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Everything posted by promethuem5

  1. Rotorhead, that sounds like a really weird break... could you possibly provide a picture? I don't think I've heard of anyone else's doing that, so I'd kinda like to see it... maybe something to look out for? No worries... you just seemed a little excited... I got my first 1/48 when I was 15, and I didn't pay for that, my Roy 1/48, or one of my armor sets, but I've payed for my 1/48 CF, a second Armor Set, the 01, and the 19 (not to mention tons of decals from Devin for them...)
  2. I don't think ther's going to be another PG for a while with Bandai releasing the PG Yamato ship model... but a GP-02 would be amazing, and HUGE! And Az, Im fine with that Gundam Evolve being MG 100 or the MG Hi-Nu, so either way it's all good...
  3. Arkary, don't worry, Kaiyodo's begun to utilize the revoltech joints on more areas, like elbos and shoulders (where they work great) and most figures have a revoltech joint in the waist, which provides a really impressive amount of articulation... I'm surprised the Dante doesn't have one in the waist tho... I think every other figure releaed has...
  4. Taka, that is an extremely ingenious fix, and looks great one completed, but I wonder if it will affect durability at all... If not I just might try it myself.
  5. Thank you... for both points. First off, my age or how I aquire my toys (I do work, yes, so cool it) should not affect people's view on my opinion, because that is just unfair, and second, nothing I have said is supposed to come off as pretentious or down-putting, I'm merely trying to point out that not everyone gets a consistent set of lemons, plenty of people end up with good solid products here, and I'm willing to bet for the msot part, the good ones are the majority. There's more than one person here who sorely overreact everytime some minor thing goes wrong with one of their toys, and the main point I try to re-enforce is that that is NOT the average, and people should find more than one opinion about the toy before swearing off everything made by Yamato (because, I swear this is how some people react...) What people fail to understand here is that this is a specialty niche market provided by a niche market toy company, and they can't always compete in some aspects with a humungous company like say, Takara. People also miss the fact that while there are occasionally some minor slip ups, noone else is or is going to be making these designs, and yet once again, I don't see anyone selling off their 19s real fast because of some minor issue, so at the end of the day, alot of poeple here must have much bigger mouths than the problems precipitate, because there's an awful lot of complaining over some minor (and I hate to say it, but except for a few rare cases like David H's second 19, completely fixable with a minimum of work and a screw driver.)
  6. I've never really had any of my 3 1/48s leak hip gasket, but maybe I'm just lucky. The way I see it is, noone else has been able to make the Macross designs work like Yamato had, and they're still not a humungous company like some others, so a few usually minor issues don't peeve me at all. Yamatos are what we've got, so why keep arguing with them... and yeah, if you don't like them so much, go buy a Toynami valk... and still, lots of complaints, not alot of people unloading their Yamatos cheap in a bitter rage...
  7. Phew.... glad I finally paid for mine then...
  8. I dunno, I love the Patlabor designs, but I don't know alot about the Zero, and that figure makes it look really disproportionate and ugly. I don't know anything about Dangoaih, however, but that figure makes me want to find out....
  9. Your Falke gets more and more amazing man... really impressive. HWR, if you ever want to get rid of a tank or two to make room for soemthing newer (say, a 1/16 panther?) you know who to call....
  10. promethuem5

