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Everything posted by promethuem5

  1. My SPEC Eva took a shelf dive today... no damage, but I've realised that I really don't like it very much. If not for the amazing articulation and all of the accessories, I'd be willing to trade it for a normal SoC Eva... it's just not the same, or as much fun.
  2. I really wish the various OVAs would be released in English as well... there are a whole bunch of them and it's just not fair!
  3. Wow, I really want an SoC Unit 02, but $90 is alot! You are one determined fan... but yeah, Bandai HAS to re-release it at some point... I'd much rather an SoC Unit 02 than getting an innevetable SPEC Eva 02.
  4. Not to start a whole debate, but I know you aren't buying Yamato bc/ of the valks, but the VOTOMS stuf is really nothing like the Macross Yamato offerings... they're big chunky mechs with tons of fine detail that hold together amazingly... I strongly believe that Yamato can make some amazing toys, and the biggest problems they face are the limited space on valk designs compared to the massive playground of space avaliable to work on something like a Scopedog.
  5. The boobs on the Fyana figure do look wonky... they are like, too outwardly angled, and have a huge cleavage gap
  6. That's a good point actually... in the pics at least, the helmet is much whiter than the suit... And does this mean there'll be no more Gundams from you?
  7. Glad to see a Fyana figure... I just finished Uodoo city, and got Kummen Jungle Wars in the mail to start, so now along with the RSC w/ weapons Scopedog, I really want a Brutishdog... poo... these things are expensive and take up alot of space... glad to hear about a generic AT Pilot as well... now that the RSCw/wepons is comming out, I wanted someone else besides Chrico to pilot my v1 Scopedog w/ Round Mover... whcih I ahve decals for and need to weather up still.
  8. Very slick. How does the kit come presented? A big sprue for each part, or just a box of bits with lots of flash and such?
  9. Haha, I like it. Shinji is a bit of a turd at times, I also like 02 more than 01... I'm trying to get my hands on an SoC Unit 02 to go with my 00'. it's kinda hard to do 00''s death scene, bc/ that would involve making the figure all bulgy and pus-ey.... and gross
  10. Wow, sounds awesome if we could find a video somewhere... is that basically all the intro Takara gave Rodimus until the movie was shown?
  11. If you look on the bottom of you browser (in FireFox at least) it shows the text of the URL as you hover your mouse over the link... for alot of the items the English link text tells you what it is. The first releases, the Yellow Eva, the grey guy, the Black Lagoon chick, and the special repaint Eva-01 seem to be the only RTs he has tho...
  12. I don't believe so. I got my SPEC and SoC Evas at the same time, and honestly, even tho the SPEC is more posable, I like the SoC figure a WHOLE lot more. The mostly plastic frame on the SPEC Eva isn't fantasticly tight, but not floppy either... altho with the die-cast leg armor on, the sideways swivel on my right hip doesn't hold very sharp poses due to the die-cast weight. The only joint I find any issues with on the SoC Eva is the knees and very sharp angles due to a combination of the mostly die-cast construction and that I suspect the ratchety bits are slightly worn, but it holds basically every pose I put it in anyways. The SPEC is more articulated, mostly in the arms, but I find that aside from the lateral arm movement, there's really nothing the SoC Eva is actually 'lacking'... and the SoC Eva is a whole lot more satisfying to play with, hefty, and durable feeling. Another thing is the hands... while the SPEC Eva has a hand for every situation, I find that aside from some melee weapons, the general purpose two-pose hands of the SoC Eva are just as useful and more fun, and remove the need to have extra hands lying around, either for display or posing. All in all, while the SPEC Eva really is the definitive figure of the Evangelion, if someone wanted one Eva figure to display and play with, I would have to recommend the SoC Eva, hands down.
  13. Here's the main image page... The 7th row down of photos is Revoltech figures... if you press the link under the bold ehading, you get a text list of links to toys, and thru trial and error you can find tons more toys than seem to be photo linked on the above page...
  14. Glad to hear they are at least fun...I nabbed the TC SD for a Revoltech price, which is around where I see them being appropriate anyways... I wouldn't pay $50 for a Revoltech, so why would I pay $50 for a Revoltech-esque figure from another mfr? As for holding poses, do you mean simply balance issues on extreme angles, or as in sagging joints?
  15. Those Fewture Getters sure are gorgeous, but man are they expensive and hard to find...
  16. I don't believe I've got any chips on my original release Hasbro MP-Prime, and I handle it relatively frequently. SUcks that the later issues have more chipping... it looked like the more matte finished stuff on the new Hasbro one with the DVD might have paint problems...
  17. I'm going to assume a small drop of super0glue would be best for the PVC thumb, bc/ I'm not sure if plastic cement will work on it... And honestly, I the joints on the Microman Chirico probably aren't stiffer, bc on a whole Microman figures are made of real cheap feeling ABS plastic that loosens up real easily.
  18. I've been TOLD that Micro-Flat will airbrush on flat, but I'd believe you if you said it won't...
  19. Those articulated hands look great! And Graham , the thumb on the Yamato comes off as well to mount the gun, but the peg is at an angle, so it doenst fall off once you put the gun on... I havent had any problems with it.
  20. I gotmy HCMSazabi, but my E-Sazabi is still on preorder from BBTS... the HCM Sazabi is more for dsiplay, but the E-Sazabi is gonna be for much more playing with. Glad to hear it is a good figure... I'm looking forward to it.
  21. Twenty five dollars? Good Christ that's cheap... I'll admit the 20th Aniv. Prome isn't worth nearly as much as the earlier release MPConvoy, either Takara or Hasbro's... the paint work on 20thAniv Prime is way too bright and colorful, even if it is somehwhat closer to the cartoon.
  22. I'd like to think that Dave finished by now I like to us Tamiya spray paints and Testors Model Master spray paints... they are a tad expensive, but really nice since I don't have an airbrush.
  23. I FINALLY got my HCMPro Sazabi... gave up on the BBTS preoder and got it from HLJ (on SALE!) and it is simply gorgeous. One of the best HCMPros by far. I just wish it had a way to display the deployed funnels...
  24. Ha, the Yamato Scopedog has all of these... 1. Big Chirico figure, made of proper materials with proper joints... ALL Microman figures suck. 2. The Scopedog has big PVC hands, but they are solid... the only thing for the gun hand is the removable tumb, which is pretty tight once in place. 3. The whole interior is waaay solid on the Yammie. 4. I consider the four hands, three MG ammo clips, two sets of punching arm plugs, and all the removable armor plenty of accessories. 5. Not floppy, but flexible enough antennas to not be at risk. 6. Visor is nice and tight, and incredibly detailed both inside and out. 7. Details GALORE! And yeah, the HCM Saabi is gorgeous. I say you still need to grab the Yamto Scopedog... you haven't had a true Scopedog replica until you get the 1/12.
  25. Yeah, the one that should have been included with most of the RideArmor toys... Stig only uses the big blocky rifle from the Gakken like twice.
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