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Everything posted by promethuem5

  1. promethuem5

    SV-51 CF!!!

    The scheme on the M3 is much better... the tan is soooo light on that.
  2. Oh god... that's all we need... throw in a figure of Yellow in a dress to confuse people not familiar with the series...
  3. Yeah, bc/ then we'll need a Seeker boxed set, and THEN we'll need a 'Every MPC release Boxed Set'
  4. So, anyone check out the TimeShift demo? It FROZE my buddy's PS3 the other day... we're messing around with the Uncharted demo right now and it's pretty solid (and very pretty) PS- I remember playing a Timeshift demo on my PC like 6 months ago... wtf happened to it for so long? It looked completely different back then... now it's just a poorly running piece of crap last-year game with a Crysis rip-off hero design...
  5. Yeah, but look at that cuytaway... the leg parts ARE exoskeleton supports like it's impossible to actually make on the toy...
  6. Really? It'd cost like 400 dollars... do you really not have a Prime yet?
  7. Nah, your experience sounds exactly like mine Knight... the directions are poor and the hips are loose, and comapared to other offerings it doesn't feel quite as solid in Battroid mode, but over all, once you get used to it's quirks, it's an amazing toy. It especially comes together once you fix the hips and realize how well articulated of a figure this is... no loose arms here.
  8. Anime colored SS for a Jp release makes sense... next up oughta be Thundercracker, followed by a new design. The boxed set idea is like trying to put two 1/48 Yamato VF-1s and Strike armor AND GBPs in the same box... there's no reason to buy like that.
  9. Roger... I think I just wet myself...
  10. Oh, sick, so the gun DOES have a built in arm guard... it does look neat on the figure. You're right about the leg armor as well... it would have to be some kind of ridiculous universal joint to allow human flexibility AND be load-bearing... doesn't quite add up. Maybe we'll realize there's a problem when all of our figures start buckling at the knees!
  11. I DEMAND PICS!!!! VOTOMS aside, the reality IS that we've reached a new market where high-cost premium (and large) toys are aceptable. Look at the last five or six Soul of Chogokin designs... GunBuster, Ideon, IronGear, Bai-Kanfu... all fricken HUGE toys. I can't see that 35th Gakken Legioss being any more expensive than somewhat comparable armored 1/55 Super/Strike Valk reissues...
  12. I dunno, I was always on the fence about how the upper leg armor went... weather it was supposed to be linked to the waste and knees like an exoskeleton bit, or just hang off the waste like an armor skirt bit. It works on these little figures they way it is tho, so I won't complain. I'm not sure about the gun either... while maybe not lineart accurate, replacing the forearm armor with an integrated armor on the gun IS kinda neat.
  13. A vs pack of complete MP Prime and Megs would be ridiculously priced... and an unnecessary 'nother release of MP Convoy...
  14. I always found the gun mounted there kinda silly anyways... and I'm pretty sure these are going to be the 'play with in armor mode but know they CAN transform' Ride Armor figs anyways... mostly bc/ of how small the bike is.
  15. SO the nosecone is ALREADY blue and the engine flaps are actually grey under the silver? WOW. I'll have to get ahold of some ISo Alcohol when I get mine...
  16. Yeah, I GUESS..... but that would be alot of work... doable, and maybe even fun, but would take time.
  17. The Toynami's one I probably won't need... unless, I can't recall, are all three different scales?
  18. I hate console FPSes as well, but I actually had a really good time playing thru most of Resistance co-op mode with my friend who owns it. It seems to play much better than console FPSes do for some reason.
  19. But I want stickers ON the detail parts!
  20. What game? Heavenly Sword's Kai sections? You can switch the AfterTouch to the thumbstick...
  21. I'm sorely tempted to splurge for the MP Prime trailer now too... altho the interior would look way better all painted up like the original stickers (or am I imagining that my Prime trailer has interior stickers?) Either way that set looks great.
  22. So you weren't joking about the payment types? Funny... I'll have to keep that in mind for the Spartan (of which I could be convinced to buy two instead of my usual one.)
  23. I would pick up a Dobber 51 for sure!
  24. Looks like a they replace the two one-piece lenses with a two-part outer lens and inner focusing element affair... I'm more curious why it looks like they added some turned metal bits to the mounts... where'd you get this scan from? EDIT: If you're looking to improve the lenses on yours, my best recommendation is to get yourself some Wave H-Eyes from HLJ and use some super bright silver paint on the inside of the scope area... altho I've never been a fan of the silver backing for lenses, as it makes them look illuminated like lights, which they shouldn't be.
  25. Hmmm... so if I pick it up, how am I going to find the other parts? There isn't exactly a WheelJacksLab.com for Go-Bots...
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