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Everything posted by promethuem5

  1. Does HotRod have less die-cast? Or maybe the simpler, blockier transformation simply made it a less complex figure? The G1 cars are all pretty slick toys, and I don't really lump HotRod with them anyway...
  2. Wow... it certainly does look nice so far. It's too big for me to put anywhere tho... I was thinking something about 8"x10" and high enough to angle over would be good for an individual 1/72 mech... you're going full out diorama material, which looks awesome, but just isn't something I'd have room for. Can't wait to see it finished, and then when people get it painted up...
  3. Hey, thanks for the overview of the aftermath... and am I the only one who thinks that 'some guy' named Alex would make a great followup in this style, both comic and movie?
  4. I feel like I saw the twopack at least once, but I didn't notice any issues with it... from the pics I've seen, I thought the Prime alright... sort of equivalent to the Robot Masters Prime which was like a mini MPConvoy... maybe I didnt look too hard tho.
  5. The jaw on mine comes off when you open the jaw, but not when you move the head. It' not terrible, but a tad annoying... and its a small bit so it's something to pay attention to. Alright, one more thing... melee weapons for the SoC Evas... waste of time? The hands can't hold any of the CQC weapons... kinda disapointing. The Spear of Longinus barely stays in place bc/ it's tapered, but the Sonic Glaive is worthless... wish there was a thrid set of hands for holding the straight handled weapons... Mihgt just donate the Spear and Glaive to the SPEC Eva.
  6. I look at that guy's reviews for the images all the time... never bothered to translate it tho... I figure it'll be a fun action figure, not a big replica like the Yamato.
  7. The SoC Eva weighs more than the SPEC, but the SPEC really is far more posable... I just still can't help think it feels less solid than the SoC... the whole inner body EASILY could have been diecast, and I'd have happily payed for it.
  8. I wish the final stand had more action, but i just got back from 300 and it was clearly one of the most ball-grabbingly amazing action films ever made. I;m gopnna have to see it a few more times...
  9. I don't think I've seen any Hotrods/Rodimus around here... Ive seen like 2 SS, one of whcih I picked up... lots of Primes and a few Megs, and the last time I checkd a whole bunch of JFs... the Prime/UM mold is one of the best in a longtime... really really fun figure, and it looks great!
  10. Both my Blue 00' and SPEC Eva arrived today... I was absolutley thrilled when I got home to find both packages. Got both out and put together... the SPEC Eva is simply gorgeous, and incredibly detailed and articulated... it still looks a tad bit poofy in the chest and thighs like I was afraid of, but that's not big deal. For a durable feeling and FUN to play with toy, however, the SoC Eva wins hands down...I'm already flippin it around my desk and stuff having a blast. I'm so pleased with both...
  11. Sounds like for less than 20 bucks, it will be a greatly fun to play with figure... and sizewise, it will go with my Revoltech figures very nicely.
  12. I think Bandai and Takara are pretty even wtih each other... the Actric Gear figure itself is pretty solid, I should have clarified that it's mostly the extra stuff that's fiddly like the armor flaps and the hand rails and the TC weapons (especially the waist weapons.) The actual figure actually feels far superior to an HCM, wtih gret tight joints and good balance, but when all put together, it's not quite the sum of its parts. It also looks much more unfinished out of the box than say, an HCMPro, with almost no paint and those ugly unfinished arm backs. FM, I grabbed the MX TCScopey just because of the price... I hope it;s a nice figure. Does anyone else have the Max Factory VOTOMS figs? Are they well built and durable?
  13. Yipee! Thanks so much for all the great pics so far.
  14. I've got one Actic Gear... the Turbo Custom, and honestly, I'm not as impressed with it as I was with any HCMPro figure I got... it looks alright, but it's super fiddly...
  15. Chekc out www.mahq.net for a visual lisitng of all the VOTOMS designs, including the funky manga side story designs and some interesting ones from the games.
  16. I'm curious how big you're shooting for and how much detail and 'stuff' you want it to have... a hangar dio would be a fantastic thing to have, and I've always toyed with the idea of making one for myself, but I'd like to see what you're aiming for before I commit either way...
  17. Hmm.... I just finished NGE last week, and while I thought it was pretty fantastic (finishing with EoE was so much more fulfilling than the TV ending,) I simply can't see any reason for this... I just want to see stuff for the new films.
  18. The Yamato figure is one of my favorite toys of all time... I simply love it. f you buy the original one, at least one accessory kit is a must for the extra joint-locking bits they come with, allowing for some more off balance poses and such. If you want one definitive Scopey, I'd get the latest release Red Shoulder Scopedog (v2) with has lots of joint fixes including ratchety ankles, and some nice clear armor parts to show off the inner detail. The lack of a pilot figure kind of stinks, but since I HATE Microman figures (SOOOO friggen cheezy and delicate,) I'm more than happy to play the waiting game to find the MUCH nicer looking 1/12 Chirico... All in all, you will NOT be dissapointed with the Yammie Scopedog, but in reality, yes, it IS a very big toy. And as for the HLJ discount on the MF Scopedog figure, I broke down and ordered one along with the display bases I needed, so, how ARE the Max Factory Scopedog figures?
  19. I would buy a Classics Arcee, maybe Galvatron, and definetaly Cosmos. I like to own one definitive version of every character (which explains why I am no longer buying Decepticon Alternators) so guys like Jazz and Sideswipe are already covered in BT/Alts.
  20. What results have you guys gotten wtih some of these producst hand-brushing... I know that Valeijo Matte Medium works great brushed on, but something like Micro-Flat brushes on glossy...
  21. Goddammit... my HLJ order JUST shipped, and now I notice this... I really hate buying from HLJ bc/ I miss like half of what I went there to buy everytime bc/ the godawful search never finds everything... I spent hours looking thru every VOTOMS and Scopedog item and that never turned up, just like I went on there to find modelling supplies/detail bits and this one kidn of display base for mecha kits and then right after my order was done, i found them in someone else's link, so horribly hidden in the wrong section it;s a wonder they were even selling. And yet, I know I'll be happier with the Yamato RSC Scopey anyways...
  22. That WOULD be nice... MGSPO would actually be the perfect portable game with that.
  23. I must admit, I've got the first PSP SOCOM, and I'm really not impressed with it... I like realistic stuff more, but I find SOCOM simply frustrating... not very fun, and kind of a drag to play... by the time you figure out the objectives and die enough times, it feels like a chore.
  24. promethuem5

    1/48 GBP-1S

    With your customs luck, being able to ship within Canada is worht every penny DA
  25. promethuem5

    1/48 GBP-1S

    For the much shipped, I would be pretty happy... it really is an amazing piece, and you will not be let down, even for a bit more than that.
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