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Everything posted by promethuem5

  1. 1. Armored Trooper VOTOMS (best mecha designs ever) 2. Evangelion (not really a mecha show, but more an unrefined work of self-expressive art that amazes me every time) 3. Gundam 0083 Stardust Memories/Last Blitz of Zeon (Kawamori does Gundam better!) 4. Full Metal Alchemist (just too amazing for words) 5. Eflen Lied (such a ridiculous bloodbath of a series) Look at me, I'm a mostly main-stream anime whore!
  2. Alright... does anyone know why the Yamato 1/12 RSC Scopedog is not out but the stand-along RSC weapons set is? I'm waiitng to ship an hlj order until it gets there, but I'm getting sick of seeing Sept. Release instead In Stock.
  3. That is stupendous work. Really impressive.
  4. I am seriously considering splurging for a PS3 at Christmas time... a kid on my floor has Resistance and just finished Heavenly Sword and they are both incredible looking and playing... and besides, MGS4 is simply going to be amazing.
  5. I really want to get Iron Gear and BainKafu... all I have right now is the 00' Eva, which I love.
  6. So like, Mortal Kombat/Street Fighter with mechs?
  7. I've always found MAHQ a little underdeveloped and not as extensive and detailed as I would like... esp. with older stuff. I realize that it's a fan effort and there's only so much they can do with some of the obscure stuff, but a little more description and explanation on some of the obscure stuff, esp. when there are no pics would be nice.
  8. So how does this game play? Is it an action game, or an FF-type game?
  9. I'm such a slow person to catch on to Indie books, but I just read the Ministry of Space paperback, and it really paint a fantastic and believable world in which only a few key variables differ, leaving it as less of a 'what-if' fantastically history to more of a modified-factual-based historical fiction. Really amazing art and storytelling that left me craving more...
  10. There's something about the fact that I just know Char could take on La Creuset, Arthrun, and Zechs Marquis all at once and win that just makes me tingly... let-alone sicking Armuro on Heero and Kira... Pimp-ass talented pilot heros > whiny babies
  11. If you do a search for Aoshima Mospeada or some such thing close to that, you'll find a large thread a few pages back where we've been talking about these and some other upcoming Mospeada things... haven't heard much news in a while tho past the fact that they are the Toynami ones with some seemingly minor and probably insufficient improvements... basically we're all just in a holding pattern until we here some post-release reviews... No worries.
  12. The 1/12 kits are kinda clunky, but with a little work you could a fun armored soldier figure... I don't have any of the transformable kits, but I know they are extremely delicate.
  13. That is simply amazing. I cannot even fathom how you made the mini Fokker articulated! Really incredible work all-around.
  14. Awesome looking kit... aside from the fact that I have no idea how Hase thinks that's a 1D kit, the only thing I see is that the feet/engines look kinda off with all that orange on them... I dunno if you were going for rust, but not too much rust would accumulate on a part like that, and it's not very subtle. Other than that, the kit looks really fantastic, and the base is nice too. It's great to see some weathering on the plane and the fading done to the orange color, it just doesn't quite go on the engines IMO is all... can't wait to see some more work from you.
  15. To be fair, I cannot think of any way or reason a US live-action Macross movie would ever be made as it is... it's even more niche than Evangelion and that movie didn't actually make it past concept-art anyways...
  16. I'm waiting to have my VF-1J shipped until the RSC Yamato Scopedog comes out... the standalone weapons set is already in stock, so where's the combo-set with figure
  17. An urban camo Garland would be SICK! Give me some totally rad urban gear'ed soldier figure to drive it and it'd be amazing.
  18. That image shows alot of what is wrong with SEED without even getting into the story... wtf is wrong with the guy drawing all the characters for SEED? And yeah, I relish the opportunity to romp SEED-crap designs with some good classy UC stuff.
  19. I'm pretty sure I have the original release of this at home in real nice condition, but have not read it yet... I always assumed that there was more than one book, so I wanted to wait until I could find some of the others. It's got a black cover with a bit Gundam illustration on it of which I cannot remember the details.
  20. Hmm... I feel that these threads have run their course... maybe if you wanted one thread like the aircraft thread for ALL AFVs we could have some discussion, but the subjective polls are kinda unnecessary.
  21. Holy crap man. That's really a stunning piece... glad to see some new stuff from you!
  22. That would be awesome... both bc/ it'd be Dobber's amazing scheme in productiona dn also bc/ the 51 really would look perfect in a standard Russian air-force scheme like that in some Flanker camo.
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