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Everything posted by promethuem5

  1. I just finished a Tamiya 1/48 tank kit, and the figures to go along with it are a hair bigger than the Yamato pilot I think, but well within reasonable size... I'd say as a fighter the 1/48 really is pretty fairly 1/48 scale. The thing that's always confused me is that people cite 1/60 scale as being the same as 28mm (standard wargaming scale) but as far as I can tell, that is completely impossible and untrue...
  2. The Arii and Bandai kits are pretty easy to find, but they are old kits and don't have the best fit or accuracy or detail, but they go together real easy and aren't that fragile... good for practice.
  3. MG Zaku ver2? Finally!
  4. HCM Pro Ground Type Gundam? That is a fantastic sign... Stupid question I could look up the answer to myself: Did they ever make a HCMPro GM?
  5. That was my feeling as well Graham, but it seems some people's have been more temermental than others, and the biggest problem with the part is the shape, not the material. It is simply too mcuh material for the motion it is meant to accomplish... I wish I had good pics of where I filed mine, because it works perfectly now, and is the kind of thing that should have been done right the first time.
  6. I know I keep mentioning how I was redoing all the joints in John's brand new Tomahawk to be fully articulated and stay articulated using Yellow Submarine Ball joints and various size plastic rod and tubing and polycaps, so here it is, finally ready to be shown. John, I hope you're not too hurt by my making your amaizng kit into a bit more of an action figure :razz: The only joint I left as is were the shoulder elevation (outward with the big peg) because that work was already done and didn't need any improvement, altho one will need some tightening up with paint. The shoulder swivel was done with big plastic tubing and a big polycap, the elbows were done with a polycap on the cannon arm for elevation, and one added to the forarm for sideways rotation. The waist had a YS ball joint added, antho it is limited to mostly rotation side to side. The hips and ankles have YS ball joints, as do the pistons in the ankles to not hinder ankle movement. The knees are the only real funny part, as they are not articulated, but rather will be swappable for a bent knee part I still need to sculpt, and are made swappable via the same size plastic tubing adn polycap joint as used on the shoulders. The whole assembly is rock solid now, and will only get more secure once painted. This kit was an absolute blast to build and mod, and I can't wait to paint it! I'm just glad I proved to myself that I could actually pull something like this off. The only detail tweaks I did were to enhance the rivets ith an awl tool, and to make new headcannons that have a much heavier machine gun feel than the somewhat non-descript gun pieces included in the kit. A big thanks goes out to John for making it and making it so well!
  7. Sweet... great attention to detail as usual... can't wait to get some for my 19.
  8. DH, your knowledge of the world and its workings alweays astounds me... that's actually a totaly awesome thing to know, but who knos if we'll see the otehr Seekers like we should?
  9. CASTLEVANIA FTW!!! Best news for the PSP I've heard since they finally started the PSOne emulation. Sounds like we wont need to emulate SOTN anyways....
  10. I'll be placing an order for a 19 set and once an 0A set comes out.... can't wait to see them tho!
  11. I thought the photo was funny too... and HWR, I cannot believe how fast you knocked thru re-camoing that beast!
  12. Personally, I cannot wait to get a set from NS to see how they match up... all I need is to wait for the inevitable 0A set I so despoerately need... and Devin, is commision work still going to happen? I'm always buying new kits and happy to pay for your services (or now NS's?)
  13. TO177, I've been meaning to get some good pics up of what needs to be filed down since I did it, thanks for reminding me... hopfully I will have some time to get them up by this weekend.
  14. Great to see you back in the saddle... impressing us as usual. I did the same thing with mine when I got it, basicall the exact same procedure, buit I just can't get over how much more finesse you have.... very impressive work as always!
  15. Oh Yes... it will be mine. Looks great, I especially like the neato funnel enregy effect.
  16. Good point big F, I'm also going to get almost as much value out of he foam bits as i am from the kit...
  17. Grayson, i more than like it... I think I'm in love. I just spent the past two hours with a fine jewler's saw removing all of the casting blocks and then I dry fit it together... there's a couple of small sink marks, like two teensy tiny air bubbles, and a couple of spots that will need some putty work when assembled. I think the only real issues will be that i p;an on drilling out the rivets so they don't get filled with paint and stand out nicely, and then I accidentally took one of the elbow joint's upper arm mounting pegs off cleaning it up *tear* Other than that it is simply amazing. I was totally blown away when I saw the cockpit part... not all I need is to cobble together a pilot figure.
  18. Hate to double post, but my Tomohawk showed up today (still can't fathom how it made it from Canada to New York in three days) and it has got to be the single nicest model kit I've ever gotten ever, both in presentation and quality... there's a whole bunch of mold pour plugs to remove, but I'm happy to do it because it enables alot more of the parts to be one piece castings, which means all you have to do is cut off and clean up an end block instead of haveing to file and clean up mold seams running down the whole part... I'm super happy with it, and just utterly blown away at how nice the parts look. Truly a labor of love, and it shows. My hat off to you John.
  19. promethuem5

    Please Read

    Any more news on how the replacement stronger shoulders are coming from NMB4M? With all the reports of breakage, I'm getting mcuh more concerned about the second shoulder I got than I was before....
  20. Hmmm... I don't know why they would do that. The one for the GBP was grey to match, and I almost think the LV camod GBP had a matching one, and now the stealth... maybe it hadn't occured to them yet when they released M&M... or maybe they figured it was close enough?
  21. Wow, I have no use for them, but those look really really nice... what's the bottom pic showing tho? Are the legs posable? And yeah, the Zentraedi scheme one is neat... almost neat enough to try on a Yamato figure... *hmmmm...* The only thing I don't like about those pics is that they didn't make any attempt at hiding the mold seam on the booster pods... kinda bugs me...
  22. Ahh, so it's black in the stealth set... guess that makes sense. And yeah, you could totally use it as a funky looking couch for the pilot figures... Glad my review pics could help.
  23. It sounds like the neck collar to me... it's a grey part, has some tabs on it, looks kind of like a couch if you look at it funny... you just pop the neck plate forward, insert the collar piece so that the tabs wrap around the backpack flap, and put the neck back in place... I don't remember exactly, but I think the instruction pics of this area aren't great... it works like a charm once you get it in there tho. EDIT: Actually, there's a good picture of the area with the neck collar here: In my FP review... Which I forgot about... the neck collar in the FAST packs is white, but the neck collar in the GBP armor is grey... unless I've got those backwards and the review pic is wrong, which is possible.
  24. I've actually been thinking that myself judging by how the stress marks are located.... And I'm not dissing you or anything, but I find it funny that you would have rathered another VF-1 toy instead of a different design...
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