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Everything posted by Nightbat

  1. ? A 'car'enthusiast can take a Ferrari 375 serious while it's just a barrel on 4 wheels A 'car'designer can't take a Lamborghini Countach seriously since it's aerodynamics are worth sh*t, but it's still a beautiful car - I still think the better question would have been: "Why does the VF-0 look so futuristic compared to the VF-1"
  2. At least they didn't cut back on the boob-budget
  3. Not if you're supposed to be Kasumi!!! (BTW, that flatchested cosplayer,... I would SO hit that! )
  4. I say: just look at them AND look at the real world timeline in which they were created by SK
  5. Build a masoleum with yamato's boxes the walls covered with my valks and guitars on top of my casket my bike will be placed I'll be the world's happiest dead guy!
  6. and then what? like gundam: rehash the story over and over, and over and... ? making an anime that sells is one thing "selling out" is another as you say "Late" 80's, Macross was created early 80's More dated? like a Spitfire? or you mean "less" then my question would be "Why?" We're talking about a 23 year old anime like Gene roddenberry with the original startrek, SK couldn't look so far forward that he could use the F18 hornet (which doesn't look futuristic and will probably be in service for the next 15+ years - i.e. the SDF Macross timeline) Don't we have M+ and M7 to show more advanced fighters?
  7. No boobies = Not a good DOA movie *cries*
  8. That is probably almost true. "Give us what we want or we'll boycott you and leave you high and dry" 374514[/snapback] G-man has Godzilla, Kensei and S_i_t_h_l_o_r_d in his corner ...Those are all the army he needs to force Yamato's hand
  9. Good old fashioned blackmail!
  10. Heineken export Domestic Dutch Heineken would have been a waste
  11. Visual: Xenosaga - 1985 animation with 1995 CGI in 2005 almost like Animefriend made it Story: School Rumble - Just couldn't get it to be "Fun" at Ep3 I was bored to death and the 2 leads irritated the hell out of me Too bad, love the artwork enough to buy some figures of it
  12. That would make one very big (cool) SOB! Question is: where do I sign up for one? ( Oh and Deunan too, but only if she's anatomically correct! )
  13. I got an Idea: Do any of you guys have that "1001 mecha-show openings" vid anywhere? if TS sees this he can state timestamps as to which opening is what and get an answer if there are toys available for it
  14. Depends on the brand of beer
  15. Exactly! The stealth itself is only interesting because of "completion" Damn da house!!! This is a 1/48 valkyrie we're talking about! Shhhhh, don't let my bike hear it!
  16. If there's one thing we dutch hate is letting the Gov't get their sleezy hands on our money
  17. Thank heavens there are no gay men in my country, whenever they see me they step on the gas,..... Poor you, at least I still smoke Oh well, ordered the Camo and the S-Stealth it ain't like I can take my money into my grave anyway
  18. Here's the link to them Hey, I can cough up money for a valk once every 2 months, but releases this close will suck me dry And i'll bet these things will sell fast ...choices, decisions,... Wish I was rich instead of goodlooking
  19. I'd dream to see yamato continue their 1/60 line SDF/DYRL/FB2012 The Q-rau's were there, the Monster was announced.......
  20. If I had to choose one, I'd pick the Camo the stealth looks to much like an Elintseeker in it's colorscheme
  21. Looks like it seen in the pics on page 1 but if that Camo gets fastpacks I'll slap Yamato silly Junglecamo in the middle of space?
  22. This thread wins 10 internets 4chan for great Justice
  23. Find more (around NSFW) goodies from that guy here: Incise Soul
  24. 10 years from now we'll see a Yamato Macross 1/48 "GPB Armor Set" on ebay With the additonal info: "last Valkyrie-Exchange - product start at $800" which some will shell out
  25. Any news about that 1/60 monster? I mean, they released 1/1 helmets for godsake!
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