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Everything posted by Nightbat

  1. Only of that 50% is true Problem is that NASA is risking lives purely for results, not for succes they need to get contracts in, without the "coldwar" budget they cut corners everywhere Problem is: NASA=the Shuttles without them they're dead if they keep going this way, you might as well kill it now
  2. God is watching us Hmm, the 7th already? Guess it's MW's time oft the month again huh?
  3. Gee, let's edit the twin towers back in, when making a movie about terrorist attacks in the US and see how many positive reactions that 'll bring ofcourse that would be a NO-NO since it's it's only allowed to film such events in other countries
  4. I believe you're talking about "Barium" (at least that's what it's called in my country)
  5. *Done counting heheh, back when the FP's were announced, I bought 6 sets, just to be sure looking at my collection, though it might look like i'm one short, it's exactly the amount I'll need I bought a Hikaru 1J with TV FP's, when (if) the GPB is released it will recieve that where the TV-packs could be used if they were to release a 1D (and if they were never to release a 1D I'd get me a VF-1s to make the Operation Booby-Duck Valk) So none of my valks have to be naked
  6. Time to count my valks again
  7. No chance in Hell Seems there is a big dispute about the song rights, which would make M7 rather costly to sell
  8. Preordered! Ok: Which one of you pervs has preordered the same statue as me
  9. Heh, I was a fathersday present myself
  10. Nightbat


    Except for orbital boosters (which are too crazy to produce) a ground-crew would be ok I'd say the last 2-seaters (if possible)
  11. It does use a swingbar (or rod) in this case, but by opening the area between the nosecone and the landinggear they can keep it out of sight check out This link to see our own Graham wreck transform a 1/48 MacrossWorld's Main Page holds more than just the forums you know
  12. ......, ........... ...... ......... Words cannot describe how even I as non-SW fan disgust of this idea for the love of God, Satan and Boobies,.... don't ever mention this again
  13. Nightbat

    Super #1 Robot!

    Spam!!! get the hell out of my internet!
  14. Who's the more foolish: The fool, or the fool with the Mospeada .gif for an avatar? at least it didn't cost him $350
  15. Who gives a damn when, who cares what just the fact this could mean fun, warants enough to let the mods handle this every once in a while somebody has a quote or reply too good to forget it (or let them forget it, heheheh) that should be a good idea for Custom member titles
  16. Never thought I'd say this: "Glad we have the €uro"
  17. Wasn't the MOD-Files a spin off of that X-Files show starring AgentONE and his quest to destroy communist computers around the globe using spyware or something?... Do I get to be naked? Think we're saving that for the DVD release... No, we aren't But let's just say the DVD will open many doors AgentOne Better than he was before Better... Stronger... Faster,..... .....Uncut?
  18. That's a Man Bay-bee!!!
  19. That's the way nature works
  20. Absolute cool game, buddy of mine also had the add-ons of the 1st version spent hours painting the figs also bought "Space Hulk" a few years after that, which was also heaps of fun
  21. The Atelier Sai Figs are in preorder on HLJ for 6175 Yen (No pics yet)
  22. Rising cost of development and thousands of differen games sold with the same graphics-engine.... I'll pay that amount when every game uses it's own unique engine! ('till that time, I'll just wait 9 months to buy it from the bargain bin)
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