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Everything posted by Nightbat

  1. I fail to see the presence of a crane unless you're getting ready to 'booby-duck" the Valk
  2. A bike featuring cars (not even Wreck-Gar is to be found anywhere) this guy should be ashamed of himself
  3. ....well..... seriously: good point but still, it gives a bad taste when you think PG-13 'never have to be good' to turn up the $$$ there are alot of bad 'R' sure, but they're heavily outclassed by bad 'PG'
  4. You should be shot regardless
  5. Can't be worse than the upcoming new animated series
  6. Will Gendo shoot first?
  7. From what i understood, the 1/60 Zeroes are bigger than the 1/48's i.e: they are MUCH bigger (in dimension) than the 1/60 VF-1's you're comparing with Ah, found G's comparison: I rest my case
  8. Lemme guess, the wife spotted you and gave you a wack
  9. actually, that is kinda cool like those warships with a painted bow to change it's appearance when viewed from a distance it's that colorscheme in general that makes me barf
  10. As a Macross toy fan I'd rather have nothing than that "Spilit of Valkylieminogue" But you would buy a polished turd with "25th anniversary" on it, as long as it's official?
  11. Heheheh, that was fun to watch
  12. That explains why my comment didn't make any sense anymore
  13. Because daddy will let them watch it! "Cow and Who?" "AnimaniWTF's?" "....Hey, Thundercats!!! Wow, haven't seen that in a while" ...next thing you'll see is kids watching a cartoon and dad having a heartattack on the couch
  14. Then don't name it after something only 'we' remember funny how every remake of a movie is compared to it's predecessor yet for cartoons it's not applicable if you don't want old geezers ranting about a cartoon: don't use a 20 year old idea
  15. @ jwinges: You better
  16. 1: still doesn't make it right 2: Originality anyone? those JO CEO's at WB need to floss some TP through their creative AC's ASAP Stop using Old Series as PR for their FU's
  17. Let's hope he's threatening with more "drastic" measures They can release these valks as official 25th anniversaries, that way I'll keep my money in my pocket ...sounds like a great businessplan
  18. Bloody hell NO! Might as well make a plain white valk, takes just as much creativity to make and is equally boring to look at Give us a paintscheme that says "we gave blood sweat, tears and sleepless nights to make it a special one" Gold/silver editions are like using lensflare in PS
  19. ...Say it ain't so Graham,... Say it ain't so! (Me thinks it's a custom in a cabinet: since when does Yamato display Macross Zippo lighters with their products)
  20. Heh, I've seen that pic before, yes it's a bodypaint (nipples would bleed too much to hold enough ink to appear white) I'm actually browsing the imageboards on the net for another anime-themed tattoo BTW Roy: 13 year old Brainpower? I can't believe you rate us so high
  21. Nightdare - Moonglade Server Horde Orc Warrior lvl 39 Guild - Chupacabra
  22. Pallies? Damn I hate Pallies Been an Orc Warrior for a few months now, lvl 39 (almost mounting time) could've leveled faster if I wasn't making money in AH did any of you hit it big when TBC came out? all those gold-laden players being ripped off to level up their alt's profession
  23. Js: Maybe a suicidal motorcycle jumped off a building and killed him by accident
  24. "Shyrka"
  25. The best Kawamori is simply the one that started it all every follow up just was a redesign for esthetic/modern times Kawamori even claimed that later designs were built for viable toyproduction (Like the VF-0's Bandai Swingbars) Personally, I think the Escaflowne is a very interesting design
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