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Everything posted by promethuem5

  1. It is in fact true... my group and I were not aware so we didn't stay, but I have since heard what w missed... I agree with the above guys, it waslly just wasn't swashbuckley and antic-filled enough like the other two movies...
  2. promethuem5

    Please Read

    I emailed HLJ about it this afternoon as well... I think they are away right now tho, bc/ I placed an (BIG) order yesterday and it said it wouldn't show up until Monday anyways....
  3. Yeah, wolfx... major spoiler warning there... I at least changed the text color so people wouldn't accidentally see it..
  4. Yeah, I too want that middle image seamless and Hi-rez... it's gorgeous. I really like the proportions of the PlaMo Scopedog, andthe CG 'Dog looks fantastic!
  5. promethuem5

    Please Read

    I hope not...
  6. I have every intention of going to town on the new Bandai PlaMo Scopedog when it comes out... I've got a pair of Wave Scopedog kits, but the new Bandai kit is going to blow them all away... it;s the kind of model kit release VOTOMS has needed for ever. EDIT: HLJ has the Yamato Brutish Dog on clearance for about USD$115... just snagged one for myself... and preordered the PlaMo Scopedog, the DMZ Turbo Custom, and the SV-51.
  7. Very nice news... there's enough there to make me consider buying a second...
  8. Well, if you've found a much better paper supplier, I really hope you reconsider shutting down operations... I've got multiple sets I could use and have never had a problem waiting for stuff from Devin or anyone.
  9. I LOVED the first one and really liked the second one, but my friends and I hit the 8 oclock opening screening last night, and while alot of people in the theatre were chearing and such at the end, but my friends and I fekt rather underwhekmed.... I'm rarely a movie hater or anything, but I just felt like alot of the movie was just sorta stupid... don't get me wrong, it LOOKED amazing and had some decent action (esp, in the end) but I felt it was missing alot of what made the other two so charming. I felt that this one took itself a bit too seriously in many parts and... (spoiler) Chow Yun Fat's character was waaay under-utilized and died much too early. I wanted to see him laed ninja-pirates and spread some EITCo goons all over the walls... and Jack Sparrow just seemed kinda crappy and annoying... the movie seemed more about Barbosa and Davey Jones, and Jack's halucination scenes were just annoying... and Calypso was basically unnecessary and anti-climactic.
  10. Different extra loadout equipment and different base Scopedog... the Red Shoulder Custom is a standard Scopedog with extra weapons (backpack, shoulder mounted missile pod, smoke launcher, arm gun, and waist mounted gattling gun and missile pod.) The Turbo Custom is a different model Scopedog with different Turbo legs... check out the picture Graham posted.... the new grey legs are what makes it a TC. Sounds like October will be a good month... the TC is one of my favorites... and I already said I'd buy both Yamato and Takara TCs if the DMZ comes out first.
  11. To be fair, a proper TC release should come with all the equipment, which would fairly price it around there when the DMZ-01 and weapons sets...
  12. That's the kinda release news I've been waiting for.... looks like Takara will beat Yamato to the TC. Guess I will be getting that one, and I'm still debating the RabidryDog...
  13. 13cm is a good solid size for a nice playable figure, and the sculpt looks amazing...
  14. Ooooohhhh.... I'm an idiot then. Stinks that they will only do SPEC figures for the new Evas.
  15. Hmmm... the gimmicks do sound neat. Maybe I will put this on preorder and forget about it for a while.
  16. He's got a point on the Psycho... it's a nice looking Gundam, but its Mobile Armor mode os pretty stupid. Still... a 1/144 Metal Psycho is going to be waaaay expensive!
  17. Retracting Head, do you mean the Microman figure's arm went limp, or the Scopedog's? Mpchi you might be right about the RabidryDog... at first I thought it looked odd bc/ some of the HLJ photos make it look really bloated and wide, but I think that might just be an odd perspective bc/ the other shots make it look like a pretty neat Scopedog-esque variant. Thing is, it's listed at about $140, which is alot, and actually more than I've payed for either of my Yamato 'Dogs...
  18. IG looks amazing... but it doesn't look like it has knee joints, which would be a big disappointment for me. What differences were there really between the TV series and movie Evas? I watched them right after another and didn't notice much of anything... nice to see some Angels tho... hopefully they are nicely articulated bc/ they will fit in with the SoC Evas fine as well... which is good seeing as the SPEC Eva is a crappy toy.
  19. I might actually buy the OVA Getter 1... neato design that usually has really odd proportions in figure form (alot of gokin Getter 1s have really large flat torsos... esp/ the Aoshima ones.)
  20. I like the look of the SD with Roundmover, and especially the new hands, but I've already got a Dog with Roundmover... and that one only comes with a bazooka as well...
  21. Hasegawa decals and decal solutions usually don't mix anyways... They're really an odd duck at times.
  22. I always liked the funny things they'd say after you clicked them a whole lot... the Siege Tanker would start cheering and the Marines would just get royally pissed at you.
  23. Yeah, as accessories to the DMZ 'dogs the Microman figures are probably OK, but I really, really hate Microman figures with a passion... so much potential and so much articulation marred by crappy materials and completely inconsistent finishing.
  24. I sense a theme with your toys... That's kinda what I expected tho... that the Strike is a nice toy, but the Microman figure is crappy and the bazooka is heavy. I wish the DMZ line would hurry up and release a Brutish Dog or something or I'll end up getting the 1/12 BD as well. Maybe one of the two lines should finally release some Turtle variants instead!
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