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Everything posted by promethuem5

  1. Wow, didn't think that such a seemingly understandable view would get lambasted quite so much... and jeez, I'm a 17 year old guy from New York, so I think I get to criticize my fellow American children... for starters, look at most of the standard American fare cartoons and kids shows today... utter garbage with horible animation and crappy toys... and yet kids buy them. Sounds kind of moronic to me.... As for the designs, I even said a page or two back that I really liked the look of the newest Optimus movie figures, but even you should be able to notice from thos pics, they hardly match the so far shown movie design CGI renders... the CGIs have tons of spindly tidbits sticking off that can hardly be visualizewd fitting together to form a truck... but the Prime figure at least has a real nice looking heavy duty feel with some great detail on it. The Megatron figure hardly matches the CGI on a fundamental level either.... look at how much extra stuff is present on the figure in both modes that isn't there on the CGI shots... None of the movie designs we've seen so far can really be accurately reproduced as toys due to the eploded metal shreddy nature of they transformations... it's not like I'm making this stuff up, just look at the pictures... And as for the new Starscream, I've got plenty of old Transformers toys and other old figures... I can think of quite a few 80s toys I'd much rather have than that horrendous SS figure....
  2. I know you're kidding WA, but the Vf-0 shoulders seem to be a much more consistent and debilitating Out Of Box problem than any YF-19 issue... quite literally ALL of the 19s problems are very very easily fixable with a minimum of work... you can fix every problem on the 19 with a small phillips head screwdriver, a small file, and clear nail polish. As I'vre already said, and every new 19 owner should read, to fix the fuselage clips, simply fold down the nose cone, unscrew the two grey blocks of the fuselage hinge, and file down both the tan tabs and the grey blocks. To fix the landing gear, either unassemble the legs and landing gear to file the slot, or simply reach in tehre with a knife or file and carve out the slot. To fix the floppy shoulder flap, simply dab a blob of clear nail polish in both sides of the rail closest to the outside of the shoulder. The gunpod fix can be done a few ways, but I'm still waiting to see what David H comes back with after some careful research to decide what is best...
  3. Kicker, you are insane!! But I don't get why have that many 19s and 21s.... seems like three of each 19 and three of each 21 so you can have one in each mode, and then a whole slew of 11s would make more sense, but hey, that's still an awesome setup there.
  4. Dobber, to fix the torso transformation, you need to sand down the tan tabs facing the grey bits at some kind of angle or curve, and the angled edge of the grey bits with the square indents needs to be filed down significantly at that same angle with a bit more curvature added to the edges...
  5. That really is probably the single worst looking transformer toy ever... how do they think they're going to be able to sell something like that? I'm wondering if even stupid little kids will buy it... oh...wait.... American kids are morons... nevermind. Point is, the new movie designs were obviosuly a terrible set of design on so many levels, and the inability to be made into toys really is a huge one...Like it or not, alot of Transformers' awesomeness has been from the fact that the designs make great toys, not great shows.
  6. Which kit is that??? It's not fair how many RC tanks you get....
  7. I would be really interested in hearing how domestic release customers are liking there's..... And I'd be willing to snap some pictures of mods I did and write up some quick explanations to add to the 19 fix thread....
  8. Basically the only real big issue here is the clearance of those tabs in the fuselage, but if you just take that bit apart right off the bat and file down both the grey parts and the tan tabs, the toy is fine. It's a stupid and avoidable problem, but totally fixable with a minimum of labor (even tho we really shouldn't need any work to make it work.) I've got an anal retentive modelling mind anyways, so I always make some kind of stupid little tweaks to all of these high end toys I buy like a small paint issue or a small physicsal issue, so i wasn't really phased at having to do a couple minor bits of work to my brand new 19.... once finished, I'm totally in love with it and am so very glad it finally came out. This really is the Yamato toy I've been waiting for. And as for the Gerwalk mode, I agree that msot of its faults are more due to the fact that the 19 just has a silly Gerwalk mode, but I've actually got mine on display in G mode right now and love it becausae of how posable it is.
  9. promethuem5

