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Everything posted by promethuem5

  1. I didn't bother with OP and Megs revys, but Starscream I could do, and Rodimus is rad... now I might have to go back and get the first two...
  2. See... I'm funny with your statement and long-voiced sentiments... I am an avid modeler, but I also have a massive toy collection, and have no problem being told that my modeling side is 'more adult' or whatnot... regardless of weather it's true or not... I'm like the horrible modeler/toy collector hybrid that everyone fears...
  3. Anybody play the Warhammer 40k squad tactics demo? I've played it a few times through and it's quite fun. I almost managed to finish it without any casualties, but then my friggen Dreadnought whiffed a critical and tight lascannon shot and took out my own marine from behind
  4. To be fair, I find that the VF-1 Revoltechs are not anywhere near the best of the Revoltech figures... they're fun and all, but I way more enjoy my Ingram Revoltech and my Dougram ones than my VF-1J fig... the design on a whole doesn't totally make a great action figure IMO... same reason Transformers figures aren't nearly as fun as real Transformer toys I think... (G1 TFs > Action Masters. Always.)
  5. WOW! I would def. get a 51CF if it came in the brown Super Flanker camo... Yamato, listen up!
  6. Hi... I can help you with at least a few of your problems... For the ankle, it's possible you just have a loose joint (it happens)... and the easiest thing to do is probably to unscrew the leg and apply some clear nail-polish to the ankle joint where it is loose... I'd offer more help on how to do this, but I've honestly never taken a 1/48 apart. For the curved wing part, easiest thing to do is set it on something flat and heat resistant (wood block, stone counter-top, ...) and heat the part up with a hair dryer until it gets just saggy enough to be pliable, and straighten the part out... put something like a heavy book on top while it cools to keep it straight. For the chestplate, you have to push the chestplate down and in in a bit, and then it should lock right in...
  7. The CMs one is 1/18, which is Microman/ 3 1/2 inch GIJoe scale... it's pretty small.
  8. Yeah, I saw one tutorial on that, but I'm at school and don't have access to a DREMEL so I'm a little unsure as to what to use...
  9. I've got one teensy stress mark on the wing joint of my MP SS, but I've been TFing it like crazy and playing with it, and as long as those areas are handled with care, I think it will be fine... I think the area is juts ever-so-much too tight there...
  10. HLJ's got them as February, and they seem to usually be pretty accurate...
  11. Interesting. Assuming the quality on these is good, they are a great idea that I will no doubt end up getting... I love the having smaller scale/price stuff to play around with.
  12. You know, I really like where I feel the CMs Corp figure should fit in (small scale Microman style playable figure), but based on price point and such... that photo just doesn't favorably compare them. The MH figure blows the CMx one out of the water there... One thing tho, I noticed that the MH fig pics in armor mode don't show the legs extended... I hope they actually do on the figure, as it can look slightly goofy without the longer legs...
  13. I still don't understand how the CMs figs can be listed at such a high price... what's their justification?? Seems like such an un-competitive price should come back to bite them real quick when everyone goes for the MH version instead.
  14. Here's much better pics of my 1/24 Turbo Custom kit, and some shots of the finished interior work on my 1/20 Brutishdog...
  15. Got my MP SS today... I think the Takara version still had an overall better build-quality, but I do really like this figure, and the Hasbro one is the one I'm actually going to play with... EDIT: Tfed to jet mode, and yeah, the Takara one definitely fit together better overall... it's not bad, just not amazing. There's alot less gaps and such in jet mode on the GreenScream (the backplate that makes up the center fuselage has some funkyness going on in jet mode and doesn't seat quite right, resulting in either a gap behind the cockpit, or one towards tail... not sure if somehting needs to be sanded down a bit or what. The weathering's not too dark on mine, so I'll probably just leave it. I think I'll strip the nosecone tho.
  16. Awesome... the guy selling it said it wouldn't be a problem either. Just wanted to double check as I know next to nothing about 1/55s.
  17. No problem... it was a simple mistake
  18. The CMS toy looks great, but wow, that's pricey...
  19. Those are actually pics of the next CMS Ghokin Ingrams...
  20. Hate to double post, but this seemed worth it... am I the only for whom these slipped under the radar? "Last Red Shoulder" Yamato Scopedog Turbo Custom Yamato Turbo Custom Scopedog I just about creamed myself when I saw Yamato was finally giving these two us... now I'll have to decide if I still want to give Takara's DMZ Turbo Custom a chance in December... New 1/12 Weapons set as well... not that much new stuff in it, but it;s obviously a "Last Red Shoulder" set... I could be sold on another short-barreled GAT and the Tortoise Rocket Launcher (but the Solid Shooter is kinda crappy for the 'Dog to hold...) maybe now that they've got the gun made for the Tortoise, we'll see a 1/12 Tortoise series! Graham, how come we don't get the news hook-up for Yamato VOTOMS stuff like this? I found these preorders by accident on the Yamato USA site while looking for the customer service email...
  21. Well, I'm pretty much sold... those are great looking.
  22. Am I the only one SICK of every new RX-78-2 coming with the stupid G-Armor? It's a ridiculous looking add-on that just makes every 78-2 figure cost twice as much.
  23. Yeah, it'd be tough to do my elbow mod without a DREMEL due to the tough to reach plastic in the corners of the joint... it's not a difficult job once you're comfortable with the tool tho. And a few layers of nail polish does help greatly with v1 ankles and shoulders... Got my Strong Bracchus today and it's missing the crotch armor in the box... arms were in the box backwards as well, but that's more weird than a problem... I emailed Yamato USA for the part and hopefully they will make it right. It's a nice looking variation otherwise.
  24. I think they are usually OD... looks kinda odd in black, more like a bulky leather jacket... looks like the covers kill arm articulation as well, which is a shame...
  25. Hi, I just wanted to check that I would be able to mount a Totakou 1/55 arm on my Transformers Jetfire without any problems... I bought a Jetfire for cheap in sore shape and am working on sourcing replacement parts. Thanks!
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