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Everything posted by promethuem5

  1. Mine's in the Processed for Shipping que on HLJ
  2. I almost bought the Bunny-eared Spec ops figure, but it was at a US comic shop and like 30 bucks so I didnt... looked real nice, just a tad expensive.
  3. Hasbro actually just released some wretchedly bad looking fake-Revoltech type non-transformable figures of like, Megs, BB, and Barricade.... they're supposed to be more movie accurate and articulated to make up for the non-transforming, but they look like arse....
  4. Yeah, it looks weird metallic on an otherwise Olive Drab mech...
  5. APO, you might be thinking of the Yamato RS which has a metallic red shoulder... IMO it looks cheezy and toy-like on an otherwise serious and gritty design.
  6. You can see some chipping and stuff added on if you look closely, but there's not much to the weathering, bc/ it's not like it will have dirt on it or anything... but there's some weathering there.
  7. Thanks for the great pics! I cannot wait to get my hands on one, but i know it'll be a ways off, but your shots really help! Are the wings sagging with the boosters bc/ you've got the wings straight? In the anime, it looks like the wings are bent with the boosters equipped.
  8. Wow. Aside from the terrible seam running down the middle of the 'Dog's torso (which seems to stick out extra on yours,) that looks awesome. They really did a great job on the weathering and detail for both the dog and the extra weapons. However, I sitll cannot wait for my Yamato RSC, which is going to be over-detailed mecha porn.
  9. Goddamn that is a good sight... I cannot wait... too bad I have to wait until I go home in October to check mine out. *tear*
  10. I find microman figures hideous no matter what, so all that really matters to me is the helmeted head so he can pilot the 'Dog.
  11. Woowee! Posable hands and a sweet alt. Chirico? The TC looks amazing... it's saying 'paint and decal me' to me.
  12. In that case: Hooray!
  13. Why is the 51 from HLJ now showing as Aug. Restock? Does this mean the whole first shipment sold out on preorders and I'm not getting my preordered bird yet? I was a a rather early pre-orderer.
  14. Ahhhh.... give us some pics! Please?
  15. Sweet. I'm in no rush to get it, and the Chirico figure sounds rad. I'm trying to figure out how I'm gonna manage to display 5 Yamato Scopedogs... actually, 6 once the RSC comes out. Gah... EDIT: Just looked on HLJ and What the hell is this?? That's the best way to get one of the 1/12 pilot figures I've seen... totally unfair.
  16. The extra cover piece is forced out of behind the head by pushing the head laser down... that might help.
  17. To be fair, I do occasionally enjoy waterslide decals... I usually find it a pain, but sometimes it's not that bad... just anything over Yamato stickers.
  18. Stickers do not equal fun. Give me Tampo printing all the way.
  19. Not really alot to that weapons loadout, is there... Hopefully one of the good fansubbers gets right on this series as it comes out, or else heads will roll. (I'm suuuuper excited!)
  20. Yeah, I was gonna mention that you really need to paint the launchers... why the heck are they clear in the first place? Alright... new question... I just saw some pics of Ultimate BB, and I've gotta ask, wtf is $90 paying for? It's mis-proportioned and cheap looking... what happened?
  21. If I liked the figure more, I'd be willing to find a 400% Eva to combine parts with my weak-hipped SPEC Eva, and use the weak hips on the 400% Eva, leaving it as a display figure, and haveing a more durable play figure of the normal Eva and all the accessories... but, I still like the SoC Evas better so, eh.
  22. I should hope they fixed the hips... the poor hips on the first SPEC Eva completely ruin an otherwise impressive toy.
  23. Oooooh... you're killin me with those pics. I've ben wanting to grab Leader Prime and Brawl for a while and repaint them, because really, such complex designs just scream for detailed paint jobs. WW Grimlock is amazing, and I would LOVE a WW Prowl to go with him... Prowl is one of my fav characters, and the WW design is just gorgeous.
  24. Indeed.. it's well worth registering to see... the SM forums are a great place for all of the modelers here anyways.
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