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Everything posted by Nightbat

  1. This is what welcomed me at the dutch Motorshow in 2004 http://www.mcnews.com.au/NewBikeCatalogue/...rider/Intro.htm
  2. Low? or Long? the greater the distance between the seat and the footpegs, the less your legs are arched your footpegs could only go down so far
  3. Man, I need to go to church and light a candle for this *hell no, but almost*
  4. Nightbat

    Cms Series 4

    Max in DYRL flight suit. Max in DYRL flight suit! Max in DYRL flight suit!! Max in DYRL flight suit!!!!!!eleven!!1!!!!
  5. Balance isn't an issue with that thing (bet it'd be more manouverable than that tomahog) What i'm worried about is rear wheel suspension take that thing for a drive and within 20 miles your engine will be in pieces because of shock and vibration ask anyone who has gone from normal to low-height tyres how stiff it feels this tire has 0 damping in it though a good shock unit may make it comfortable for it's rider, no way that engine can survive for long not to mention that that engine will never cool with it's radiator in such a confined space, and no forced air-intake for it either
  6. thanks for the pics, but I meant "Real world" - - specs not that it would matter, that thing couldn't take a turn if your life depended on it
  7. pics - specs?
  8. So the only thing I think is interesting is the 154kg dry weight, but comparing it with GP bikes it's not that impressive but since it runs on an electric engine I'm interested in the torgue it produces it's not just top-end horsepower that makes a bike go with that wheelbase and groundclearance (especially the lack of it when cornering) you'd expect the akirabike to be a dragger looking at HP and weight, that thing shoot rocket down the strip but those 0-60 times are something to be ashamed of for most bikes -even in 1988 BTW: that tomahog has 4 wheels, that's NOT a bike
  9. and when he's finally in there: Lock it! that should keep him contained
  10. Crap,... Yamato's killing my bike-plans
  11. Looks Great Knight26!
  12. God, what about the songs ,...: "Kumbayaaaaaah, Kumbah*........." *sound of gunshot
  13. refine it! if you think it's too small Size it up! don't scratch a desing that has already shown much promise, in real life nothing would get of the drawingboard that way
  14. When will the hurting stop....
  15. I deny all involvement but you can thank me for giving humans the talent to make cartoons
  16. So splendidly it made me orgasm!
  17. Generalising and thereby wrong most "poo that comes out of our mouth" is uninformed BS. Useless banter to liven up a conversation But in some threads there is intelligent conversation based on scientific information or logical thinking This Ain't one of them The guys here had no real proof of women being in more pain over passing a kidneystone than giving birth You have no real proof the guys here are retarded "misinformed" I'd agree with,... "tactless"? Sure,... "Rude"? Definatly!! your post is not much different Now back on topic: Shatner! ...For Great Justice
  18. 1998 Suzuki GSX-R 750 this thing eats tires like a fat man at an "all you can eat" buffet drinks like an alcoholic at a distillery and attracts more attention from the cops than Osama heading for the White house
  19. It's Ram-Man!!!
  20. Ordinarily your movie tastes are pretty in line with my own, but this is not the case. The first MK movie was actually pretty good (especially compared to the jerk-fest it could've been). I liked the first one. The only downside was Christopher Lambert as Raiden (evidently he was hiding from other highlanders while posing as a Chineese Thunder God... no one was convinced) 359877[/snapback] I'd rather agree with A1's detailed review of MK If FF 'Spirits Within' wasn't labeled as FF and wasn't some eco-kumbaja-hippy-bastard-doomsayer's wet dream (it was like captain planet was shoved up my ***) it would have been a cool movie to watch But in defense: FF-SW didn't feature "Live" actors
  21. [skywalker]NooooooOOOOOOooooooooo[/skywalker] [MW]Raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaape!!!![/MW] [Hollywood]$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$!!!![/Hollywood]
  22. Don't forget those who use steroids usually piss green so are easily identified in the "Pissing-Contest"-thread
  23. the horror I tell you, that knocked 15 years off my lifespan "I've seen hell, and it looked like Agent one N-n-n-naked"
  24. ...that's all? what a n00b!
  25. Well,... mentioning something 3 years ago isn't that big of a deal putting up a thread which showed "Zero Tolerance" towards the Edit-button where even correcting typo's weren't allowed is something some of us remember,... ...for a long, looooong time But dont worry: that little tidbit won't last as long as something doorknob-related
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