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Everything posted by promethuem5

  1. The design is at fault, but that looks like some finishing worse than Toynamis... the legs look like they were cut off the sprues with a pair of pliers and a hacksaw...
  2. Wowee! Sounds like nothing was done to fix the MPC figure, and maybe even made it worse. Aside from broken hands and general sloppy construction, I never had nearly that many problems with my red MPC Legioss...
  3. I have no problem with the song choices, in fact it's alot of what I listen to (not so much with GHII) it's just the fact that they play the songs over and over and over again... we've got a few GH addicts on the floor.
  4. Just curious, but how much of a fix IS there btw/ Skywarp and SS? I had a few small stress marks, but never anything really bad on my SS so what needed fixing?
  5. I've heard nothing but GHIII coming from my neighbor's dorm on his 360 since Sunday... I'm already sick of the songs.
  6. The camo is actually hand-painted, which is why it's so shaky...
  7. Jenius, you're just full of snippy but right on the money Seriously tho, I have my PS2 and I love it, but I've handled and used my buddy's PS3 alot and I LOVE it but I need everything to be good about it to buy it. It's an amazing platform, already runs amazingly and does everything (just like why I LOVE my PSP) but I'm not getting it if it has stupid letdowns like not being backwards compatible... regardless of the game selection issue. I just dropped $300 on a new graphics card for my PC (GeForce 8800GT FTW on a budget with size-constraints) so I've got plenty of gaming to do as it is...
  8. Alright, I'm confused... how come HLJ only has the advanced silhouette Dragonar listed... that's the one I want anyways, but I want to make sure it comes with the flight-pack bc/ the photos don't show it, but I'm also curious what happened to the normal Spec Dragonar...
  9. I don't think anyone has recasted parts, but I'm also pretty sure the wing-hinges wouldn't come out easily. I wouldn't want to replace them with resin anyways... I figure they'll paint over in grey alright.
  10. Even with that, I'm still not buying a PS3 unless it will run PSOne and PS2 games.
  11. I don't care about realism either for this SS, but the black hinges just don't look right.
  12. Been playing SoTN like a fiend, and also just barely started into Logan's Shadow. Both are amazing as expected... there's some much better stealth opportunities from the start in Logan's Shadow, even with the level being something of a frontal assault. I also downloaded THQ's demo for its Warhammer 40k tactical game... it's turn based strategy like X-com and really really fun.
  13. I'm gonna pick one up at Wally-World no matter what bc/ of the price, and I figure that at that price I can do some paint upgrades myself the likes of which I have not done to my original MP SS.
  14. Why are all of the wing joints black?
  15. Yup, they're extra supports for the Ghost
  16. Hi gang! This is the Wave reissue of the Takara 1/24 Scopedog Turbo Custom with newer tooled parts to fix some of the goofier bits on the mostly awesome and venerable Takara kit. I also decided that it was a bit stiff looking of a kit, and decided to do as much joint-mod work as possible... between the included polycaps, some Yellow Submarine ball-joints, and some Kaiyodo joints, I redid the ankles, knees, hips, shoulders, and wrists. LMK what you think of the new articulation from the photos... I also replaced the gun barrels and main zoom camera and turbo engine nozzles with Adler's nest turned metal parts, and redid the shoulder smoke-launchers from brass tubing. Some various tidbits of PE and plastic details were added, as were weld marks from Aves epoxy-putty. The lenses are Wave option lenses. I also added a few extra greeblies to the camera area, figuring they could be extra sensors to deal with the magnetic interference from an urban enviro. The stowage is some various resin bits, most all from Verlinden's WWII US M3 halftrack set. The camo is a funny mix of influences meant to take the Berlin Brigade camo scheme seen here: http://www.panzerbaer.de/colours/pics/uk_p...ar_camo-006.JPG And make it more urban-camo feeling and more scaled to a large walking machine. I painted the camo with Apple-barrel craft paints, Tamiya acrylics and P3 formula colors... weathering was done with oil paints and drybrushing, along with Citadel acrylics and Tamiya weathering powders and a graphite pencil...
  17. Yup... I got the Voyager PE Brass set for the Tiger and it had alot of good stuff in it without being way too complicated like say, an Aber set.
  18. To be fair, the original VOTOMS series starts off kinda boring for the first few episodes after the first... I found alot of Uodoo City kinda boring compared to the rest of the series, which I am about to finally finish.
  19. That trailer looks great! Forgot to mention my latest acquisition... I managed to get my hands on what I assume is a BOXED original silver pre-TF Shockwave... missing the battery cover, but the electronics still work and the figure isn't too loose... I must admit tho, I think Shockwave actually looks BETTER in purple...
  20. Danth, you're right on where the CMS fig should fit in the market... one can hope.
  21. Thanks LSB... wow, the CMS one does not look so hot... altho, it IS only 1/18 scale, which is Microman scale, which is real tiny. I'd pick up up if it looked like that, was greatly posable in armor mode, and was less than thirty dollars.
  22. I have 6. (Original Scopedog, Melquia forces, Brutishdog (my favorite), 2x Red Shoulder w/ clear armor parts, RSC) (and every weapons and accessory set) Most people prefer the 1/18 DMZ Takara Scopedog toys, but I love the Yamatos... they are huge, mostly plastic (die cast is basically just the handles on the chest and knee and the hip joint piece)... but they are super detailed and have an amazing shelf-presence. One thing tho... make sure to get a later release (not the original Scopedog or purple Melquia regular forces one) bc/ the initial releases have very loose joints (esp. the ankles) compared to the later releases (RSC, RS w/ clear parts, Scopedog II I THINK, Strong Bracchus, Brutishdog...) The only other thing that kinda stinks is the price of the accessories and pilot figures... altho the pilot figs have gone down in price, and they really are amazing figures (incredibly articulated and detailed) and you'll def want a pilot for whichever 'Dog you get. The Yamato Scopedogs are closer to big durable models rather than so much toys (think 1/48 VF-1 vs 1/55 VF-1) when compared to the DMZ... I'm going to be fully painting and decaling and detailing mine sometime in the future tho, so I don't mind.
  23. So.... maybe I should have just bought SotN off of the PS3 marketplace... Rondo of Blood is impossible and I'm debating just dling a save file with all three games unlocked EDIT: FINALLY unlocked SotN... turns out the girl is way better for not dying in Rondo of Blood... having SotN unlocked still manages to make up for the incredibly hard RoB... after never being able to beat Legends or III either, I never really enjoyed the linear old-school Castlevanias much anyways... and SotN still manages to be damn addictive. I'll probably never be able to beat RoB anyways... I bought the game for SotN...
  24. It'll probably give me a bit more challange seeing as I started Castlevania games with Circle of the Moon on GBA
  25. I meant the CMS Cyclone... I cannot see the pics of that bc/ I cannot get toysdaily to load... my bad
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