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Everything posted by promethuem5

  1. For me, it depends more on the pose of the valk... if I've got say, an armored valk ready to unload some hurt, I'll put the headlaser forward as well... if it's in a stylish slick pose, I'll go for a 30 degreeish back position... altho I will admit that with the VF-1S, I find that it looks kinda goofy with all four lasers pointing forwards and won't always pose it as such...
  2. Haha jenius... not trying to flame everyone... just completely confounded as to how some people can claim to be big fans and know so little about what they are talking about.... but yeah, this thread is stagnating...
  3. Must admit, the DYRL SDF looks alot better with that paintjob with the Aztecing...
  4. This thread makes my head hurt... How can Robotech fans even be viewing the same stuff as us Macrossists? There's one guy here who claims Yamato toys and Chunky Munkies are of the same poor quality as MPCs (and that 1/48 is a smaller but more expensive scale than 1/55)... there's a guy who doesn't know anything about where the MPC Alpha/Legioss came from... and then there's a guy who wants pewter miniatures of the Robotech designs as if those are a novel idea (Battletech AND Darkhorse models not-withstanding?) God help us if a Robotech movie is made that Robotech fans enjoy...
  5. So, my buddies went back to playing Halo 2 multiplayer this afternoon complaining that 3's Live system was too buggy and the maps are crap and the new weapons aren't that great besides bringing back the Assault Rifle. Not impressed.
  6. Went to the local comic shop the other day and they had basically everything comic related, including old TFs... some nice looking and nicely priced complete G1s... I might pick up the Galvatron, but since I was spending a ton on comics, I decided to go small with the toys, and picked up something I simply couldn't resist since I remember how much fun I had with the little guy as a kid: an Action Master Bumblebee
  7. I always here people mention 1/55 parts not fitting, so I've got to ask: What is differently sized btw/ original and reissue Chunkies that makes accessories not fit?
  8. Valk Addict, what Armored 11 battroid is that? I want one...
  9. Alright... so HLJ should get theirs in a day or two? Is that usually how it works?
  10. So Graham... any word? I was looking at a few places, and online stores still claim a Sept release for the RSC 1/12, and already have their parts sets, but that doesn't look like it's gonna happen...
  11. Translated Hobby mag articles would be amazing!
  12. Yummm.... bike treads! Looks great.
  13. Other Anime and Sci-fi? Sounds like a place for non-Macross anime and sci-fi discussion to me.
  14. Check out dalong.net for comprehensive pics of every gundam kit ever, including boxes and instructions. I have the GP-01/FB that I fully painted and finished and it is simply amazing... currently it's on display at the local HobbyTown model shop all painted up... I've also got the RX-78-2 kit and it is pretty solid but a little more delicate feeling... not finished tho. Seriously tho, they are amazing kits, and can look like decent action figures without painting, but honestly there's no competition compared to a painted model... Wing Zero Custom has some minor naggles tho... delicate hands and not as great construction...
  15. I don't think I've seen a broken Revoltech... which is good, bc/ Kaiyodo has what seems like an otherwise terrible track-record on figure durability.
  16. So, what do we have to do to get that Seeker design in toy form? Seems like a good use of the 6" Titanium line to me...
  17. With a little putty I'd assume they would... I just finished fitting a whole variety of them into a plastic Scopedog kit that they are darned useful little buggers.
  18. A shame... Stardust Memories is my favorite Gundam, and the FMA movie is phenomenal.
  19. I dunno.... I've played some of Gears' singly player and enjoyed it, but no multiplayer... we do play alot of 4on4 Halo across the floor, but I wouldn't find any reason to own it otherwise...
  20. Exactly... for all the hype and time, /how/ exactly does this game make us need an Xbox 360? All my floor buddies are gaga over it "Look at how much new content there is! New guns!" And it looks like a shinier version of Halo 2... with a few new guns and new vehicles... I doubt the campaign showcases the story any better, but I'll withhold judgement until I play it... And yet, I'm still in awe of Resistance, which another of my buddies has... Looks like it's a fun game that runs, but I can't see any reason why we needed two games and a new platform for it...
  21. Halo 2.5 more like...
  22. I don't supposed you know why the Yamato RSC isn't out yet? I assume your Yamato knowledge extends only to valks... but it's a chance.
  23. Hmm... you don't really know the meaning of the term anime... or have any taste.
  24. To be honest, the one thing I keep thinking back to rumble for as actually caring about (or that I actually notice) is the AP sensor in MGS... I always use it and always find it critical.
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