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Everything posted by Nightbat

  1. I think it's rather cool that these guys start with the toy that was never released
  2. Now, I have to re-watch (of course ) but wasn't there also a scene where she lost het bracelets/armbands which held back her full power?
  3. Love this anime, was on the list of which character I would get tattooed (couldn't find any good designs on the internet at the time, hey it was 1998) ....still wouldn't mind obtaining an A-ko figure, but this was before merchandising an anime was at the level it is now, let alone the western market being as 'obtainable' as it is today
  4. Yes, but that was not the premise of the statement
  5. I cannot consider someone dying because of him/her exercising their freedom of choice/right to bodily autonomy to be sad I wouldn't consider it a smart thing, but who am I to judge? I smoke, ride a motorcycle and have not been vaccinated
  6. Alas, no more Meat The first tape I ever played as a little boy, and I played it until the pitch dropped noticeably from the tape stretching But my good sir, then you haven't paid enough attention to Mr. Steinman's story Unfortunately, Heaven couldn't wait anymore
  7. At 24 I landed a steady job, still work there to this day ...That's about it really
  8. I think it's a lack in creativity that they didn't use more different poses for them
  9. 01:01 ....Isn't that the Wilhelm Scream?
  10. Even if there is a "spirit", that was simply exorcised by Covid "Yes we would have liked to have stayed in the spirit of our normal business Your Honor,... but as we -including Ms. Johannson- know, a certain case of force majeure called Covid-19 has made that impossible"
  11. Ok, if I say I want nothing to do with this reboot ...am I a sexist again?
  12. Not Christmas ornaments, since I stopped going all out on the holidays, but every other year or so, I try to make a creative Christmas card to send around This is the one for this year, added a few Easter eggs
  13. Well, Lillian Randolph probably would
  14. So this looks like a bad version of Ratatouille or Tin Tin, where the budget ran out for most of the CGI Take it easy on them, they didn't have a lot of sourcematerial ....oh wait:
  15. I'm guessing her eyes are "posable"?
  16. Too bad Shirow never continued the series
  17. C'mon guys, put those 2 up, you're gonna have to add this one:
  18. I'd still take that F1 over the new one, don't care if it runs circles around the old F1
  19. Nah, stock 540 on each axle I never did dig deep in what was possible (gathering info on a rebuild opened up a plethora of aftermarket mods and adds) and brushless wasn't a thing back then, let alone Lipo batteries I also do not see any benefit on MORE power, IMO it looks cartoonish to have an RC monster truck go a 'scaled' 100 mph As for your Optima, I wouldn't know, but if it's a poplular model like my Clod, I wouldn't be surprised to find a treasure trove of aftermarket modders out there I had the Saitek X-55, Same stick, and though I loved the ergonomics, i found myself fixing broken wires after a little more than 100 hours use Hope Logitech put some work in it after acquiring Madcatz/Saitek (I know the first "Blue" X-56's were recolored X-55 Rhinos and still had terrible QC) I play Cliffs of Dover and Elite Dangerous (used to 'play' SC, but got tired of that ongoing disaster), now running Oculus Rift, Virpil MT50 Mongoost T50cm Stick and T50 Throttle (v.1), Saitek Combat Rudders with 2x Thrustmaster MFD Cougar (Won't be running out of buttons soon )
  20. Talking about RC models I have an old Clod Buster on my shelf (Post Chevy/Pre 4x4x4 logo-ed grill) Did some mods to it, like adapting the chassis to hold 3 batteries (1 for each motor/esc) 1 for powering the lights making rear lights in the chassis, putting beams on the roll bar Nowadays I'm contemplating on 'improving' the Clod Basically a 'different' Juggernaut Clod Shell, wheels and suspension on Bruiser/Hi lift/CR-01 chassis/powertransfer, dual servo steering
  21. "But honey, that is a reaaaaaally small asian girl standing next to it, like 65% smaller than normal and you know how small they are normally"
  22. Been playing guitar for longer than I've been collecting anime figures, haven't improved much over the years, for several reasons Collecting anime figures is on a very, VERY low priority, having no place to showcase them is one of the reasons, the other is cost in combination with real life and my most expensive hobby:
  23. I simply can't get over the absence of Mel Blanc's voices
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