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Everything posted by promethuem5

  1. Not sure how helpful this is, but that's the resin kit that Toynami based the sculpt of the intial Superposables off of... so the hands and heads are probably remarkably close to one another, the the Superposable toys are pretty easy to find on clearance places...
  2. I got 5 of the car shots right... wow.
  3. I didn't finally get my PS2 until X-mas
  4. Why do video-games hate Europe?
  5. Yeha, I really was not impressed by the two-limb figures and as such, did not get any of what should have been some awesome new gestalts...
  6. I'll take both, thank you! Even with MacII being non-canon (or an in-universe propaganda film) I sitll do like the VF-2... the Metal Siren I don't really care for, but I would just love to eventually have a complete VF series from Yamato...
  7. Yeah, Piranacon really is pretty butt-ugly... If they were going to release an animal-centric Decepticon gestalt, go wtih Predaking, or at least Abominus... EDIT: And I'm not sure why US fans would even care about Piranacon, when most of his screen-tme (if not all?) was in Super God Masterforce...
  8. Oh man... I'm gonna have to get the Army color one... thanks for the great pics!
  9. 1/55s, Yamato's Scopedogs, and TFs, and probably more models and Soul of Choghokins...
  10. MP-05 Megatron accessories!!
  11. I don't remember where the shots came from... and I think that my biggest beef with the ankle area is that some par the parts just magically switch between the foot and lower leg without any mounting bits or anything...
  12. I personally cannot wait to get that chance to find out... altho HWR does have some photos of both together from his collection...
  13. There were a couple detailed shots of the head TF, and it looked like alot of sliding out magic panels and whatnot... and I still don't buy some of the armor bits around the foot/ankle...
  14. Truth be told, I've always been a Devestator guy first and foremost... I've got Superion and handled most of the others, but Devy came first.
  15. I think good parts of the Unicorn transformation are BS either way, so I don't expect PT...
  16. Oh man, don't even say 0083 HCMs... I'd HAVE to buy them and then HATE myself for it...
  17. $350 for the 40G at X-mas would be a deal for me... it would make alot of sense to start pricing the PS3 competitively...
  18. From the sound of it, it's just a metallic finish re-release of the Sazabi MG
  19. I got a PM from Mike over the summer that a second run was on the way, but it wouldn't happen until fall/end of year bc/ of other commission work he was doing.
  20. Care to elaborate? I'm curious... The other problem with Hasbro releases is that you could never get that nice looking of a Prime bc/ on a Hasbro mass-produced release, alot of that would come from molded plastic color and not be painted on... IMO molded plastic colors are one of the works things for toy finishes...
  21. TLW, what's in the JP Castlevania giftset?
  22. Castlevania on the PSP comes out soon... who's psyched??
  23. Yeah, that new 1/24 kit looks awesome... glad to see the 1/24 Turtle kits are being re-released as well, and Adler's Nest and Wave have both already issued tweak sets to improve them... now all I've got to do is find a Max Factory vinyl Fatty kit... My RSC yamato is FINALLY processing for shipping from HLJ... mean's it'll be there within two weeks, right when I get home for college break... so many goodies are waiting for me at home... (SV-51, THREE Yamato Scopedogs...)
  24. I would totally buy Leader Prime if not for the fact that I already know I wouldn't be happy with the toy UNTIL I had turned it into something similar to that right there, which is an absolutely gorgeous custom.
  25. 1/72 is aLOT smaller than 1/60... there really isn't any good option for the scales you can chose from (1/72, 1/60 (not really) or 1/48) wtihout either alot of modding and scratchwork, or just buying the 1/48 Ultimate Detail Strike Valk resin kit... you'll notice that there aren't many hangar dioramas or Macross valks out there for this very reason... AND... if you check the main page of this site, you would find tons of details on all the models and toys you are asking about...
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