    1/60 YF19 rant

    I'm curious how you fixed that gap on the shoulders as well... I've already been in the shoulders once, and seperating them would really be a pain, but I'm curious to see what you did before I consider doing it...
  11. What's that crazy extra part on the back of the GP02? It looks kidna neat. And I really like the Hi-Nu... I agree it isn't exactly what the original design was, but it looks really nice there so I'll be all over it.
  12. I'm pretty much with you ^^... mine worked, but it was just a little tight so I decided to sand down the parts so it was easier... It shouldn't be as impossible as people are making it out to be.
  13. I would find it incredibly unlikely that the Ghost onworks with the 0S... that would just be a marketing retardation....
  14. I think that dynamic nature was part of what Elfenlied such a dramatic and rediculous story... I loved it for both parts.
  15. I am soooo going to need an MP3 Soundwave... how awesome is it that a fan-popular idea for years is being made? I wouldn't mind a white one, both ebcause it's cheaper (which is stupid) and because it kind of makes sense if Soundwave is going to disguis himself as an MP3 player that he works to blend in with the most common player....
  16. I don't have the Mark II, but I've got the GP-01FB and RX-78-2 and they basically just build up like the latest MGs with a whole internal frame that simply has a whole ton more moving parts like extra pistons and sliding blocks and such to replicate the multi-stage movement... expect a bunch of core bits for the frame to need screws (provided) and just go thru the directions real carefully because it is simply alot of parts to work with.
  17. That was pretty much my point about the moron-kid part... that show is absolutely horrendous, and a staple of typical cartoons these days...
  18. Actually it really wasn't... if you actually read, you'd see that I said I didn't like the new Starscream figure, and then I said that American kids simply buy products based on branding and labeling, regardless of wether the product (in this case toys) was atually any good. The new Starscream figure is bad (In my opinion, feel free to have your own, albeit a bit less argumentatively) because in its alt mode, the sleek and modern F-22 Raptor, has a giant block of crap on the bottom half where the toy designers couldn't make the seemingly over-complicated transformation 'fit' into the design limitations set by the designs themselves. Your comments aout the VF-1 are totally unfair, because if you again, read, you'd see that I respect engineering that works over perfect accuracy mspot of the time, as is the case of the 1/48 VF-1, which is a new way to solve a seemingly impossible problem that works well in all modes.
  19. Hmmm....that stinks... it came off mine fine, that muust just be a really bad luck thing. It really doesn't make sense to apply tape to a painted surface like that anyways tho...
  20. Right, which is why RID, a JAPANESE Transformers production, had better more accurate to the toy animations... not American Beast Wars. I just still don't understand why he started wigging out about Beast Wars when I said the movie prototypes barely match the transformations of the CGI renders so far because the movie designs are impractical...
  21. DH, I think there was a tad bit of glue on at least one of the grey blocks on mine that basically just evaporated as I pulled the hinge apart after unscrewing... that is a pretty big problem that yours were firmly cemented in there... I wonder if with some careful X-acto work they couldn't have been removed safely, but I guess we'll never know... odd tho...
  22. I'm not talking about looks so much as functionality... based on the pics we;ve seen so far of prototypes, alot of the toys similarities to their movie counterparts are going to come from extra surface detial kibble made to mimick the super complicated nature of the movie designs, and they arne't going to transform really at all how the movie designs work... mostly because the movie designs are so impractical that you wouldn't want a toy that worked accurately because it'd be horribly fidgety and fiddly adn delicate and probably cut your hand open on the all the stupid splintery bits... No fanboys here, just someone looking at this dillema from the practical side of the issue.
  23. I agree with you there WA, knowing that the toy requires a touch of work before you get to know it is really helpful when buying, but what alot of people (not you) seem to be missing in their 'Yamato suck, it's all over' rants is that once that little bit of work is done, the toy is fricken amazing and blows anything else Yamato has releaed out of the water engineering-wise if nothing else.
  24. Alot of the later Beast Wars toys were accurate to the CGI... heck, RID toys were all accurate to the cartoon... that's not what I'm talking about dude... the movie designs are so overly complicated with extra crap that it's be nearly impossible to make a toy that works exactly the same way... people have been saying that from the get go... I don't undertand why you're getting so upset. The new Starscream figure is a crappy toy because it looks really ugly and isn't accurate to it's vehicle design roots, and has gigantic gimicky arm guns taking up half of the plastic in the figure and throwing the whole design out of proportion... just look at the pictures...
  25. DH, I trust you, but I don't see how you couldn't have gotten to the necessary parts to fix them without forcing the toy and breaking it... all I had to do was fold down the nosecone and unscrew the two grey hinge blocks while the fuselage was still in fighter mode, and the whole area literally fell into my hands neatly... fuselage, csrews, grey blocks, and bottom half of the toy. And I'm not a huge fan of toys that require modification out of the box because we the buyers simply should not have to do any mods to a finished toy to simply make it work, but the YF-19 is such a marvel of engineering and the fix seemed so simple (at least to me) that I'm willing to not hold it against it.
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