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Everything posted by promethuem5

  1. You know what... i think this whole complaint thread is simply unfair and stand right behind Godzilla's remarks... the difference in price between HK sellers and import sellers right there tells us Yamato is in no way responsible for any possible overpricing... and yet, Yamato makes some damn impressive pieces, and I have never once regretted a purchase, no matter what I payed for it. The loudest complainers here are really starting to get old, with nothing new or constructive to say...
  2. Depending on the WF pics, I could very well be all over the 51 as soon as it coems out. I love the uniqueness of the design and can't wait to see some real pics!
  3. I am more than satisfied with my 19 and am currently weighing out the prospect of buying more (after some other more needed stuff.) The issues are so minor if you act reasonably and maturely about them, adn the toy is really SO durable and simply gorgeous. Way I see it, every new Yamato valk has more and more innovation... look and the 1/48 compared to the 1/60 VF0, and now look at the 19 compared the the VF0... the 19 blows everything else out of the water... nnone else has been able to make such a nice looking or as well working 19, ever, bar none. I couldn't be happer with my 19 and am still comforatable being able to fool around with it more than any of my other valks...
  4. Good to hear.... I have both the Sazabi-Pro and E-Sazabi on preorder from BBTS... the pro for display (I decal and detail my Pros) and the e for straight up play.
  5. I also wish that some other companies could get in on Mospeada stuff, but I also really hope this toy doesn't end up as bad as the Legioss's did (my first one is in the mail, got it for a steep mark down and am buying it as a 'will need fixes' project that I want to see if its fixable.) The thing that worries me is that part of what is going to make this toy good or not isn't the armor (we've already seen old companies prove the design is workable) but the figure underneath... the rider figure really should be something along the lines of a Real Action Hero figure with workable armor... that would make this awesome.
  6. I personally don't have the stuff for this, but I really hope you can pull this sub together, as I personally would love to finally see LLA, and I'm sure there are plenty of other Mospeada fans here who would as well. Wish i could help...
  7. Dual audio with the original dialogue would be pretty fun... silly, but fun.
  8. Great news to hear.... just remeber Graham, some of us want to see the rest of Yamato's booth besides the Macross stuff if at all possible *coughVOTOMS stuff*cough*
  9. I'm inclinced to go with Graham here... I acknowledge that there are a few silly mistakes on the 19 that could have been avoided, but I still believe that the 19 is a far more impressive toy than the 1/48 or the 0s at the end of the day... the good engineering that went into it shows: it all actually works like it's supposed to, it's just got a little fudge room. The thing is and I've said it before and I know everyone hates hearing this, but EVERY problem on the 19 is fixable with an hour or less of work. That's my problem with all this complaining... if some of the louder members here had spent maybe a quarter of the time they spent writing batty comments, they could have fixed all the problems on the 19 real easy... The ammount of complaining here is simply astounding... everyone has been crying out for ages for a new 19, and when it finally gets here, it is amazing, except for a few minor (and to be fair, not very excusable) flaws, BUT, people have gotten SO hung up on ranting about these quirks that they miss the fact that they are easily remedyable, and doing so leaves you with a jaw-dropping toy, bar none.
  10. I'd like to think the only unlockable would be the original Rondo, but I;d rather be able to chose them all from the start anyways...
  11. Oh damn... and I thought I had it right finally. Spartan it is. Thanks for catching that.
  12. promethuem5


    I'm rather happy with what i've got... my biggest problem is that I decal and detail all my Yamato valks, so right now my biggest concern isn't getting more, it's doing toe work on the onesw I have... to date, I need to decal and detail my: 1/60 VF-0A 1/60 YF-19 1/48 Roy 1S w/ Strike Packs 1/12 Scopedog, Round Mover set and I need to get a cheap loose 1/48 valk to finally do CA's VF-1D kit, and I've got a set of FPs for it, and Dev's Minmei guard moon act decals.... so yeah, anyone got a cheap loose 1/48? I'd prefer a DYRL scheme simply bc/ it means less paint to strip.... Stuff I'd like to buy are the SV-51 when it comes out, the 1/12 VOTOMS RSB Weapon set when it comes out, and probably one more 1/48 of some variant... my 1/48 copllection right now on display is my totally detailed out Hikaru 1J with GBP (my favorite) and my CF (my play valk.)
  13. Taka, that is one impressive 19... I can't wait to get a set of decals and detail mine out... sort of like yours, except with some paint as well (I'm very anal.) Cmon guys, some of you others have to start making them look real nice sooner or later!
  14. Pat Payne, it's a Gladiator in Macross (Archer in CBT, Spartan in RT i think) but thanks for the ep. reference... doesn't Max pilot a Tomahawk too? I've got a screensot of what looks like Max hopping into the cockpit of a 'Hawk... I was kinda hoping there'd be some shots of other Destroid crew in the episode along with some good detailed Destroid action... thanks for the help!
  15. Hmm.. I;d really like to find one for a reasonable price as well... but all I;ve seen are way absurd.
  16. That looks really nice so far... but I think some shading wtih a dark wash and/or a drybrush of slightly lighter tones could bring out a lot of the detail... can't wait to see it once you decal it tho.
  17. I really like the guy who did Alphonse in FMA as Hikaru... and Max and Kaz sound pretty good... Glovol (Global?)'s kinda goofy, but I think that's alright... Roy's the one who irks me as a total miscast tho...
  18. Haha.... oh... maybe it's just me then. I was actually pretty impressed with most of the voice actors...
  19. That little fig is one of my favorites, and as I'm currently woring on a 1/72 Tomahawk kit, ive concluded that 1/60 would be the best size for them... now if only we can get someone to make them!
  20. I don't mean to come off as snobby or anything, but to be fair, all you had to do to figure out the FPs is read the review on the main site: Review Backpack flap position Couch piece mounted It's got nothing to do with the fact that I wrote it, but as Graham always tries to remind people, there's more than just a forums here. Hope thse pics clear up any discrepancy that might be left.... I remember having similar issues when I got my first set.
  21. I must admit, that for a Masterpiece, it really doesn't seem to add much of anything... while we can't say yet because it isn't out, im willing to bet that for playability it;d still be better to track down a Gakken (one of my favorite toys ever!) and for the best detail and proportions, a kitted out model would probably still be better. I will give them points if they stick with swappable hands tho.... while I think posable hands are fun too, Toynami has already prove they can't make good ones, and in the end swappable posed hands will just always look better...
  22. I can understand some people sentiments about not liking the look of it, but the problem with the Tread really is that it;s a big goofy design with an odd transformation I think, and that fact can be abused to make it overpriced due to size alone... as far as I can tell, there;s not alot of detail that can be added to a Tread without going nuts like on that one lineart with all the antennas and such and that would just be more than a toy can handle... it's really just kinda a big bland design that happens to look prrtty cool all linked up...
  23. You two raise some good points I forgot... sanding down the surface a bit to give it some extra tooth and Krylon Fusion or Plasticote are great, but I still stand by primer and sealer... It's just how I persoanlly ahve always done it. I've found that with some finesse and good high quality materials, you can prime a surface, paint it, and seal it using acrylics and have no detail loss... but for a beginner such a fanciful goal might not be the best. However you end up doing it, let us know! Cheers
  24. Flame nothing... who's the voice-actor? is it the original actor doing English (Maria there? I always forget her name) because I loved everything else, but everythime Minmei came on, I couldn't help thinking it was either a faked accent or some form of impediment... maybe that's just me. It's not that I can't handle accents, there just seems to be something wrong about how she says everything more than I've ever heard...
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