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Everything posted by promethuem5

  1. I kinda like the second Prime shown now that I look at it more, but the one shown with megs and the not-megs shown are still pretty crappy.
  2. So, how good are the revised shoulders? I wouldnt mind picking up the brown CF-Garland, but not if it;s gonna break...
  3. How come the orange SN 19 has some kind of pitot tube or something sticking out of the nose?
  4. Hmmm... call me a hypocryte and a traitor, but that second image Op Prime figure isn't the worst Prime figure I can think of... if not for the fact that it's very existance stands for so much evil, I'd kinda like it. Maybe some decent toys will warm me over to some of the less crappy movie designs.
  5. That minor stress mark doesnt look like anything to worry about, and the paint chip is easily repairable (with a black Sharpie marker if nothing else) so I wouldn't get too concerned.... continue to enjoy it. In that vein, BBTS finally sent me my shippin notification... my YF-19 is officialy on its way!! I'm super-psyched.
  6. I've never had any real problems either... my VF-0A shoulder cracked, but that is apparently more of a factory defect, and my 1/48 Roy 1S hip socket broke out of the box because of anohter factory issue, but I play wity my toys and handle them plenty and have never had a problem. Well, actually, that;s not true... I broke my 1/72 YF-19 hip because I was pressing way too hard at the wrong angle, but that took alot of force and I wasn't paying attention... but no BP8s or anything for me...
  7. So this kit is ready to ship? I'm sorta interested in grabbing one to stash away for once I have more resin experience... but I just payed for Cap's Tomahawk and the new Yamato YF-19....
  8. Well, that's not exactly what I meant, but I know... you added ball joint setups, but howhard would it be to add a real socket that would stay articulated after finishing?
  9. Well, Im superexcited about the Macross news, but the best thing I saw in that interview is that Yamato is finally going to do the full weapons kit for the 1/12 Scopedog. Graham, do you know if the weapons set wil be released seperate from the Red Shoulder Scopey? I'm pretty terrified about the size and price of the 51 tho... that could get rediculous.
  10. Hey, I've got a whole bunch of yellow submarine ball joints... how hard would it be to make the Tomohawk posable? The legs obviously would be pretty easy, but I'm not sure what to do for the arms....
  11. Don't worry, I already did wreck the other set o that size joints exactly like that....had to do the mod, then redo the joints... made a mess for a while, but eventually got them working. they're pretty solid now, but yeah, twisting is still not the greatest idea.
  12. YF-19 is processing! Comone on shipping!
  13. Yeah, no news as of yet even tho they were supposed to arrive today.... I'm gettin real antsy here...
  14. That pic raises the question of: what the hell is going on with the splinter camo lines on the mold? Are the parts going to be cut so you assemble the white and blue armor bits?
  15. Actually Milkman, so am I.... the Chirico figure sold out fast and hasn't restocked since... I really need one too.
  16. promethuem5

    Please Read

    Thing is, I got a replacement right arm for my 0A and it seems fine... I actually tightened it back up to a more acceptable tension and it hasnt shown any stress marks...
  17. Wow....you guys are making me so jealous of how playable the new 19 is....... I hope mine gets here soon!
  18. BBTS is finally getting their 19s on the 11th? Thank god.... thought I was gonna die waiting...
  19. I wouldn't get too upset... the Yamato one is an amazing toy as well...
  20. I wouldn't mind an add-on set of the coronation gear... or maybe a special black and grey starscream like he looks before he crumbles...
  21. J, send Joel from BBTS an email.... you'll get one of his service girls, explain that the problem was discovered shortly after opening the box, and they WILL get it fixed... I still say BBTS ahs the best customer service out there.
  22. Oh man, I've wanted the HY2M RD and Gouf forever...
  23. I actually still wonder if the VF-0 leg can come apart....there are two screw covers (one near the ankle and one at the knee) but is the leg really also glued?
  24. Received yours already?? Christ...I've gotta get my payment out soon!
  25. They'd better not switch the whole line over to a new scale... but yeah, Graham, I'd love 08th MS team stuff too.
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