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Everything posted by promethuem5

  1. IMO it looks real good like that... gives the big guy a heavy cast-metal feel rather than just being made of pieces of tubing... but that's always been my problem with the classic super-robot designs so what do I know?
  2. To be fair, the advantage a double action AB can give you over a single-action is /huge/ if you can train yourself to it... it IS alot of skill and practice more than technology, but the benefits to a skilled ABer of double-action can be big. It's alot more flexibility if you're willing to take the extra time to get used to it.
  3. Both Quoted For Truth! I always felt the same way... why not just re-do the G1 figs with added articulation? How hard could it be?
  4. As far as I know, just one part...
  5. No, the y designates it as a modified 51 with two machine guns in the hip mounts instead of just one on the cannon-fodder 51...
  6. Oh yeah, ENEMY MECHA!
  7. Yeah, gotta go with the VF-0A right now... I'm stil so pissed off at it for looking so nice but being untouchable bc/ of th still not really fixed shoulders >
  8. He's /basically/ the only chracter that matters anyways
  9. Here's a Defender... HEAVILY modded VF-1S Super... (You can see a bunch of other Nichimos in the background... Super CannonFodder Glaug Spartan with missile doors opened up by me Please note that these paint-schemes are ANCIENT and really really bad, but they do prove that I once finished some of these... Just to prove I'm not still as bad as I was back then, here's my last two completed models... Tomahawk Tiger I
  10. The open left hand on my 1J is really loose, which is odd, seeing as I've not ahd any other Revoltechs have loose PVC parts... only loose bit I had was on the non-ratchety joints of my Eva's elbow... kinda annoying...
  11. Uhmmm..... hmm.... 1/60 YF-21 info 1/60 YF-19FP no FB... Any more info on properly fixing VF-0A shoulders, or are we stuck buying still crappy shoulders from hlj? 1/12 Votoms news past Fyana w/ BD release... when are we going to see the generic pilot figures? Are they going to start on enemy designs (there's plenty of variations on the Turtle/Tortoise body to do... noone else does it...)
  12. Same way they explained it the LAST TIME they used this story with Wing... covertly designed advanced prototypes or some nonsense...
  13. I've gone thru a whole lot of them, but don't have photos of many, and haven't finished all of them... they aren't that terrible, but need alot of seam line cleanup... the Destroids and enemy mecha are the best...
  14. Well, I preordered my 51 from HLJ AGES ago and was one of the first in line, so mine was here way long ago during September...
  15. No, it doesn't sound right, but it's totally true... my first was a 1J Hikkie 48 as well, and it's still one of my favs and gets to tote around its GBP now...
  16. As a matter of a fact, I'll be sending Anasazi the 51 sheet later this week along with a number of other sheets for both myself and for sale... they probably won't be ready for a while tho... but they'll be worth it when they're done.
  17. Got my Yamato RSC today and it's mostly amazing!... couple funny things tho. When I opened up the big box, there's the box for the custom parts like if you had bought that seperately, and then the Scopedog in box, but it's weird bc/ it's the version 1 Scopedog, so I was worried at first that it was a surplus v1 'Dog and would suck and nto be able to support the weapons... when I opened the 'Dog up, the tapes on the tray had already been peeled back and folded over, and while the Scopedog looks just like my other v1, it has the improved feet and ankles of the v2 releases... it almot lookis like they are retrofitting surolus v1 'Dogs with improved v2 legs (the arms and hands still have the same v1 quirks). I'm so spoiled with my other 'Dogs having all the small mods I've done to them (extra elbox articulation, tightened shoulders and ankles...) that I've forgotten how weak an OOB 'Dog is. The weapons parts all fit on gorgeously and look great, altho the shoulder launcher missiles are loose just like the handheld launcher from the weapon set.
  18. After a few hours of clear nail polis work, I hearby take back just about everything nasty I said about my 51 yesterday... now that the hips and wings are nice and tight, this thing is AMAZING! Looks gorgeous and is fun to play with now... it can even stand on one foot! I still have problems with two of the missile pods not staying on the wing roots well and I'm not sure how to fix that, but everything else is amazing.
  19. Hi all, This is kinda an odd question that won't take much to answer but doesn't really fit in the newbie area... I was going thru my DVDs and wanted to watch Macross Plus OVA again, and when I opened the Vol 1+2 case, the disk said Movie Edition. The 3/4 disk was there and labeled as such, so I figured I must have switched the disks when comparing them at some point... I went to my Movie Edition case and found a disk labeled movie edition in there as well... weird, right? I popped both in and found the Movie Edition disk in the Movie case WAS the movie, but the disk in the 1/2 OVA case is the first two parts of the OVA, but the disk is labeled Movie Edition and looks identical to the Movie version disk... does anyone else have this? I have the Manga releases, and it is the 'Digitally Remastered' OVA collection that came out to or three years ago. Thanks!
  20. I've never noticed my Metroplex to be really fragile, but I guess it's not really up to the standard build techniques... a reissue Metroplex would be pretty neet, but that's one G1 I don't need a reissue for... but he's still just about my fav G1 figure, and my favorite base-bot transformer.
  21. Nah, it's way too early to announce a second run with them still working on the Nora...
  22. So, got home today and finally got to crack open my 51 and transform it... gota say, it's def. the best looking but worst built of my Yamato valks... it's a big floppy mess with alot of poor fitting parts and while it looks amazing and is really posable, it barely holds together right now.. needs some serious help. The boosters sag the wings, the missile pods don't stay on the hard-points, the hips are super loose (won't stand!) the neck is funny fitting in Battroid mode, the landing gear doors are all loose, and the shoulder design is really flimsy and scary... I'm bugged alot bc/ it LOOKS amazing but feels oh so delicate and messy in my hands... gonna go play with a Yamato Scopedog instead.
  23. I just wish they would make one of the GFF Metal 18-2s without the stupid G-fortress so it wasn't so expensive for something I half don't want...
  24. www.starshipmodeler.com
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