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Everything posted by promethuem5

  1. I just started watching the ADV episodes... disc 2 (was looking for some good Destroid episodes) I've got vol. 1 and 2 (got vol1 with the box) and really like them... the voice actors all seem really good except for Roy who's not nearly manly enough (like in DYRL?), and Minmei, who sounds clinically retarded (I don't understand it.) Other than that I really like it... I've only ever seen the first couple of Robotech episodes before (I'm a Mac+ and MacII guy more.) and these compare much better than the RT stuff!
  2. I just noticed this thread... interesting so far... While I'd really like to see something new with some top-notch SK variable designs, I don't understand how people wouldn't also enjoy a Destroid pilot story or even parallel side story... I've always been a big fan of the Destroids, both as designs, and as a different aspect of the armed forces... I realize that infantry and stuff are useless against Zents and whatnot, but I don't remeber, are there Destroids left behind on Earth when the Macross leaves after the attack? Conventional ground forces supported by Destroids could have faced Anti-UN forces?
  3. Good catch... I was gonna say something, but I figured it was just something different... that's not the Gak Ride Armor... looks like a model.
  4. Uh oh... let the wild conspiracy theories begin anew...
  5. Does anyone know what episose of SDF:Macross the main guys pilot the Destroids in?
  6. I kinda agree... alot of the damage isn't realistic, but it sure does look pretty and is an impressive work.
  7. Oh no... this is going to be a disasture... I was pretty sure that model kit was really fragile already... and that means there's NO way Toynami can make them durable and sturdy... there's no reason for them to be copying a however many-years old model kit and not put a little money into making a new design for it... it;s just shoddy business practice. Don't get me wrong, I love the Ride Armor design, and would like nothing more than to have this toy turn out amazing and willingfully buy every single release bc/ of how good it is, but time has proved that just won't happen.... And why the hell is the only mecha design from SC a rehashed (and seemingly unchanged) Legioss? Were there any original mecha designs in SC? We saw some new ships, but they were nothing special...
  8. Well, I don't that specific bootleg, but I did have another one ages ago that I tried somehting similar on... the quality is decent, you jsut can't knock them around as much as a real 1/55... for paints and such, you'll want to use primer first on the plastic to make the paint stick, and then either acrylic or enamel paints... do you have any experience in modeling or painting and such? Basically what you;re going to want to do is just unscrew everyhting and disassemble everything to at least lay down the base colors and such... and do the details either built or unbuilt., depends on which you feel more comforatable with. I;m not sure what parts you would be looking for tho... what were you considering? I'm honestly not sure which accessories would fit bc/ I thought the Galaxy Defender had some modifications amde to it... someone else ycould probably help you out more there.
  9. I'm actually rather curious where to find them myself as I don't think I;ve actually seen them anywhere, or even seen finished pics by anyone...
  10. Yeah, Neova, whatever happened tho that? I was rather interested...
  11. Hmm.... do we have info on how the FPs are priced for the 19? I relaly like them from that latest pic, but i have no use for the Fold Booster.... And Graham, I know you can't reveal much about your non-Macross talks... but did you happen to discuss the upcomming VOTOMS Red Shoulder Weapons Scopegod and weather or not the weapons will be released as a set like the others ones have so thoe of us who already have a Scopey can get them seperately?
  12. I thought Jetfire would make a nice 15 dollar toy, but it's certainly not anything like a real high-=quality toy...
  13. Glue on extras for the HCM line are fine for me... I decal up mine and do some extra painting anyways...
  14. I wonder if the custom bits for the Ground Type HCM will be snap on or glue on?
  15. True, the pilot figures really aren't all that correct, but at least in the case of the 1/48, if we just take that figure as a scale 'average person' and not worry about character size, then they seem to scale up alright... But no, Gummy Guld really isn't in scale with anything except maybe ....I dunno, lemmings!
  16. Grayson, are you talking to HWR or me? I listed all the extra parts I used above, and no, I think it'll actually make it easier to paint because it comes apart...
  17. Yeah well, my Tomahawk's dad could beat up your Tomahawk's dad Seriosuly dude, you built that thing unreasonably fast... I had mine for a week and just finished it, you had yours for like, two days and have it totally done there... ridiculous! Did you decide how you're going to paint it yet?
  18. Meh CD, I might be intertested in the UM figure if you just want to grab the two pack and take the Skywarp... the Seeker repaints never did anything for me anywyas.... i'd rather apprecate the mold once nicely then worry about the same mold with lots of different colors...
  19. It's too small for the price because factoring in teh canon height makes the toy seem artifically big... it really should be half again as tall as the 1/60 VF-1 THEN plus the canons for that price....
  20. I agree about the Hase kits.... they are relatively simple to assemble, but have very fine detail and could be tough to someone wanting to practice basic skills...
  21. And for things like the CF, will you still throw teensy extra little mods on the sheet like a custom pilot name? I can't remember if that cost extra... but I think I might need it piggy-backed on one of my other decal sheets so I can replace the canopy on my CF custom.
  22. Can we get some good pics of the new mecha yet?? Or are they not easily accessible yet?
  23. I kinda wish we'd get a ver.Ka Zaku II... and while it would make sense to have #100 be a Gundam ver 2... do we really need it? It seems like between the 1.5, Ka, and OYW, you can get one that focuses on any aspect, looks, build, or articulation... and combining the three really wont accomplsih anything.
  24. I hope so.... it would be a really low blow to change the scale of a line mid-line like that and not make any sense... but a change in box design could be a good or bad thing, or not really any difference at all.... I jsut hope they stay the same size so they all fit on shelves alright in storage...
  25. Alt Ravage looks alright, but really epitomizes why I stopped buying Decepticon Alternators... they're just unecessary and don't really make sense to me...
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