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Everything posted by Nightbat

  1. actually, she's more concerned about it's (lack of) power, not that it's a revolver a six-shooter isn't much use if you're supposed to give coverfire
  2. I've seen Rozen Maiden and liked it so mine MUST be low
  3. Godzilla: remember it well
  4. Man, I'm gonna be filthy rich someday!!!
  5. I want This One! from Filmswords.com:
  6. And I'll be laughing anyone crazy enough to pay so much $$$ for a 'current' item that has high chances of being produced should be able to handle the fact i't could lose 50% of it's value
  7. 4chan is your friend
  8. Good things come to those who wait chances are there that they'll reissue the Hikaru 1S (though not a certainty)
  9. Nightbat

    1/48 VF-1S Hikaru

    Hmmm, believe it or not, but I prefer the red
  10. I can't see ****
  11. Where -except for paranoid rumors- did you get the idea the 1/48 CF is a limited edition??? Some morons believe that because the 1/60 CF was a limited TRU release this one will also be a LE the TRU CF sold so well the decided to mass-produce it so doing another LE in 1/48 would be useless since they know people will buy it so far the LV is the only limited edition valk, and I'm guessing it wil be the last
  12. Disney's problem isn't the type of animation, it's the quality of it If I animate something and it looks like crap, it doesn't matter if it's done on a computer, with handdrawn cels, or using you ass and a piece of toiletpaper compare 50-bloody-years-old Snow-White to Hercules and Snow-White looks marvelous ofcourse Disney would never blame their incompetent staff
  13. Actually: Google usually comes up with a boatload of crap, an it usually takes 100's of pages before anything remotely worthwhile appears so, carefull with those words A1
  14. "We love you too Roy"
  15. *shudder* especially about that giant doorknob huh
  16. Yeah, I know, but it's made to look bad thruth to the matter: some bands (Dio amongst them) were outraged by some of the scenes in the movie since it hit a little too close to home
  17. This is Spinal Tap So bad, it can only be good They actually were the first with a Black album
  18. man,.. it's tied Could MW'ers be growing into adults,... where breastsize isn't as important as sense of duty? ....God, I hope not!!!!!!
  19. Yeah A1, just like pussy-cartoons = Good upbringing shees, modernize your thinking man,...
  20. Heh, I was missing a Drama topic here Thanks
  21. Keith and me on the same level??? (whoever said "I" voted for Mylene? )
  22. True pedophiles Anime-Fans would choose Mylene She's young, energetic, pink haired, a virgin and best of all: Not real!
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