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Everything posted by rarityraider

  1. Hello mk16, Yeah! You did a great job to me, it's looks really nice, thanks. I also have a plan to add color on the drawing by Photoshop or watercolor... Now the coloring of you do give us a fresh look on my work, think that I should do my version and make a little change of the lips. (If there are some more feedback asking for) Cheers,
  2. Hi Grayson72, Great works! I love your Flight Team and I want to have one of my own too. Why don't you add the pilots and weapons? Cheers
  3. Hi, here have one more drawing for some peoples who they doesn't like Misa face with thick lips/western style. Actually, I'm not supposed that my drawing would have many feedback arguing about what's she should look alike... Maybe I'm too love 50's pin-up art and apply to my work habitually. Fritz Willis, Elvgren, Alex Ross & Adam Hughes those are my very love artists. I have do my work base on their models pose but I'm not tracing on the top, you know so many artsits have their own model for their work but I can only put their pictures or collect some photos from magazine then put by side to draw the body, Realistic style is need reference to process... they are started from nude and then put the outfit on, face, details... Sometimes I would like to do some works igonre the original image, especially drawing some Japan animation character female into 50's pin-up girl but not naked. That's a kind of mix and match art. Just share my opinion to who like my work. Cheers,
  4. Close up
  5. Hi All, This is my first time to post drawing art on the board, hope to meet some friends by my sketch and receive some comments. The sketch is based on a 50's pin-up girl pose to draw and I try to do it in Adam Hughes style, he is one of the artist I love his works very much. Cheers,
  6. Yes, that is all the defects I said and you and Stamen found out I used to do washing on the red stripe on the chest but it's not work very well. Since that part were given in red color and I spray white on it and then stamp the decal on the top, so that the surface with panel lines became very thick to do washing even though I put mask softer after.
  7. Hi there, Just because if I do the way like yours, I need to create the little movie by another software e.g. After effect. (Actually, I'm a dot matrix game designer always working on dot image) and if I reduce the original image to 64 x 64, the out comes will have a low resolution edge mixed with the background... Anyway, now I know there Adobe ImageReady can handle this job more easy. Thanks for your opinion and I've saw your home page with your drawings, they're very nice. I also love to draw illustration very much, maybe next time I show you something on the board. Cheers,
  8. Hi all, I feel very please to receive many feedback from you. Thanks for all your praise of the work and give me comment on the way I need to improve. Hope I can build a better Strike Battroid and share to all of you next time.
  9. Hi Ido, Yes, I painted it white by can and spray flat base on top after decalling also. BTW, thanks for your praise of my work.
  10. Hi jardann, I use Gunze oil base color for all my model painting works, I like to spary the whole model with that brand of color then do washing by Tamiya enamel color. If you don't want the panel lines being too dark black, just thin it down a little with the thinner or I can suggest XF-20 or XF-52 to instead of X1, they are also a good choices for washing/weathering. Cheers,
  11. Hi JLCY, I 100% agreed your opinions, Hasegawa models are not user friendly than Bandai models (at least they don't have color separated parts). Bandai is quite fit to some model starters or if they don't want to spend to much time on the models but they still can have a not bad result to display. Hasegawa model is really a model for expert, its cannot do the way by just "joint and paints" its needs all the modelling steps: cut out and paint some inner parts before to joint, add putty, sanding the seams, do masking for spray.... so many things I'needs to pick up that's Bandai model never needs. Just share my opinion. Cheers,
  12. Hello Neova, You're a guy definitely know HK situation, most of the people's homes are not suitable to do spray works... So let me explain how is I do. I use an airbrush with a pump and doing spray work into my bathroom with a open wide window (Luckily my flat have two bathrooms otherwise my family members would go crazy when everytime I've start to work). Usually, I'll stick the model parts very well with a wooden rods (actually, they're chopsticks gets from the fast food shop) and then I hold them OUT of the window to spray. That's the best way I'd find to prevent the toxic smell stay at home. Maybe you'll ask if I drop out the model by accident how can I get it back? Don't worry, I'm living in the first floor and I can climb out to the "balcony" to get it back, sometimes I need to do the way like Spiderman. Cheers,
  13. Hi All, Here a VF-1J Battroid want to share I had made it long time ago... It is not a completed very well model since I've only spend a few days to finish. Maybe easy to find many defects of my works But its a very perfect model from Hasegawa Macross lines.
  14. The last step is create an animation file as you want frame by frame. You can make some simple for first try then add more to be cool. Save as the file to animated gif is the most important for uploading. This is a sample and final work of my. Try to do some cool by yourself. Cheers,
  15. Trace the image to dot matrix art and fill some colors, I use Photoshop for the tracing work first and then copy and paste to a software that for making icons or animated files. e.g. "Pro Motion"
  16. And then crop and reduce the image to 64 x 64 pixels size like this.
  17. Hi All, just try to tell you how to make something animated to be your avatar image by few steps: First of all, find an image/character that you want to do. and scan it for your work by computer. The original image of Hikaru I find from a book.
  18. Really don't know why Hasegawa had announced no.5 VF-1S Strike Valkyrie were out of stock and stopped the production lines a few months ago... (from Hasegawa official website) But now release this version no.17 again and the main different is only on a piece of decal Yen price is 2100 for no.5 and 2940 for no.17 , US price is 16 for no.5 and 34 for no.17, (from above reference) Hope the retail cost could reasonable from my place. Cheers,
  19. I also appreciate of his building on those old models, they really looks not bad.
  20. Congratulation to you got them all. I'm afraid you'll miss the bid time because its nearly to ends. Cheers,
  21. Again, maybe we don't know Japanese but just see the samples to have fun. Cheers, http://k-titan.hp.infoseek.co.jp/
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