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Everything posted by promethuem5

  1. VOTOMS > Heavy Gear I like HG, but there's really no comparison... the Scopedog is iconic, while the HG designs (which are just about all the same) are a blatant rip-off. The 'Mech write-up was funny tho...
  2. So, does anyone want a 1st Edition Yamato Scopedog with modded elbows to bend a little bit more? I got no bites in the FS section.
  3. Yeah, honestly, I have no idea how you could seriously get 'Unobtanium' into a film... at that point I can only assume noone has read the script during the entire production process. I want to be able like this movie, but everything about the actual writing of the movie sounds tremendously stupid and unappealing. In the one trailer, there wasn't an original or cliche-free piece of dialog in the whole stupid thing.
  4. The new trailer left me speechless last night. Truly, this will be the best movie ever made (Until 3).
  5. We get it, some people like the toy, and some don't. Just like every other toy. What is the fascination with coming back to a thread over and over again to crap on something?
  6. Haha, I noticed that right away too... I always just google 'Santa Hat' and use the same one...
  7. I'm diggin the Whiplash design... I think it will be cool how they merge the Whiplash character with the Rooskies stuff (if the stuff I've read is to be believed) in-place of a Crimson Dynamo, whom would be awfully anachronistic when compared to the first movie. We've seen later Whiplash incarnations with a more tech-ed up and black leather vibe (like what he was wearing when the Sentient Armor first awoke and killed him). Whiplash was always a total goon and a bruiser and casting someone as gross as Mickey Rourke really plays that up. That said, alot of how well he works in the film will be dependent on how he moves and fights. Fortunately the first movie showed us that Favreau and this special effects team knows how to handle the mechanical interactions and fight choreography with flying colors.
  8. Wow, gwfalcon, you have successfully made the most awful and obnoxious signature ever.
  9. Unassembled cheaper versions are awesome! I almost want one to keep in the box as a history piece. I never woulda thought they'd be on sprues and look just like a model kit.
  10. I wish You would Post useful Things in A useful format. Oh wait.
  11. Potentially stupid question, but are they calling her Natalia or Natasha?
  12. Haha, yeah, I KNOW IV is correct... I always learned it the subtraction way. I asked because lately it seems like we've seen some releases using things like IIII instead, so it'll be interesting to see which they use. Stark is enlightened enough that he would use IV, I think.
  13. I like the shape of the Mk IV chest plate (MK IIII?) It's much more reminiscent with the hard angular shape of things like the Modular armor. Much better than the way-too-sleek Avi Granov suit from the comics and first movie.
  14. I dunno... I remember thinking Sky Captain was really cool, and I LOVE Shoot'Em Up. I guess I just have no taste.
  15. Seriously... did the bulk of MW switch over to some new kind of Kool-Aid or something? It seems like all the 'Toy' threads are full of way more fantasy and nonsense than usual. Also, 5000 posts... wow.
  16. Gonna be the best movie everrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! (Until 3 comes out!)
  17. I think Bandai will release a recolor in pink... anyone else got any wish-list items they'd like to toss out as 'predictions'?
  18. So, the Lucifer is looking really, REALLY good! Wow.
  19. I like the downed Destroid alot... it looks like it took a full barrage of shots from above. I started a resin kit last night... first model I'll have built in a while, but I'm already remembering why I weaned off kit building for a while... it's a Wonderfest affair, and the cast quality is FULL of bubbles!!
  20. Thanks for the link! The figure looks damn good, but the arms flopped right over in ship mode when he took it off the stand. Looks much more balanced and sturdy in robot mode though.
  21. I'm not sure if this has been mentioned, but is the QC on the FAST Packs of the movie ver. DX better than the TV versions? I never got an armored 25 bc/ everyone said the armor always fell off, but is the fit better on the new movie versions?
  22. Huh. Yamato really did a great job improving the AB scheme into a more complex and interesting paint job for Battroid mode. I wonder if they'll actually sell this time.
  23. We have a dinosaur of a Toshiba laptop that we used to use for work, and it still runs better than the pair of high-end Dell laptops we replaced it with.
  24. So don't buy it... I don't understand the thrill of people coming into every thread here and acting like a crybaby. Also, 'too'.
  25. Stupid question but, does CMS offer an US customer service? I realized today that the OVA version Ingram I bought from HLj has two of the same side chest-light covers instead of one for each side, so I can't display it without the chest lights, which fall off really easily. I bought it from HLJ ages ago when it was on clearance and only now noticed.
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