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Everything posted by promethuem5

  1. I'm excited beyond words with those new pics....
  2. The base color of the fighter is two different Testors Model Master rattle cans... dark yellow and somehting like euro tan.... basically dark yellow base coat highlihgted with Afrika-Korps tan... a little darker than some interpretations, but I like how it came out.
  3. Oh, good call on the gun bits....I was gonna ask what engine part the gun was supposed to be All in all, looks dumb. I'm gonna get HotRod and can the little figure, and then I dunno what else.... but I've already decided I'm not buying nay more repaints or Decepticons.
  4. Sunnuva....
  5. I can't believe he wont say "Transform and Roll out" either.... so sad. Ecery new thing I hear about this movie makes me a little sadder.
  6. I agree that the second was nowhere near as aweosme as the first one, but the new trailer seemed like it could be totally amazing like the first again.... it was such an awesome trailer.
  7. F4V, I haven't... this was my first flight display. Actually, this was pretty much my first real aircraft model. The rod sticks straight out and slides into the gap between the leg and fuselage. It's completely removable with no modifications to the model needed.
  8. I made it. It's real thick like, tempered wire that doesn't bend easily and a wooden base I picked up at Micheal's.
  9. Hey all This guy has been lying around in it's box half built for ages with some beastly mold lines and my not knowing what paint to use for the base... well, I finally boned up and filled and filed everything (not to mention hours of sanding) and it's finally completed.
  10. Night Stalker, I'll be your boyfriend if you pick up where Devin left off. Seriously, there's more than anough demand to make it worth your while... that is, IF you can keep up with the torrent of orders you're gonna get right out of the gates!
  11. I personally HATE masking (can't do it well at all) and have lerned to just bone up and do any detail by hand.... I spray base coats and such, then jsut brush paint everthing else.
  12. HWR, gorgeous work so far...can't wait to see more.
  13. Cash recored are in.... and so am I!
  14. Someday I'm gonna own one of those...mark my words.
  15. That's a gorgeous tub HWR... looks like you're well on your way to a great build.
  16. Sweet. I'm pressed that they fit... look pretty good tho.
  17. Just to clear it up, graphite wont run from a sealer coat, in fact, most will slightly darken the pencil marks but otherwise make them impervious.
  18. That's actually something I always wondered as well... especially when it comes to things like chest stripes which, on Dev's decals, almost always lined right up!
  19. That twopack is friggen gorgeous... inlike Sarensaas, I LOVE extra kibbly markings like that.... I think the Nue looks incredible, and the markings on the Dendy are neat as well... wish I didn't still have the 1/550 kits to paint...
  20. Hmmm.... looks okay... I wonder why they made the pelvis and thighs a different silver... gotta admit tho, while I don't mind at all (even like at times) the 'big nut' stance, this one looks kinda awkward with it... might still get it tho, cuz it looks fantastic otehrwise.
  21. I'll have to take a look at my current finances, but I'm certianly interested in seeing some prelim pics... especially for the detail bits.
  22. Well, my special clear Unit-00 was perfect, and I've got the Silver one (04?) on the way...
  23. I've always wanted to know how this finished as well.
  24. Sounds awesome.... I guess the question will be how well the light grey holds up on a colored surface.... we could be onto something here tho.
  25. Fly4Victory, what did you use to print those?
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