    1/60 YF19 rant

    Personally, I love my 19.... just got it, spent about an hour and a half of minor tweaks that I was annoyed I had to do (especially the landing gear,) but once those were done, the toy is simply stunning... I really am blown away with the engineering and impressive look of this toy... It's probably going to end up being my favorite Yamato toy, but then again, I loved the 1/72 19 as much as I love 1/48s, so what do I know?
  10. Yeah, but how much blood? aside from someone actually severing something, I'm willing to bet I've got some kind of record for most blood lost to a Yamato toy now...
  11. My heroes.
  12. With a little wiggling, my gunpod actually looks all-right.... my 19 came today, and I spent about 2 hours just doing all the fixes up front... filed down the fuselage tabs because they were dangerously tight, took apart both legs and fixed the landing gear, and I had to add a bit of thickness to the piece that holds the right shoulder armor angled up.... only thing I'm still playing with is making the right shoulder flap stay... added some nail polish to the track, we'll see if that helps..
  13. HWR, you're gonna be real pissed about that Mustang kit from DML in a second... according to all my real smart modeling sources, a whole ton of that Mustang kit is inaccurate.... all the rivets on the wing should be smooth (they were puttied over apparently on the lamelar wings) and there's some wonky issues with the cockpit, especially with the seat I believe.... it's like DML wanted to make a totally sweet kit but forgot to look at an actual aircraft...
  14. For 25 bucks and in 1/35th scale, they're pretty cool looking.... not transforming kidna stinks, but I'm still tempted to grab one as a csale reference and fool around with figure...
  15. Thanks for asking about the VOTOMS bit... and I'm not really surprised there's no Vf-4 news... it;ls such an offbeat design I wonder if it'll ever get a proper release...
  16. That has in fact always been the correct coloring actually DH.... I've always thought it was stupid too and painted it black on my Hase 19, but it;s actually dark grey in the official stuff...... Well, after about 2 hours of love and minor work, one major flesh wound, and getting to see far more on the interior of any Yamato than I;ve ever had to (and yes, there are megnets on the inside of the legs for the FP in case noone noticed), my 19 is finally totally set... one of my white undershirts has massive bloodstains on it, but I fixed the shoulder, trimmed down the fuselage tabs, and fixed the landing gear.... with a little tweaking, my gunpod actually sits mosty straight, so I'm not gonna worry about that right now. I also added some clear nail polish to the end of the right shoulder flap rail to see if that helps it stay in...
  17. Sooo, mine arrived today and I immediately set down to transforming it... Gerwalk mode is goregous but a little precarious, Fighter mode is simply stunning...sitll have to fix the landing gear. Transforming to Battroid mode was interesting... definetaly going to have to sand down those stupid tabs... however, I had one small issue that really isn't that big a deal and was an easy fix once I figured out the cause, but Im mad about because I took a huge hunk out of my thumb with a knife getting the screw cover off to isolate the problem... the right shoulder armor wouldn't lock angled up, so I figured it was loose where it hinges, and tried to take it apart, but nooooo, Yamato decided to glue the shoulder armor together and glue the screw cover to underneath the shoulder... bastards. So while I was prying off the bottom screw cover, my knife slipped and went thru my thumb.... bled all over EVERYTHING but luckily I wiped it off the toy real quick and didn't leave any marks.... turns out the friction to hold the shoulder armor angled actually comes from those two square plates on the sides of teh grey shoulder joint bit.... it basically just sits on those, so all I had to do was add a little extra thickness to them with some plastic card and paint to match... not difficult, but the bloodloss Ive already suffered from this toy has me kinda angry...
  18. 'real or model' is my favorite game.... you know you've got a talented artist when it's really a toss up tho...
  19. Graham, I don't know if you saw my question a few pages back, but did Yamato say anything about how the new Scopedog and accessories would be sold? I was wondering if the extra weapons and gear would be avaliable sepereately, or if I have to get a second Scopedog....
  20. Mine should be here on Thursday.... I was thinking of having my mom call the school and tell them there's been a family emergency when it arrives so she can come get me from school, but she won't do it...
  21. Sounds awesome... can't wait to hear some... wish I could do a Zentradi extra voice or something for you but I don't have a mic....
  22. We just need some good scale pics now that it's complete.... looks amazing tho, and I'm sure it will be even better once tou get your hands on it. Are you planning on painting the tracks at all tho? It looks odd right now with the basecoat for the NATO camo on but obvious clean metal tracks...
  23. Dude, with the 51 on its way, you're gonna be waiting a looooooong time...
  24. Oooh, I forgot that I did finally snap one of the over-stressed pegs off my Koenig Monster, but it's not ahuge deal, and easily fixable. And doodler, the 1/12 Scopedog is built like a tank... you couldn't break it if you tried.
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