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Everything posted by promethuem5

  1. I pay attention to the credits for pencils in classic IronMan issues...
  2. Nora's always seemed a little unnecessary, but i'd probably buy a CF if it wasn't such an awful color...
  3. That, of course, would explain why i like the art of WWI and not much anything else Dreamwave... I'm an idiot.
  4. I DO love the House of M IronMan... but for Transformers, besides from during The War Within, I think Pat Lee's stuff really doesn't work...
  5. It's true. HWR's one of the greats... but he does make fun of me for doing silly interior details as well
  6. I dunno... aside from the way more detailed aesthetics of the MPs, I find my G1 Galvatron to be one of the most awesome and fun G1 toys I own. I haven't shelled out the unfair price for an orange gun-barrel for mine, but I did all the repair work to the electronics with my dad so now he works and is awesome classic post-Diaclone TF-toy goodness. I've got an MP Megs on preorder from HLJ for once they have the ornage capped versions available for shipping... I'm looking forward to it alot... I've reconciled pretty much everything kinda annoying about him as necessary except the gap on the gun mount and how far the gun sticks off the arm still bug me... funny thing is I also scored a G1 Megs the other day, and am genuinely more excited about getting that than the MP toy for some reason.... Got a G1 Grimlock today with no accessories for around $40 (had a store credit)... I've only got two Dinobots left now, and some accessories... my Swoop is a Frankenstein between two broken ones, but I really like it bc/ I've had the one-armed Swoop for ever now, and finally restoring it back up to a full good figure is satisfying and fun... and way less expensive.
  7. My friend in the dorm room down the hall has a PS3 we play on all the time. He's got alot of the downloadable games, and before X-mas break, I tried Calling All Cars, and honestly, I've never gotten so crazy into a game and driven so nuts by one.... it took me like three hours to beat one round of four levels for an unlockable, bc/ once I started to play it, it was so infuriating at first that I was determined to beat it out of spite, but it ended up being a total blast. Granted I was screaming and yelling and swearing and hollering at the TV and totally worn out afterwards, but it was super fun.
  8. I typically buy mecha toys after I see whatever source material they are from and enjoy it... I've got tons of Transformers (my current binge again lol), VOTOMS, Macross, Mospeada (little bit), and anything IronMan (I intend to own every IM action figure ever.) I bought the SPEC Dragonar when it came out tho, purely on the design. I knew it'd be a very well made product, and it's just a slick and unique design that I really liked... I used to be huge into LotR figs when the movies were out, but I was done with that as the movies finished, and really haven't bothered with too many character toys since (IM not-withstanding)...
  9. Hmmm... RT joints in the shoulders on the movie Ingrams is enough to get me to buy one... crap.
  10. Lookin good... the idea of a CF Ride Armor is good... one thing I noticed that is probably just a prototype thing... on the backpack one wheel-vent thing is down like they are supposed to and one is flopped up like they do on the Gakken... hopefully those are nice and tight and stay downwards on the real toy...
  11. I'm a G1 fanatic. Toy scale means nothing to me
  12. I've never understood why RID/Car-Robots did so poorly in Japan... I remember all the buzz about the Car-Robots toys before RID was announced, and I was psyched... Beast Wars had gone on just long enough for me, but BM was utter garbage and put me off TFs... then along came RID and it was stupendous, even if there was only actually a handful of new toys in it... because all the new toys there were were stellar. Why then, was CarRobots such a disaster for Takara and still only a filler line for Hasbro? Oh and, I LOVED the Animated premier special... and am sooo psyched for the toys. Bulkhead FTW!
  13. Doubtful... altho Micro-Machines or Mighty-Max type articulated mini figs would be badass!
  14. Is there something drastically wrong with Takara as a company that I'm missing?
  15. Asking the guys who designed the toys to take 20 minutes to help the photographers take some actually presentable photos that can only increase sales hardly seems like the kind of drastic move that is going to send Hasbro into a downward spiral...
  16. Well, not having all three as mass retail just sucks... and the Legioss looks kinda fat and odd in battroid mode... but those little Ride Armor and pilot figs are ADORABLE!!!!
  17. Honestly, one Build-King was enough... it's a good looking set with great smaller robots, but it's not a particularly exciting combined mode IMO... functional without being super-rad like some of the others.
  18. If nothing else, they should move like the SV-51 toy's feet do... but you're right, little details like that make a whole lot of difference...
  19. My WallyWorld sucks too... I'm not sure we ever got MP Starscream... and they never get other funky Wal-Mart exclusives... I'm still mad I couldn't find the first Marvel Legends wave variant Stealth Armor Iron Man...
  20. I'd find it incredibly unlikely that Bandai would release the cheaper Raideen without being able to transform... that'd be really stupid.
  21. I dunno... I wouldn't have paid 60 for the one Toynami one I've got (red)... and mine's currently sitting in a box awaiting new hands from somewhere...
  22. Has the first one of these been subbed and maaaaybe available as a torrent?
  23. I just won a STUPENDOUS auction that I'm psyched about! I scored a G1 Megatron and a Kingdam KO Browning with both guns and two out of four fists... too bad I won't be able to get it until my next college break (I don't think the college would approve of two gun replicas like these lol)...
  24. I know nothing about Southern Cross, and I find the designs a little ugly... but Mospeada is really a stupendous series. One of my favs.
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