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Everything posted by promethuem5

  1. Funny thing is, JF's Tomahawk looks just like yours.. and that's a good thing! Great work as usual JF... the details really pop after your treatment.
  2. Hm, I really like the over-stylized look of the RT TF figures... but judging by the reactions by people from a few recent revisualizations of things, I'm in the minority. And I'm still baffled by how long it took for a US/Hasbro rerelease of Soundwave... I remember getting my Japanese reissue Soundwave for Xmas like three years ago.
  3. Yeah, Gung-Ho there has always been one of the Village People...
  4. Interesting, but I had more fun watching the Japanese Spider Man videos linked to it...
  5. Was X-com Interceptor the third-person shooter where you were the robot? I played that one and while it had nothing to do with X-com really, I remember it being a really entertaining third person shooter for a twelve year old...
  6. Those stupid bladed columns were really frustrating, and one of the two bits that I remember distinctly challenging me to not finish the game (the other being the super fast moving wall in the challenge of Posieden that you have to hide in the gap to avoid...) There are two of those columns, and the second one unfortunately makes the first one look like a cake-walk, but if you give yourself alot of time to sit there and retry, you'll get it, but it does take patience... after a few tries, get up and take a breather or you'll get controller-throwingly angry. However, the endgame is so utterly mindblowingly epic that it makes up for those puzzles in quite good fashion. You really do owe it to yourself to finish the game at least once because it really is one of the best endgames I've ever seen.
  7. Interesting idea to have G1 repaints... as someone said on the tfw forum, Hasbro is going to rake in the cash in truckloads with all this merchandising... I do like the look of the movie Prime figure... much nicer than the movie designs.
  8. I noticed the slick looking Tau Battlesuits on the one shelf...
  9. The suit looks good... real good... wish I was a bigger fan of the current suit design While I'm sure I'm in the minority, I think it'd be sweet if the iconic classic suit, or the cyber-punky Heroes Reborn suit (my personal favorite) or the Modular suit (staple suit of the 90s...) showed up...
  10. Im pretty sure people decided MPSS is around 1.60 in Fighter mode... he looks best with the 1/60 Macross jest IMO.
  11. This really shouldn't be that complicated, and there is no reason to even consider not transforming the toy. All you need to do is unassemble the area, sand down the contact area, and reassemble, and i will work fine... really, all that is wrong is that the part was made a tad bit too large, and as such, it is a very tight snap, but still works.
  12. I just wrote "Sucker" on my forehead so they'res no question...
  13. I can't see why they wouldnt be included, seeing as the arm guns have always been Hot Rod's thing...
  14. I've always used nail polish, and while it can scrape off, I'd rather that then risk gluing the joint solid like I probably would.
  15. Hmmm.. I certainly hope the unicron.com one is alright... I bought one when BBTS was selling them but have never gotten to try it out because my Uni is in storage...
  16. I don't mind alot of the variances at all... but I can understand that the longer nosecone will be in the way in Battroid mode (just like it does on the MPC) and I also think if they are tweaking things, they should add some kind of neck.
  17. As for lighting... all I'm going to say is: try and watch Blade Runner on an LCD TV... after much experimentation in both light and dark rooms, I am convinced it cannot be done.
  18. I'm kinda assuming it's a stand in to be CGI-ed over later, but I don't understand why he needs a crazy glowey thing on his chest anyways... the chest plate is just supposed to be a big clunky pacemaker.
  19. Wowser, that's one of the worse Bayformers so far...
  20. The 'new' Eva looks fine... just more green on the design, which I kinda like. I don't like the new NERV logo tho, for the same reason others said, it's just too busy. I'm excited for these movies!
  21. Not sure what's on his tank-top, but RDJ def. looks good as Stark there...
  22. The Tlead line-art I've seen before... always thought that's how it should look, but damn, that color pic is AWESOME. You show me the toy that can do that, and I'll show you a happy buyer.
  23. Does anyone have a pic of the mouth under MPC Convoy's faceplate? It sounds dumb, but I'd like to see it without mucking with mine.
  24. The final outcome of Insturmentaility aside, that's about how I reconciled the different endings as well... and besides, Shinji's such a wreck for the ending that you could explain all of the TV ending as his mental fabrication without any bearings on what really happens, therefore allowing him to 'snap' back at the end of the TV series to when everyone applauds him just in time to switch over to his rejecting Insturmentality in the movie. And that's what I'm sticking to
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