Multimedialabels are shifting the blame purely on Filesharing, while it's mostly people not buying the product since they think it's too expensive and if the labels continue with that attitude, I have no problem seeing them fall flat on their face They're digging their own grave, only in their arrogance they won't accept that
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