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Everything posted by promethuem5

  1. promethuem5

    M3 VF-3000

    Where is the toy-proto you speak of? I'm not at all familiar with this design...
  2. I can't get the toysdaily site to work... can anyone post the pics of the Beagle Ride Armor here?
  3. Sick. I can't wait.
  4. So, I'll be going to get Castlevania, the new Syphon Filter, and the Starwars Renegade Squadron this afternoon... anyone picked up any of these yet? I'm still not sure if I will get Star Wars bc/ of the controls... for PSP shooters I like the setup where the shape buttons are move and the analog stick is aim, but it doesn't sound like SW has that... Castlevania Rondo of Blood is supposed to be super hard too.
  5. Hooray! Too bad I cannot torrent at school... hopefully someone like, megauploads fansubs...
  6. Not excessive so much as graphic compared to the show... but in reality, the original movie has a pacing similar to DYRL with stupendous action at the beginning, lots of plot with only a little action for the middle, and a climax battle at the end... and yet I still prefer the TF movie over DYRL.
  7. Haha, those are are awesome!
  8. I think you've hit the nail on the need jenius... the design just has alot of small moving parts for a 6" scale figure... that's a big part of why the large Gakken works... more room to work with. If they did 1/6 scale it'd cost a whole lot, but be utterly amazing.
  9. Sick... let us know what you think... I'm still debating picking up the advanced one.
  10. That's bc/ there's probably really two different CGI models for the two modes... I still don't believe designs like Prime can actually transform.
  11. Graham's got personal connections inside Yamato as something of the ringleader of English speaking Macross fans...
  12. Blech... that Avalanche Exia looks even more ridiculous... the only things I like from this new series are the Zaku and the big mecha that's a cross btw/ the Sazabi, ZZ, and Nue Ziel...
  13. I was wondering about the lack of accessories on the Brocken too.... weird.
  14. The biggest thing is the countering of his in-air shots... it's funny, I don't own a PS3 but I've played thru or at least seen just about all of Resistance and Heavenly Sword with my friend who owns one
  15. Crap the HellDiver is GORGEOUS... I cannot wait.
  16. PatLabor 1 and 2 are some of my favorite movies ever... even if you weren't really into anime I like to think they are good movies bc/ they are serious police films as well as some mecha action.
  17. It was just wishful thinking...
  18. Crap.... I WILL buy the new Alphonse (I don't have Unit 2 or 0 cuz 2 is just like Alphonse and I don't really like 0) and I will HAVE to buy the HellDiver, and the new mecha, and Testuijin, and I might actually gave to a getter with that Shin Getter fig.
  19. Works for me. Thanks for the reply!
  20. I think all you really need to do is disassemble the wing parts and clear nail polis all the moving parts... aside from a few cases of lose hips and lose missiles, that's the only big problem and it has an easy fix. It's nowhere near like the 19 which had like 3 different things you need to do as soon as you open the box.
  21. Dude, bundle the remaining 80GB systems with a MG demo... at the new price and with the demo they'll go like nuts at the holiday retail (myself included!)
  22. Agreed... I too would very much like the parts list and instructions for those mini valks and Monster... damn impressive.
  23. Looks pretty solid to me... I just have one question about this part: Does that mean that other toys and such are still good, or are we trying to /really/ focus on just Macross-ish merchandise?
  24. CF 51 Read the armament bit. Starboard side has the MG on the CF...
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