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Everything posted by promethuem5

  1. I'm excited... gonna have to find a good torrent for it ASAP (no cable at home ...)
  2. Oh man, Animated Magnus is completely battyin!
  3. Oh man, a DMZ Burglarydog would be nergasmic! I would personally love to see the DMZ line charge ahead of Yamato and start releasing some enemy/not-Scopedog designs.
  4. Yup.... and all the while, all Hasbro is doing to kep squeezing money out of the movie is releasing repaints anyway...
  5. I agree with you on all accounts there mp... the DMZ TC was expensive, and the version with the tank-tread armor is far superior. Being my first for the line, however, I'm pretty thrilled with it.... now I'm trying to decide if I don't want another one, but I'm pretty much set on Scopedog Variants, unless they release a DMZ Brutishdog, which I would def. buy.
  6. Got my 'Divers and Brocken today... good thing I got two HellDivers, bc/ one's got super loose joints and is missing some of the alternate hands. That one will need some work, tho I'm not too concerned about the hands, as I've got two figs. They both looks stupendous tho, and the tight one is a blast to pose. Both are way looser than my Ingram and Brocken fig tho, so I wonder if there's not a running looseness there... The Brocken is pure artistically sculpted super articulated porn. Simple amazing looking and feeling, the Brocken might overall be the most posable RT after the Evas... just wish it had some accessories. Overall, very happy with all three...
  7. Got my DMZ Turbo Custom today and I've gotta admit, I'm SUPER impressed! I love my Yamatos and all, but the one I handle the most and actually play with was pissing me off the other day, so I put it aside on the shelf... this new fig was just the thing I needed. It's a much more manageable size for actual play, and has great tight joints with a superior range of movement and balance. The posable hands look good and preform decently due to the light-weight build of the accessories, but I worry about their longevity. The microman Chirico fig is mostly balls, but that's to be expected... just gotta use some clear nail-polish to make the missiles stay put, and I've got my new play 'Dog toy.
  8. Aright, I checked, and what I have is the Director's Cut... maybe the version I have has something to do with it?
  9. I've ot two Helldivers and a normal Brocken on the way..... super excited.
  10. Got my Opening Silhouette Dragonar the other day, and I'm pretty impressed... the shoulders tend to pop out too easily, and some of the armor s a bit fidget, but all in all I'm pretty impressed and it's damn posable. Def. a good looking and mostly fun to play with toy.
  11. See, I find the setting and the JP-Corp world understandable... it's where the film goes within this proto-typical Sci-Fi setting that I can never click with.
  12. See, that's where I still get miffed... I'm all for the noir style an all, but when I watched the film, there were large sequences where I couldn't see a THING bc/ all the shots were so dark...
  13. Haha, wow... not what I expected back I have no problem with classics and such, so don't mark me as an action buff who doesn't watch stuff for the plot... it's just this one film I can't wrap my head around... I've tried and tried and simply cannot see the amazingness in it...
  14. I am sooooo befuddled by everyone's excitement over this release... I saw Blade Runner a few years ago (version w/ the Unicorn at the end I think...) and I thought it was rubbish. It was such a boring and stupid film, and the whole thing is pitch-black so you can't see anything... about the only thing I enjoyed was all the model-work for the vehicles and city shots, and that's only bc/ I've actually seen the main building model in person...
  15. Hmmm... I LOVE my G1 Galvatron... he's got one of the post posable bot modes of any G2 fig. Alt mode is lame, but it was lame in the show and hardly got used anyway...
  16. Gross Yamato sticker on the gun....
  17. I'd split a 19FP with someone looking for an FB as well...
  18. CM's generally makes very high quality toys... I've actually been looking at the Funny Devil fig.
  19. The biggest downer IS the wait for Animated and Classics 2.... I agree.
  20. I have the Galvatron Spotlight and it's pretty rad... I'll have to pick up some more of the IDW sutff once they release more trades... I had not realized how much taller MP Megs is than MP Convoy either...
  21. My friend and I immediately noticed the cinematic MGS feel of Uncharted while playing the demo... it looks solid.
  22. Ha, same break on mine... for some reason the figure has a quasi-ratchet in the shoulders that doesn't really work right... I think TB was still making the figure at that point.
  23. I actually got a replacement Grey Armor Iron Man Marvel Legends figure when mine was defective in the box a few months ago...
  24. Yup... I like the fact that the CMS toy isn't huge either... it makes for a better play-figure compared to something like the MH, which will probably spend most of its time in more of a display setup...
  25. I'm game for any WST fig that comes out... I can't wait to get all the Dinobots once the last one is released... I'd love to get that custom Cyclonus as well... anyone know when it was available and how many were mad?
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